return verb (GO BACK )
A2 [I ] to come or go back to apreviousplace:
回;返回 Odysseus returnedhome/returnedto hishomeafter manyyearsoftravelling. 离家多年后奥德修斯返回了故土。
SheleftSouthAfricaat theageof 15 and has never returned. 她15岁时离开了南非,再也没有回去过。
[+ to infinitive ] Davidreturned (from work)to findhishousehadburneddown. 戴维(下班)回到家后发现房子已被烧毁了。
return tosomething /to doing sth
C1 Ifpeopleor things return to apreviouscondition, they go back to thatcondition:
恢复至(原来的状态) Within aweek, thesituationhad returned tonormal. 不到1个星期,局势就恢复正常了。
B2 If you return to anactivityorsubject, youstartdoing it ortalkingabout it again:
重新做;再次谈及 GandhiurgedIndiansto return to spinning theirownyarn. 甘地敦促印度人重新拿起纺车自己动手纺纱。
Every fiveminutes, he returned to the samesubject. 每过5分钟他就会重提同一个话题。
Escapefrom thiswindowand return to themainmenu. He waspagedat theairportand told to returnhomeimmediately. He returned intriumphfrom thesaleswith ahalf-pricestereosystem. Theseanimalsalways return to the samebreedingground. Theoppositionleaderreturned to a hero'swelcomeafter sevenyearsinexile. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReturning to a place
call call back come come back darken double back get back go go back huddle huddled join reappear reappearance refoulement regain rejoin reshore revenant turn(someone) back See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Repeating an action
return verb (EXCHANGE )
C1 [T ] to give, do, or get something after somethingsimilarhas been given or done to you:
回应;回报;报答 to return aninvitation/greeting 回请/回应问候
I returned hisstare. 我回瞪了他一眼。
I gave her aridewhen hercarbrokedown and now she is returningthefavour (= doing something tohelpme inexchange) . 那天她的车坏了,我顺便搭载了她一程,现在她在投桃报李。
Theterroristsstartedshootingand thepolicereturnedfire (=startedshootingback) . 恐怖分子开了火,警方便开枪还击。
T toreplyto someone'squestionorrequest:
Hisrepresentativesdid not return arequestforcomment.
She hadn't returnedtheirearlierqueriesbecause, she said, she had alreadyexplainedherselfclearly.
to give aparticularamountofprofit:
带来,产生(利润等) Myinvestmentsreturn a highrateofinterest. 我的投资获得了很高的收益。
She returned hissmile. I'msorryI didn't returnyourphonecallearlier. Rosielookedat Rob, who returned hercuriousglance. If youlookafter Lucy thismorningI can return thefavournextweekand take Evie offyourhandsfor a fewhours. Taylor haspraisedherskillindealingwith thesituationand Churchill returns thecompliment. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReciprocating
another each other give and take it takes two to tango idiom mutual mutually non-reciprocal one another phrase one good turn deserves another idiom ping-pong reciprocally reciprocate reciprocation reciprocity requite scratch turn two unrequited you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Answering & responding
Interest & capital
Profits & losses
return verb (PUT/BRING BACK )
A2 [T ] tosend, take, give, put, etc. something back to where it came from:
放回;归还;带回 The new TVbrokeso they returned itto theshop. 新电视机坏了,所以他们把它退还给商店。
He returned twobookshe hadborrowedfrom me in 2003. 他把2003年借我的两本书还给了我。
Shecarefullyreturned thebookto itsplaceon theshelf. 她小心翼翼地把书放回书架原本的位置上。
[T usually passive ] tobringsomeone back fromsomewhere:
We're allhopingthat Jill will be returnedsafelyto herfamily.
