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单词 secondarily
as aresultof something thatexistedorhappenedearlier
Ifleftalone,spotswillhealwithoutscarring, but if theybecomesecondarilyinfectedbybacteria,scarringispossible.如果不加处理,斑点会愈合而不留疤痕,但如果继发感染细菌,就有可能留下疤痕。
Considerabledoubtexistsas to whetherdeliriumtremens isdirectlyor secondarily theresultofalcoholicpoisoning.至于震颤性谵妄是否直接或间接由酒精中毒引致,则存在相当大的疑问。
More examples
  • Thefunctionof abaseboardis tocoverthejointbetween thewalland thefloor, and secondarily toprotectthewallfromscuffing.
  • Theinitiativeisintendedtokeepmorefirefighterson thejob, doingtheirjobswell and, secondarily, tosavethecitymoney.
  • By thistimemany otherpeoplewould be secondarilyinfected, and a full‐scaleepidemiccouldoccur.


This is because vowels in both primarily andsecondarilystressed syllables are rendered strong and not weakened.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Early banks concentrated foremost on liquidity andsecondarilyon economic development.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Utterance boundaries were based primarily on intonation contour andsecondarilyon pause duration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Utterance boundaries were based primarily on intonation contour and,secondarily, on pause duration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Insofar as we think of ourselves primarily as persons or as human beings and onlysecondarilyas citizens, the institutional account of authority is unavailable.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The emergent complex constellations of affective states and internal representations of experiences are primarily affective in nature and onlysecondarilyideational.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If the original material was flat bone or invertebrate shell, it issecondarilyreduced into shapes more closely resembling the final product.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Secondarily, the environmental preservation of the museum's collections required these services.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This increase is due primarily to converting to new, more expensive drugs and onlysecondarilyto increased volume and higher prices.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Bone perforators weresecondarilyfinished in ways suitable for the task at hand but were not created from raw bone cores.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The myocardial volume of the right ventricle is increasingsecondarilyto reach similar values only around the time of septation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Utterance boundaries were based primarily on intonation contour, andsecondarilyon pause duration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Some have envisioned an agriculture where farmers are primarily managers of rural landscapes and onlysecondarilyas producers of food and fiber37.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Of a total of 76 coils delivered, 4 coils (5%)secondarilymigrated after release from the catheter, mostly to branches of the pulmonary arteries.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The subject is the individual thatsecondarilyexperienced or understood the emotion/state of the object, through empathy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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