uk/ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/us/ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/packagenoun[C](PAPER OBJECT)
anobjector set ofobjectswrappedinpaper, usually inorderto besentbypost:
包裹Thecourierhas justdelivereda package for you.快递员刚刚给你送来一个包裹。
The package waswrappedinplainbrownpaper.包裹用普通的牛皮纸包着。

Jan Stromme/The Image Bank/GettyImages
asmallpaperorplasticcontainerin which anumberofsmallobjectsaresold:
小包a packageofcookies一小包饼干

Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Moment/GettyImages
- Sealthe package withstickytape.
- Pleasehandlethis package withcare.
- aremunerationpackage
- Thepublicwerewarnedto be on thealertforsuspiciouspackages.
- a seven-nightall-inclusivepackage
Communications - the postal system
- addy
- care ofidiom
- collection box
- consignee
- delivery
- direct mail
- dispatch
- first class
- Freepost
- letterbox
- mail slot
- pigeonhole
- postage
- postbox
- postmark
- self-addressed
- stamp
- window
- zip code
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Wrapping, packing and loading
packagenoun[C](OFFERED TOGETHER)
arelatedgroupof things when they areofferedtogether as asingleunit:
一(整)套Thecomputercomes with asoftwarepackage.电脑附带一套软件包。
Theaidpackage for the earthquake-hitareawillincludeemergencyfoodandmedicalsupplies.地震灾区的救援物品将包括应急食品和医疗用品。
thepayand otherrewardsthat acompanymanagerreceives:
(企业经理收到的工资和其他福利与奖励的总和)待遇包He willreceiveacompensationpackageworth$15 million over threeyears.他的待遇包价值1500万美元,分三年支付。
atotalpaypackagevaluedat $59.5 million总值5950万美元的待遇包
Groups and collections of things
- agglomeration
- Aladdin's cave
- anthology
- assemblage
- bank
- basket
- bob
- cache
- empty set
- ensemble
- family
- feast
- generation
- glory box
- permutation
- pool
- selection
- sheaf
- sheaves
- starter pack
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Earning money
packagenoun[C](BODY PART)
a man'ssexorgans
good things come in small packages
uk/ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/us/ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/to putgoodsintoboxesorcontainersto besold:
把…打包(或装箱)Theseorganicolivesare packagedinrecycledglasscontainers.这些有机橄榄装在再生玻璃罐内。
tosellseveral things together as asingleproduct:
打包销售Theprogramcomes packaged with somegames.这个程序和一些游戏一起打包销售。
to show someone or something in aparticular, usuallyattractive, way:
对…进行包装;修饰…的外表As ayoungfilmstar, she was packagedasasexsymbol.作为年轻的电影明星,她被包装成一个性感偶像。
Wrapping, packing and loading
- bag
- blister pack
- bottle
- Bubble Wrap
- bundle
- bundle (someone) up
- freighter
- packaged
- packaging
- packer
- packet
- packing
- parcel
- parcelsomethingup
- polystyrene
- sheathe
- shrink-wrap
- tinned
- traffic light
- vacuum-packed
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Including and containing