theactofattackingsomeone with abrokenbottleorglass:
用碎玻璃(或玻璃瓶)袭击(某人)He wasconvictedof aviciousassault– a glassing where another manlosthisrighteye.他被判恶性攻击——因为用玻璃瓶袭击一名男子并使其失去右眼。
They arelookingatintroducingplasticcupstodealwith thegrowingnumberof glassings inpubscausedbyintoxicatedpeople.他们正在考虑引进塑料杯,以应对酒吧里越来越多的醉酒者用玻璃杯伤人的事件。
- Everymorningthere is another glassing where someone isseriouslyinjuredor someone isassaulted,knifedorbeatenup.
- I amfedup with the thug-likebehaviourof somepatronsandnewsof glassings.
- Poshkidsdressandtalkdifferentlywhen they gonightclubbingso as not toruntheriskof a glassing.
Cutting and stabbing
- abrasion
- bayonet
- butcher
- carve
- carving
- chisel
- chop
- incise
- julienne
- lacerate
- lacerated
- laceration
- shave
- sheep shearing
- slash
- sliced
- slit
- snip
- spike
- transect
theactofsearchingusingbinoculars(= apairoftubeswithglasslensesat either end thatletyouseethingsfaraway moreclearly), forexamplewhenlookingatanimalsin thewild:
(观察野生动物时)用望眼镜搜索Binoculars arelightweight,portable, andgreatfor glassing on the go.双筒望远镜重量轻,便于携带,方便随时用来观察。
Just toseethebearwas anamazingfeatof glassing.观察熊这个做法本身就是使用望远镜的一个壮举。
- Glassing with low-qualitybinocularswillleaveyoureyesfeelingsore.
- There's more to glassing than justrandomlylookingaround withbinoculars.
- Top-qualityopticsareessentialtoeffectiveglassing andstalking.
Miscellaneous games & activities
- air hockey
- beer pong
- boomerang
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- LARPer
- raffle
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
- tabletop