give upsth
—phrasal verbwithgiveverbuk/ɡɪv/us/ɡɪv/gave|given
tostopowningand using something
They wereforcedto give uptheirhomebecause they couldn'tpaythemortgage.他们因为还不起按揭被迫交出了房子。
give up hope
tostophopingthat aparticularthing willhappen
We still haven't given uphopeoffindingheralive.我们还没有放弃她生还的希望。
- He's just given up hiscarand nowcyclestoworkinstead.
- Hereluctantlygave up hismotorbikewhen he could nolongeraffordtorunit.
- He gave up all hisworldlypossessions and went tolivein amonastery.
- Sheagreedto give up herSUVinfavourof asmallercar.
- I'll have to give up myticketto theconcertif I can'tfindanyone to go with me.