[T ] insportssuch astennis, tohittheballback toyouropponent
Please return thecompletedformatyourearliestconvenience. Shedemandedthat he return thebooksheborrowedfrom her. Youpayadepositof 10p on thebottle, which you get back when you return theemptybottle. She wasdisappointedtoseeheressayreturned with amassofcorrectionsinredink. Adatestampinside thefrontcoverof alibrarybookshowswhen it should be returned. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving, bringing or getting back
bring bringsomething back chargeback clawsomething back giver recover recovery refund refundable regain regrow reintroduce reintroduction reversion send sendsomething back syndication takesomething back turn turn in See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tennis & racket sports
return verb (HAPPEN AGAIN )
B2 [I ] tohappenagain:
重新出现;再次发生 You must go to thedoctorif thepainreturns. 如果疼痛再次发作,你必须去看医生。
When the goodweatherreturns we'll go back there. If thesefeelingsreturn I shallknowhow todealwith them. He'd had someproblemswith hishealthwhich returned thisyear. If thesickfeelingreturns, take thesetablets. I'vekeptsomemedicationincasethepainreturns. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOccurring and happening
afoot asynchronous attendant be at work idiom become eventuate fall fall into place idiom follow on go hand in hand withsomething idiom go off go on pass result resynchronize roll roll around shake out succeed supervene See more results »
return verb (DECIDE )
return a verdict/sentence law specialized
todecideand say if youthinksomeone isguiltyor notguilty, or whatpunishmentthepersonwill be given in acourtoflaw:
宣判 Thejuryreturned averdictof notguilty. 陪审团作出了无罪判决。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto accuse someone of something
accuseHe was accused of statutory rape. make an accusation againstShe was arrested for making false accusations against her former employer. level an accusation againstFerguson was furious at the accusations levelled against his player. level a charge againstShe denied all the charges levelled against her. hurl accusations atShe hurled accusations at her ex-husband across the courtroom. charge someone withHe was charged with three counts of fraud. See more results »
return an indictment
law US specialized toformallyaccusesomeone of something in acourtoflaw:
Hiscasewillproceedto agrandjury, which mustdecidewhether to return anindictment.
Thegrandjuryreturned anindictmentinJanuary,chargingtherespondentwith the threemurders.
[T ] UK toelectsomeone to be amemberofparliament, or to anotherpoliticaljob:
选举,选出 It wasexpectedthat he would be returned aspremier. 预计他会被重新选为总理。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDecisions and deciding
ascription balance be make or break forsomeone/something idiom be on the horns of a dilemma idiom choose clinch fish fix if/when it comes to the crunch idiom in the balance idiom judgment call judicial review make or breaksomething idiom resolution sleep top-down toss up unadjudicated unelected volition See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Judges & juries
Taking legal action
return noun (GOING BACK )
B1 [S ] anoccasionwhen someone goes or comes back to aplacewhere they were before:
回;返回;回来 Thewholetowncame out tocelebratehis return (from thewar). 整个镇上的人都涌上街头庆祝他(从战场上)归来。
On her return, she wentstraightto theoffice.她一回来就直接去了办公室。
[S ] anoccasionwhen youstartto do or have something again:
重新开始;恢复 Someenvironmentalistsarguefor a returnto a pre-industrialsociety. 一些环保主义者主张回归工业化以前的社会。
Mostpeoplehavewelcomedher returntopower/office . 大多数人欢迎她重新掌权/复职。
B1 [C ] UK
(also return ticket ) ;(US round-trip ticket ) aticketfortravelto aplaceand back again:
往返票;来回票 A return to Birmingham,please. 请给我一张去伯明翰的往返票好吗?
Ontheirreturn theydiscoveredthattheirhousehad beenburgled. Everyonerejoicedat thenewsof hissafereturn. Thegovernmentistryingtoencouragea return to thesoil. She made atriumphantreturn to thestageafter severalyearsworkingintelevision. Herpopularityhasdeclinedsince hertriumphalreturn fromexiletwoyearsago. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReturning to a place
call call back come come back darken double back get back go go back huddle huddled join reappear reappearance refoulement regain rejoin reshore revenant turn(someone) back See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Repeating an action
return noun (EXCHANGE )
in return
Sometenantsgetrentreductionsin returnfor helpmanagingthebuilding. 有些租客通过协助大楼管理来获得租金减免。
I'll come with you, but you have to do something for me in return. 我会和你一起去,但你得为我做点什么作为回报。
He's on to a good thing, he hasfreeaccommodationin return foransweringthephonewhen thefamilyare out. In return for somecaretakingduties, we areofferingafreeflatand asmallremuneration. Amixtureofselectedfundsis anoptimumchoiceforfuturesecurityand return oninvestment. Themakersof thefilmwillwanttoseeadecentreturn ontheirinvestment. We've put £20,000capitalinto thebusiness, but we'reunlikelytoseeany return for a fewyears.
