uk/ˌɡɪfˈtiː/us/ˌɡɪfˈtiː/apersonwho is given something as agift(= apresent):
收到礼物的人Theplantgrewtoobigand I had to give it to someoneelsebut the gifteelikedit.这株植物长得太大了,我不得不送给别人,但是收到的人很喜欢。
- If you give someonemoneyfortheirbirthdayyouhopethat the giftee will use themoneyforpleasure.
- I wasimpressedby thethoughtfulnessof thegifts,chosenwith arealunderstandingabout what wouldpleasethe giftee.
- Wepullednamesout of ahattofindout who wasourSecretSantagiftee.
- You could make adonationtocharityinyourgiftee'sname.
Presents and gifts
- Christmas box
- Christmas stocking
- comp
- favour
- free gift
- freebie
- gift wrap
- giveaway
- goody bag
- grab bag
- little
- novelty
- offering
- party bag
- present
- prezzie
- secret Santa
- stocking
- stocking filler
- token