uk/ˌpær.əˈkiːt//ˈpær.ə.kiːt/us/ˈper.ə.kiːt/one of manytypesofsmallparrotwith alongtail:
Before I got my firstpetparakeet, I had noideayou couldbondwith abird.
Mockingbirds,dovesand parakeetsflyunder acanopyofcypressesandcedars.

Devonyu/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- I have awife, twokids, twodogs, two parakeets and fourlizards.
- The Carolinaparrotisknowntoday as the Carolina parakeet.
- Caged parakeets and cockatielschirpin a backyardfilledwithherbsandorchids.
Birds commonly kept as pets
- budgie
- canary
- cockatoo
- galah
- homing pigeon
- Indian mynah
- lorikeet
- macaw
- mynah
- parrot
- pigeon
- racing pigeon
- rosella
- sulphur-crested cockatoo