oyster mushroom
uk/ˌɔɪ.stə ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/us/ˌɔɪ.stɚ ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/atypeofmushroomthatlookssimilarto anoysterandgrowson sometrees:
平菇Maincoursesincludedfilotartletfilledwithcreamedoystermushrooms,spinach, and goat'scheese.主菜包括填入奶油平菇、菠菜和山羊奶酪的菲洛塔饼。
In thewild,oystermushroomsareprimarydecomposersofnewlydeadtrees.在野外,平菇是新近死亡树木的主要分解者。

Lew Robertson/Stone/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Wash the mange-tout andoystermushrooms,choppingup ifnecessary.
- The purple-cappedoystermushroomgrowingontreeslooksdeadlybut isperfectlyedible.
- I have a fewinoculatedlogsin ashadyareathatproduceoystermushroomseveryyear.
Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- Jerusalem artichoke
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- Scotch bonnet
- shallot