[C orU ] theactof giving, doing, orreceivingsomething inexchangefor something:
回应;回报;报答 Severalsoldierswerewoundedin the returnof fire. 反击中,数名士兵受伤。
[C orU ] theprofitthat you get from aninvestment :
收益;利润;收入 The returnon themoneyweinvestedwas verylow. 我们投资获得的收益很低。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReciprocating
another each other give and take it takes two to tango idiom mutual mutually non-reciprocal one another phrase one good turn deserves another idiom ping-pong reciprocally reciprocate reciprocation reciprocity requite scratch turn two unrequited you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Replacing and exchanging
Profits & losses
return noun (HAPPENING AGAIN )
[S ] anoccasionwhen somethingstartstohappenor be used again:
重新出现;再度发生;重新利用 Will weeverseethe returnof /a returnto comfortablefashionclothes? 我们还会看到穿着舒适的时装再次流行吗?
Headvocatesthe return ofcapitalpunishment. She would like toseethe return of thedeathpenaltyinBritain. It doesn'tseemlikelythat we willseea return tofullemploymentin the nearfuture. Thegovernmentisaimingtobringabout a return tofullemployment. Hearguedfor a return totraditionalfamilyvalues. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEvents and occurrences
-athon affair back story be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageant idiom benefit binge brush car wash curveball date night edition epiphenomenon episode near miss occasion occurrence proceedings reoccurrence saga thing See more results »
return noun (COMPUTER KEY )
B1 [U ] thekeyon acomputerkeyboardthat youpressinorderto say that the words ornumberson thescreenarecorrect, or that aninstructionshould beperformed, or inordertomovedown alineon thescreen:
回车键 Press return/the returnkeytwicetoleaveablankline. 按两次回车键留出一行空行。
yumiyum/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComputer hardware
3-D printer beamer blackberry brick bubblejet card reader data projector flat screen gamepad hard drive microchip optical reader optically palmtop patch patch intosomething pen drive plug and play printer whiteboard See more results »
return noun (GIVING BACK )
C1 [S ] theactof giving, putting, orsendingsomething back:
放回;归还;带回 the return of thestolengoods 归还被盗货物
Synonyms restitution formal
[C ] theactofhittingtheballback toyouropponentinsportssuch astennis:
(网球等运动中的)回击,回击球 Chang's return ofservewaspowerful. 张的回发球非常有力。
returns [plural ]
goodsthat have been taken back to theshopwhere they wereboughtbycustomersbecause they aredamagedorunsuitable
US thevotesthat are returned, or theresultsof thevoting, in anelection:
选举结果 Theelection returnsproducedaconfusingpictureofgainsandlosses. 选举结果显示参选各派各有得失,局势扑朔迷离。
by return (of post) UK
in the firstpostcollectionthatleavesafter youreceivealetter:
收到后立即回信 Sheansweredmyletterby return. 她收到我的信后立即回了信。
Theydemandedahugeransomfor the return of the littlegirlwhom they hadkidnapped. Thecountryhas beenabletocelebratethe return ofitsindependencesobrutallysnuffedout in 1940. Hervoicewasbreakingwithemotionas shepleadedfor her child's return. Thewriterpleadedfor the return of hisstolenmanuscript. What awonderfulbackhandreturn! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving, bringing or getting back
bring bringsomething back chargeback clawsomething back giver recover recovery refund refundable regain regrow reintroduce reintroduction reversion send sendsomething back syndication takesomething back turn turn in See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - the postal system
The returnpartof ajourneyis thepartin which you go back to theplacewhere youstarted:
(作为旅行一部分的)回程,返程 The returnjourney tooklongerbecause thetrainwasrerouted. 回程花的时间长一些,因为火车改线了。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReturning to a place
call call back come come back darken double back get back go go back huddle huddled join reappear reappearance refoulement regain rejoin reshore revenant turn(someone) back See more results »
(Definition ofreturn from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
return verb (GO BACK )
A2 [I ] to come or go back to apreviousplace
回;返回 Odysseus returnedhome/returnedto hishomeafter manyyearsoftravelling. 离家多年后奥德修斯返回了故土。
SheleftSouthAfricaat theageof 15 and has never returned. 她15岁时离开了南非,再也没有回去过。
[+ to infinitive ] David returned (from work)to findhishousehadburneddown. 戴维(下班)回到家后发现房子已被烧毁了。
return tosth /to doing sth
C1 Ifpeopleor things return to apreviouscondition, they go back to thatcondition.
