movementin adirectionthat is, orseemsto be, theoppositeto that of most otherstars,planets, etc. :
(天体的)逆行Thedistanceof anyplanetfrom thesunmay beobtainedfrom ameasurementof thearcof retrogradation in a giventime.任何行星到太阳的距离都可以通过测量给定时间内的逆行弧来获得。
Themiddleof the retrogradation alwaysoccurswhenSaturnisnearlyinoppositionto the Sun.逆行的中间总是发生在土星几乎与太阳对冲时。
- Add to thatvolcaniceruptions thatcoincidewith the retrogradation of thesun, and we could get aglobalcooling.
- Because of theupcomingretrogradation of thesunaround the barycentre, she says we canexpecttoencounterclimaticextremes.
- In asystematicastronomy, retrogradationsbecomepartof theconceptualstructureof thesystem.
- albedo
- Andromeda
- Aquarius
- Aries
- asteroid
- full moon
- galactic
- galaxy
- Gemini
- geostationary orbit
- observatory
- orbit
- orbital
- penumbra
- phase
- substellar
- sunspot
- supergiant
- supermassive
- supermoon
areactionin which thestructureofstarch(= awhitesubstancethatexistsinlargeamountsin, forexample,potatoesandrice)changeswhen itcoolsafter beingcooked:
(淀粉)回凝Retrogradation is areactionthattakesplacein gelatinizedstarchwhen the amylose and amylopectinchainsrealignthemselves.当糊化淀粉内的直链和支链发生重排时就会出现回凝反应。
Breadkeptin arefrigeratorwilldevelopmouldgrowthmoreslowlythanbreadkeptatroomtemperature, but willturnstalequicklydueto retrogradation.和放在室温的面包相比,放在冰箱里的面包不容易发霉,但更容易因为淀粉回凝而变质。
- Assoonasbreadiscookedand hascooleditbeginsto gostale. This iscausedby abreakdownin thegelstructurecalled retrogradation.
- WhensteamedChinesemanju arecooledorfrozen, they oftenbecomeharddueto retrogradation of gelatinizedstarch.
- Hardening orlossofflexibilityoftortillasisbelievedto bedueto a physico-chemicalchangein thestarchconstituentoftortillaswhich isknownas retrogradation.
Chemistry - general words
- acceptor
- aerosol
- aerosolize
- allotrope
- amphiprotic
- chemical formula
- conformation
- cyclic
- distilled water
- electrolyte
- electrolytic
- endocrine disruptor
- endothermic
- inorganic chemistry
- molecular weight
- nonchemical
- nonelectrolyte
- nonreactive
- reactive
- reactivity