admirationfeltorshownfor someone or something that youbelievehas goodideasorqualities:
敬重;尊重;注重;重视Ihavegreat/thegreatestrespectforhisideas,althoughI don'tagreewith them.我非常尊重他的想法,不过我并不赞同这些想法。
She is aformidablefigurewhocommandsagreatdealof respect(= who isgreatlyadmiredbyothers).她是个令人敬畏的人,赢得了大家的无限敬重。
Newteachershave toearn/gainthe respectoftheirstudents.新教师必须要赢得学生的尊重。
See also
- Heinspiredrespect anddevotionfrom hispupils.
- Shewonthegrudgingrespect of herboss.
- You should show more respect toyourparents.
- He has no respect forauthoritywhatsoever.
- Certainly inoursocietyteachersdon'tenjoythe respect that isaccordedtodoctorsandlawyers.
Showing respect and admiration
- admiration
- admire
- admiring
- admiringly
- approving
- approvingly
- freedom
- fulsomely
- fulsomeness
- glorify
- hallow
- homage
- payyourrespectsidiom
- putsomeoneon a pedestalidiom
- respectful
- respectfully
- retire
- retire a numberidiom
- revere
- reverence
politeness,honour, andcareshowntowards someone or something that isconsideredimportant:
尊敬;敬意;敬重You really shouldtreatyourparentswith more respect.你待你父母真应该多几分尊重。
Shehasno respectforother people'sproperty(= she does nottreatitcarefully).她对别人的财物一点都不爱惜。
afeelingthat something isrightorimportantand you should notattempttochangeit orharmit:
考虑;顾及;重视Intheirsenselesskillingofinnocentpeople, theterroristshaveshowntheirlackof respectforhumanlife.恐怖分子无谓滥杀无辜,暴露出他们草菅人命的本质。
Shegrumbledthatyoungpeopletodayhave/showno respectforthelaw.她抱怨说现在的年轻人漠视法律。
thefeelingyou show when youacceptthat differentcustomsorculturesare different fromyourown andbehavetowards them in a way that would notcauseoffence:
(对不同风俗和文化的)尊重,开明Sheteachesthestudentstohaverespectfordifferentracesandappreciatethediversityof othercultures.她教育学生要尊重不同种族的人,要认识到其他文化的多样性。
(某人的)敬意,问候Pleaseconvey/givemy respectstoyourparents.请代我向你父母致以敬意/转达问候。
- Thesedaysit goes against thegrainto show respect forauthority.
- Certainly inoursocietyteachersdon'tenjoythe respect that isaccordedtodoctorsandlawyers.
- Children need to betaughtto have respect for other people'sproperty.
- He has no respect forauthoritywhatsoever.
- You should showyourparentsmore respect.
Polite and respectful
- candy coat
- candy-coated
- chivalrous
- chivalrously
- chivalry
- courtly
- couth
- deferential
- deferentially
- euphemistic
- graciously
- graciousness
- keep a civil tongue inyourheadidiom
- manner
- mind/watch your mannersidiom
- sugarcoat
- super-polite
- tactful
- tactfully
- ultra-civilized
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Accepting & agreeing
Meeting people
方面;细节Thisproposaldiffersfrom the last oneinmanyimportantrespects/oneimportantrespect.本提案在很多重要的方面/在一个重要的方面与上一提案不同。
In mostrespects, the newfilmisbetterthan theoriginal.在大多数方面,这部新翻拍的电影要比老版本好。
- The newversionisworsein every respect - I muchpreferredtheoriginal.
- It isarguablethat thegovernmenthasfailedin this respect.
- Histheoryisdeficientin several respects.
- It'sessentiallyadictionarybut itdiffersin one or two respects.
- While Iacceptthat he's notperfectin many respects, I doactuallyquitelike the man.
Conditions and characteristics
- -ance
- -ancy
- -ibility
- ability
- age
- ambience
- appearance
- aspect
- character
- have it inyouidiom
- hood
- humanity
- in
- presentation
- shape
- trait
- trappings
- unaffiliated
- undercurrent
- vibe
in respect ofsomething
with (all due) respect
tofeelor showadmirationfor someone or something that youbelievehas goodideasorqualities:
敬重;尊重;注重;重视IdeeplyrespectDavidforwhat he hasachieved.戴维的成就令我非常敬佩。
to admire someone or something
- admireI've always admired her for her generous spirit.
- respectI respect her for what she has achieved, but I would have approached it very differently.
- think highly ofEveryone thinks highly of him.
- hold someone in high esteemHer colleagues in Washington hold her in very high esteem.
- hold someone in high regardHe contributed much to the life of York, and was held in high regard there.
- look up toShe was my older sister and I looked up to her.
to beproudofyourownqualitiesorachievements
自尊;自重- It was asanedecisionand one we all respected.
- Allnon-violentreligiousandpoliticalbeliefsshould be respectedequally.
- Visitors areaskedto respect therulesof theorganization.
- We must respect therightsofsovereignnationstoconducttheirownaffairs.
- Davidwasbroughtup to respectauthority.
Showing respect and admiration
- admiration
- admire
- admiring
- admiringly
- approving
- approvingly
- freedom
- fulsomely
- fulsomeness
- glorify
- hallow
- homage
- payyourrespectsidiom
- putsomeoneon a pedestalidiom
- respectful
- respectfully
- retire
- retire a numberidiom
- revere
- reverence
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Confidence & self-assurance
totreatsomething or someone withkindnessandcare:
尊重;善待;精心对待to respect someone'sfeelings尊重别人的感情
We should respect theenvironmentand notpolluteit.我们应当善待环境,避免污染。
toaccepttheimportanceof someone'srightsorcustomsand to do nothing that wouldharmthem orcauseoffence:
(对别人的权利或风俗)尊重,重视,礼待Theagreementwill respect therightsof bothnations.这项协议将会尊重两国各自的权利。
I wouldappreciateit if you would respect myprivacy.如果您能尊重我的隐私我会非常感谢。
toacceptthat something isrightorimportantand not toattempttochangeit orharmit:
信守;维持;不损害Thepresidentpledgedto respect theexistingfrontiersbetween the twocountries.总统承诺维持两国间疆界现状。
tothinkthat it isimportanttoobeyalaworrule:
遵守;遵奉;不违背I was alwaystaughtto respect thelaw.我一直被教导要遵纪守法。
to do what someone hasaskedto have done:
尊重(某人)的意愿;按(某人)的要求去做Hischildrenrespected hislastwishesandheldasimplefuneralfor him.他的子女尊重他的遗愿,为他举行了简单的葬礼。
Treating someone well
- allowance
- be spoilt for choiceidiom
- coddle
- cosset
- do as you would be done byidiom
- dosomeoneproudidiom
- kid
- make
- make much/a lot ofsomeoneidiom
- mollycoddle
- mother
- non-exploitative
- pampered
- pander tosomeone/something
- proud
- seesomeonerightidiom
- smother
- spoil
- treat
- wrapsomeone(up) in cotton woolidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Accepting & agreeing
Obeying & breaking the law