恢复至(原来的状态) Within aweek, thesituationhad returned tonormal. 不到1个星期,局势就恢复正常了。
B2 If you return to anactivityorsubject, youstartdoing it ortalkingabout it again.
重新做;再次谈及 GandhiurgedIndians to return to spinning theirownyarn. 甘地敦促印度人重新拿起纺车自己动手纺纱。
Every fiveminutes, he returned to the samesubject. 每过5分钟他就会重提同一个话题。
Escape from thiswindowand return to themainmenu. He waspagedat theairportand told to returnhomeimmediately. He returned intriumphfrom thesaleswith ahalf-pricestereosystem. Theseanimalsalways return to the samebreedingground. Theoppositionleaderreturned to a hero'swelcomeafter sevenyearsinexile.
return verb (EXCHANGE )
C1 [T ] to give, do, or get something after somethingsimilarhas been given or done to you
回应;回报;报答 to return aninvitation/greeting 回请/回应问候
I returned hisstare. 我回瞪了他一眼。
I gave her aridewhen hercarbrokedown and now she is returningthefavour (= doing something tohelpme inexchange) . 那天她的车坏了,我顺便搭载了她一程,现在她在投桃报李。
Theterroristsstartedshootingand thepolicereturnedfire (=startedshootingback) . 恐怖分子开了火,警方便开枪还击。
to give aparticularamountofprofit
带来,产生(利润等) Myinvestmentsreturn a highrateofinterest. 我的投资获得了很高的收益。
She returned hissmile. I'msorryI didn't returnyourphonecallearlier. Rosielookedat Rob, who returned hercuriousglance. If youlookafter Lucy thismorningI can return thefavournextweekand take Evie offyourhandsfor a fewhours. Taylor haspraisedherskillindealingwith thesituationand Churchill returns thecompliment.
return verb (PUT BACK )
A2 [T ] tosend, take, give, put, etc. something back to where it came from
放回;归还;带回 The new TVbrokeso they returned itto theshop. 新电视机坏了,所以他们把它退还给商店。
He returned twobookshe hadborrowedfrom me in 2003. 他把2003年借我的两本书还给了我。
Shecarefullyreturned thebookto itsplaceon theshelf. 她小心翼翼地把书放回书架原本的位置上。
[T ] insportssuch astennis, tohittheballback toyouropponent
Please return thecompletedformatyourearliestconvenience. Shedemandedthat he return thebooksheborrowedfrom her. Youpayadepositof 10p on thebottle, which you get back when you return theemptybottle. She wasdisappointedtoseeheressayreturned with amassofcorrectionsinredink. Adatestampinside thefrontcoverof alibrarybookshowswhen it should be returned.
return verb (HAPPEN AGAIN )
重新出现;再次发生 You must go to thedoctorif thepainreturns. 如果疼痛再次发作,你必须去看医生。
When the goodweatherreturns we'll go back there. If thesefeelingsreturn I shallknowhow todealwith them. He'd had someproblemswith hishealthwhich returned thisyear. If thesickfeelingreturns, take thesetablets. I'vekeptsomemedicationincasethepainreturns.
