uk/pæn.əˈkɒt.ə/us/pæn.əˈkɑː.t̬ə/asweetfoodmade fromcream,sugar, andgelatine(= aclearsubstancemade fromanimalbones), in amould(= acontainerwith aparticularshapeinto whichsoftorliquidsubstancesarepoured, so that when thesubstancebecomeshard ittakestheshapeof thecontainer):
意式奶油布丁FordessertI made awhitechocolatepannacotta withraspberries.至于甜点,我做了白巧克力意式奶油布丁还加了覆盆子。
Pannacotta is asimple, easy-to-makedessert.意式奶油布丁是一种简单易做的甜点。

Esin Deniz/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thepuddinglistfeaturesanelegantpannacotta,flavouredwith Earl Grey.
- Run a littlehotwaterover thebottomof eachmouldandgentlyeasethe pannacotta away from thesides.
- To make the pannacotta,bringthecreamup to afairlyhighheat, together with thesugarandvanillapod, then take off theheatandaddthesoakedgelatine.
Puddings, desserts & ices
- baked Alaska
- baklava
- banana split
- bananas Foster
- banoffee pie
- crumble
- dessert
- dulce de leche
- dumpling
- entremets
- Jell-O
- knafeh
- knickerbocker glory
- kugel
- lolly
- spotted dick
- summer pudding
- sundae
- syllabub
- tapioca