uk/ˈpæn.dæn/us/ˈpæn.dæn/atropicaltreewhoseleavesare used incookingto give aflavoursimilartovanilla(= asweetspice), and can also be used to makefloorcoverings,rope, etc.:
Cookyourricewith pandan then use it tostuffroastchicken.煮米饭的时候加入班兰,然后把米饭作馅填入烤鸡内。
Thefishcamerolledin a pandanleaf.鱼是裹在班兰叶子里烹饪的。

Ivan Mentawai/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thearomaticpandangrowsabundantlyin the Philippines.
- Pandans orscrewpinesare notcloselyrelatedtopalmtrees.
- Commoningredientsin Penangcookingincludepungentrootslike galangal andturmericandaromaticleaveslike pandan.
- Thecustardwas fragrantlyflavoredwith pandan.
- Themenuincludesa few Thaidishes, such as pandanchicken.
- The weaversproducebasicpandanmatsorrolltheleavesinto pandanropes.
Types of evergreen & coniferous tree
- Australian pine
- bristlecone pine
- cabbage palm
- carob
- Christmas tree
- fir
- gum tree
- hemlock
- holly
- ironbark
- Joshua tree
- monkey-puzzle
- Norfolk Island pine
- oleander
- pitch pine
- ponderosa pine
- redwood
- spruce
- white pine
- yew
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