return verb (DECIDE )
return a verdict/sentence law specialized
todecideand say if youthinksomeone isguiltyor notguilty, or whatpunishmentthepersonwill be given in acourtoflaw
宣判 Thejuryreturned averdictof notguilty. 陪审团作出了无罪判决。
[T ] UK toelectsomeone to be amemberofparliament, or to anotherpoliticaljob
选举,选出 It wasexpectedthat he would be returned aspremier. 预计他会被重新选为总理。
return noun (GOING BACK )
B1 [S ] anoccasionwhen someone goes or comes back to aplacewhere they were before
回;返回;回来 Thewholetowncame out tocelebratehis return (from thewar). 整个镇上的人都涌上街头庆祝他(从战场上)归来。
On her return, she wentstraightto theoffice.她一回来就直接去了办公室。
[S ] anoccasionwhen youstartto do or have something again
重新开始;恢复 Someenvironmentalistsarguefor a returnto a pre-industrialsociety. 一些环保主义者主张回归工业化以前的社会。
Mostpeoplehavewelcomedher returntopower/office . 大多数人欢迎她重新掌权/复职。
B1 [C ] UK
(also return ticket ) ;(US round-trip ticket ) aticketfortravelto aplaceand back again
往返票;来回票 A return to Birmingham,please. 请给我一张去伯明翰的往返票好吗?
Ontheirreturn theydiscoveredthattheirhousehad beenburgled. Everyonerejoicedat thenewsof hissafereturn. Thegovernmentistryingtoencouragea return to thesoil. She made atriumphantreturn to thestageafter severalyearsworkingintelevision. Herpopularityhasdeclinedsince hertriumphalreturn fromexiletwoyearsago.
return noun (EXCHANGE )
in return
作为交换;作为回报 Sometenantsgetrentreductionsin returnfor helpmanagingthebuilding. 有些租客通过协助大楼管理来获得租金减免。
I'll come with you, but you have to do something for me in return. 我会和你一起去,但你得为我做点什么作为回报。
He's on to a good thing, he hasfreeaccommodationin return foransweringthephonewhen thefamilyare out. In return for somecaretakingduties, we areofferingafreeflatand asmallremuneration. Amixtureofselectedfundsis anoptimumchoiceforfuturesecurityand return oninvestment. Themakersof thefilmwillwanttoseeadecentreturn ontheirinvestment. We've put £20,000capitalinto thebusiness, but we'reunlikelytoseeany return for a fewyears.
[C orU ] theactof giving, doing, orreceivingsomething inexchangefor something
回应;回报;报答 Severalsoldierswerewoundedin the returnof fire. 反击中,数名士兵受伤。
[C orU ] theprofitthat you get from aninvestment
收益;利润;收入 The returnon themoneyweinvestedwas verylow. 我们投资获得的收益很低。
return noun (HAPPENING AGAIN )
[S ] anoccasionwhen somethingstartstohappenor be used again
重新出现;再度发生;重新利用 Will weeverseethe returnof /a returnto comfortablefashionclothes? 我们还会看到穿着舒适的时装再次流行吗?
Headvocatesthe return ofcapitalpunishment. She would like toseethe return of thedeathpenaltyinBritain. It doesn'tseemlikelythat we willseea return tofullemploymentin the nearfuture. Thegovernmentisaimingtobringabout a return tofullemployment. Hearguedfor a return totraditionalfamilyvalues.
