uk/rɪˈnjuː/us/rɪˈnuː/renewverb[T](MAKE NEW)
toincreasethelifeof orreplacesomethingold:
给…展期,延长…的期限;更新,更换EveryyearI renew mymembershipof thesportsclub.我每年都将体育俱乐部会员资格续期。
Iforgotto renew myseasonticket.我忘了办理季票续期了。
I'll use thismaterialto renew thechaircovers.我要用这块布料做新的椅子罩来换掉旧的。
- There was anominoussilencewhen Iaskedwhether mycontractwas going to be renewed.
- Mypassportrunsout nextmonth- I must get it renewed.
- Greenplantshelpto renew the earth'soxygensupply.
- Thecouncilhaverefusedto renew the company'soperatinglicence.
- What ato-dothat was, getting mypassportrenewed at theconsulate!
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- represent
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
- succeed
tobegindoing something again:
重新开始The kidnappers renewedtheirthreats.绑架者又发出威胁了。
She renewed hereffortstoescape.她再次企图逃跑。
Starting again
- back to square oneidiom
- continue
- get back tosomeone
- go
- go back tosomeone
- go on
- re-entrant
- reboot
- reborn
- recommence
- recommencement
- recreation
- reinitiate
- reoccur
- reoccurrence
- reopen
- reset
- restart
- slate
- start