thefactof beingfaraway indistance:
(距离的)遥远Spaceenthusiastswillmarvelat thebeautyand remoteness ofPluto.太空爱好者会惊叹于冥王星的美丽与遥远。
Theadvantagesofequatorialsealaunchesincluderemoteness frompopulatedareas.从赤道海洋中发射的优点包括能够远离人口稠密的地区。
thefactof beingfarfrom anytownsorcities:
偏远,边远Gettingmedicineto them isdifficultdueto the remoteness of thevillagesaffectedby thequake.由于受地震影响的这些村庄地处偏远,给他们送药很困难。
Theareais notlikelytoattracttoo manyvisitorsbecause ofitsremoteness.由于地处偏远,该地区不太可能吸引太多游客。
thefactof beingfaraway intime:
(时间的)久远The pastperfecttenseemphasizesthe remoteness of theactionfrom thepresentmoment.过去完成时强调动作与现在的距离。
- Thanks toitsphysicalremoteness, Jeffersonfeltthe US wassafefrom Napoleon'scannonsandmuskets.
- Washington County's remoteness hastraditionallybeen anobstacletoeconomicdevelopment.
- Sheappreciatesherpostingin Antarctica. Shelikesthe remoteness.
- Itdependson thenearnessor remoteness of those instants oftimewhich wecompare.
Distant in space and time
- (in) the middle of nowhereidiom
- afar
- afield
- all/the four corners of the world/earthidiom
- anywhere
- as far as the eye can/could seeidiom
- away
- far
- farthest
- further
- furthermost
- light years awayidiom
- lonely
- middle
- remotely
- ultra
- ultra-distant
- virtually
- wide
- you're getting colderidiom
thefactof not beingcloselyrelatedto something:
(联系的)不紧密;(关系的)疏远Charlottefeltanumbremoteness from thewiderworld.夏洛特对更广阔的世界感到一种麻木的疏离。
Thepopularassociationwithmodernartisitsremoteness from thesymbolsandvaluesof themajorityofpeople.大众对现代艺术的看法是它与大多数人所代表的价值观相距甚远。
- Hecriticizedthepartyfor what hesawasitsremoteness fromordinarypeople'sconcerns,condescension, andsenseofentitlement.
- Thegeneraltheoryofrelativitywas afieldthat had beenmoribundbecause ofitsremoteness fromlaboratoryexperiment.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
- which is whichidiom
behaviourthat is not veryfriendlyandshowslittleinterestin otherpeople:
不友好;冷漠;孤高Fame andsuccessonlyheightenedhisangryremoteness.名誉和成功使他更愤怒,更冷漠孤高。
Liv's remoteness and Will'sabsorptionin hisworkcombineto put astrainontheirmarriage.丽芙冷漠疏离,威尔醉心工作,这些都给他们的婚姻带来了压力。
- Shegreetedthem withcoolremoteness.
- Helivedin ahilltopItalianatemansionwith a half-mile-longdrivewaythatseemstosymbolisehis remoteness.
Not being friendly
- abrasive
- abrasively
- abrasiveness
- abruptly
- abruptness
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- coolness
- dourness
- estrange
- estranged
- estrangement
- forbidding
- prickly
- sourness
- standoffish
- standoffishly
- standoffishness
- sullen
- surly