return noun (COMPUTER KEY )
B1 [U ] thekeyon acomputerkeyboardthat youpressinorderto say that the words ornumberson thescreenarecorrect, or that aninstructionshould beperformed, or inordertomovedown alineon thescreen
回车键 Press return/the returnkeytwicetoleaveablankline. 按两次回车键留出一行空行。
return noun (GIVING BACK )
C1 [S ] theactof giving, putting, orsendingsomething back
放回;归还;带回 the return of thestolengoods 归还被盗货物
[C ] theactofhittingtheballback toyouropponentinsportssuch astennis
(网球等运动中的)回击,回击球 Chang's return ofservewaspowerful. 张的回发球非常有力。
returns [plural ]
goodsthat have been taken back to theshopwhere they wereboughtbycustomersbecause they aredamagedorunsuitable
US thevotesthat are returned, or theresultsof thevoting, in anelection
选举结果 Theelection returnsproducedaconfusingpictureofgainsandlosses. 选举结果显示参选各派各有得失,局势扑朔迷离。
by return (of post) UK
in the firstpostcollectionthatleavesafter youreceivealetter
收到后立即回信 Sheansweredmyletterby return. 她收到我的信后立即回了信。
Theydemandedahugeransomfor the return of the littlegirlwhom they hadkidnapped. Thecountryhas beenabletocelebratethe return ofitsindependencesobrutallysnuffedout in 1940. Hervoicewasbreakingwithemotionas shepleadedfor her child's return. Thewriterpleadedfor the return of hisstolenmanuscript. What awonderfulbackhandreturn!
The returnpartof ajourneyis thepartin which you go back to theplacewhere youstarted.
(作为旅行一部分的)回程,返程 The returnjourney tooklongerbecause thetrainwasrerouted. 回程花的时间长一些,因为火车改线了。
return | American Dictionary
return verb (GO BACK )
[I ] to come or go back to apreviousplace,subject,activity, orcondition:
He returned to New York lastweek.
Heworkedat otherjobsbutkeptreturning tomining.
She was returninghomefrom abusinesstripwhen theplanecrashed.
return verb (PUT BACK )
[T ] to put,send, or give something back to where it came from:
Emily returned theblousebecause it didn’tfit.
return verb (EXCHANGE )
[T ] to give, do, or get something inexchange:
She just doesn’t returnphonecalls.
return verb (DECIDE )
[T ] fml todecideon something such as ajudgmentordecision:
Thejuryreturned averdictof notguilty.
return adjective [not gradable] (GOING BACK )
helpingsomething to go or besentback to where it came from:
A returnaddressis theaddressfrom which aletteris beingsent.
(Definition ofreturn from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[T ] ACCOUNTING ,FINANCE if abusinessor aninvestmentreturns anamountofmoney, itproducesaprofit:
Lastyearall 60branchesof thebusinessreturned aprofit.
Theaccountis low-risk butreturns just 0.5%interest .
[T ] COMMERCE to take orsendaproductback to thecompanythatsoldit to you. You usually do this if youwantthem toreplacetheproductor to give you backyourmoney:
Customers whoreturngoods mustpresentareceiptto getcashorcredit.
[T ] to give backmoneythat will not be used or that should not have beenpaid:
If thesaledoes not go through, theagentisobligedbylawtoreturn thedeposit .
Thedepartmentwillreturn anyoverpayment or set it againstyournexttaxbill.
[T ] tophonesomeone who has called youearlier:
Ileftseveralmessageson his answer-phone, but he neverreturned mycall .
He did notreturn themultiplemessages lefton hiscellphone.
[I ] to go back to anearliersituationor tostartdoing something again:
return to sth Therefinerymay not return tofullproductionuntillaterin thesummer.
Most womenreturn towork at the end oftheirmaternityleave.
return to growth/profit Thebusinessisexpectedto return togrowthnextyear.
return a cheque
BANKING tosendacheque back to thepersonwhowroteit, usually because they do not have enoughmoneyin thebanktopaythewholeamount:
return a verdict
LAW to give anofficialopinionin acourtoflawabout whether someone isguiltyof acrime:
Thejuryreturned averdictof 'notguilty.'
[C orU ] ACCOUNTING ,FINANCE theamountofprofitmade by aninvestmentor abusinessactivity:
Theprogramguaranteeslendersa return of 10%interest.
