screen test
(alsoscreen-test)uk/ˈskriːn ˌtest/us/ˈskriːn ˌtest/anoccasionwhen anactorreadspartof ascript, does ashortpieceofacting, etc. infrontof acameratoseeif he or she issuitablefor apart:
(挑选电影演员时的)试镜Theyflewhim to London for ascreentest.他们让他飞到伦敦去试镜。
She hadscreentestsforleadingrolesin Tomb Raider and Charlie's Angels butfailedtowineitherpart.她曾试镜《古墓丽影》和《霹雳娇娃》中的主要角色,但都未成功。
- Weendedup at ascreentestfor Hollyoaks and she got thepart.
- Havingseenhisscreentest, I don'tthinkthedirectorcould havefoundabetterpersonfor thepart.
- Theactorwould not take ascreentest,believinghe is highprofileenough forproducerstoknowhiswork.
Cinema & theatre: casting, roles & scripts
- billing
- bit part
- callback
- cast list
- casting couch
- chorus
- dialogue
- exit
- fictionalize
- Harlequin
- miscast
- opposite
- pantomime horse
- script
- teleplay
- theatre
- title role
- typecast
- understudy
- undramatized