A fixed-rateinvestmentwill give you below-average returns.
return on sth We need tomonitorourreturn onadvertising.
make/see a return (on sth) They need tochargepricesof over $20 abarrelinorderto make a return.
If themarketimproves, we can make a return of $10,000 onourinvestment.
a good/high return Iwantaninvestmentwhichoffersa good return.
produce/offer/yielda return
[C orU ] COMMERCE aproductthat is returned to acompanybecause thebuyeris notsatisfiedwith it, or theactof returningproductsto acompany:
Anerrorin themanufacturingprocessledto hundreds of returns fromdissatisfiedcustomers.
Check that there is areturnpolicy incasethere is aproblemwith thegoodsthat youbuy.
[C ] TAX
(also tax return ) anofficialdocumentwithdetailsofyourincomethat yousendto thegovernmenttaxdepartmenteachyearso thatincometaxcan becalculated:
It ispossibletofileyourreturn online.
When you havesubmittedyourreturn , theRevenuepromisesyouinstantacknowledgementofitsreceipt.
[C orU ] asituationin which someone or something goes back to anearlierpositionoractivity:
areturn toprofit/growth/stability
The lastyearhasseenareturn tonormal in thebankingsector.
[U ] IT
(also return key ) thekeyon acomputerkeyboardthat youpressto give aninstruction, or tostarta newlinein adocument:
Type inyournameand thenpressreturn.
(UK alsoreturn ticket ) aticketfor ajourneyto aplaceand back again:
return to somewhere I need a return to KingsCrossStation.
by return (of post)
COMMUNICATIONS using the nextavailablemailcollectiontoreply:
Wereceivedaninvoiceby return ofpost.
Ananswerby return would beappreciated.
See also accounting rate of return
annual return
gross return
internal rate of return
law of diminishing returns
net return
product return
rate of return
sale or return
TRANSPORT UK relatingto ajourneyto aparticularplaceand back again:
(Definition ofreturn from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof return return
In the context of the model sketch presented above, stock returns and returns to capital are direct measures of productivity. From theCambridge English Corpus
In several instances, he returns to subjects treated earlier in the book, such as children's education and the evolution from scrolls to codices. From theCambridge English Corpus
First we show that the value returned by these functions is isomorphic to their input. From theCambridge English Corpus
Nondeterminism can also remain right down to the implementation level, where any consistent value may be returned. From theCambridge English Corpus
If both of them point to the empty string, then the empty string is returned. From theCambridge English Corpus
In the case of a tuple, loc v returns the location of the agent owning the tuple. From theCambridge English Corpus
The results showed that the overall form returned to the conservative nature of the original rule-based melodies. From theCambridge English Corpus
When the tracker is not sure that a sequence is being repeated, or when the tracked sequence finishes, it returns control to the neural network. From theCambridge English Corpus
Additional copies, not exceeding 200, may be had at cost price : these should be ordered when the final proof is returned. From theCambridge English Corpus
The dancers returned because they could use it as a tool to formulate body actions which were outside their normal performance routines. From theCambridge English Corpus
While still analysing and defining each compositional parameter, his interests returned to the primal functions of articulation and communication. From theCambridge English Corpus
A portion of the transmitters (factor r) returns from the synaptic cleft into the presynaptic hair cell. From theCambridge English Corpus
Despite numerous attempts to estimate the level of returns to scale in the data, there is no broad agreement in the literature on its value. From theCambridge English Corpus
The table contains estimates of the maximal-moment exponent of the pricing error associated with stock returns for various values of the preference parameters. From theCambridge English Corpus
When physical capital is complementary with human capital in production, returns on and the demand for skills rise with capital intensity. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith return return These are words often used in combination withreturn .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
actual return
To determine whether the simulations generate reasonable results, we first use the same 2550 plans that haveactual return data for the pension portfolio.
From theCambridge English Corpus
annualized return
The nominal average interest rate is 16.34%, default rate 4%, and an average netannualized return (net of defaults and service fees) of 9.64%.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
average return
The return to lending falls, as does theaverage return on wealth in the economy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.