uk/skruː/us/skruː/screwnoun(METAL OBJECT)
athin,pointedpieceofmetalwith araisededgetwistinground alongitslengthand aflattopwith acutin it, used tojointhings together,especiallypiecesofwood
Nuts, bolts & screws
- bolt
- nail
- nut
- rivet
- thread
- wing nut
anactoftwistingorturningdone tofastenortightensomething:
扭转,旋转Give it another screw to makesuretheliddoesn't come off while we'retravelling.把盖子再拧紧一圈,确保我们在路上时盖子不会掉落。
Nuts, bolts & screws
- bolt
- nail
- nut
- rivet
- thread
- wing nut
screwnoun(PRISON GUARD)
(a word usedespeciallybyprisoners) aprisonguard
监狱看守(尤为犯人用语)Prisons & parts of prisons
- approved school
- Bastille
- boot camp
- borstal
- brig
- clink
- dungeon
- gaol
- gaoler
- halfway house
- nick
- open prison
- panopticon
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- the gulag
- warder
- young offender institution
screwnoun(HAVE SEX)
theactofsex, or asexualpartner:
性行为;性伙伴I neverfeellike a screw when Iwakeup in themorning.我早晨醒来时从不想性交。
He's a really good screw.他真是个很棒的性伙伴。
(同 thumbscrew)Punishing by causing pain
- birch
- cane
- caning
- cat-o'-nine-tails
- corporal punishment
- flagellate
- horsewhip
- lynch
- lynch law
- lynching
- mortification
- paddle
- smack
- spanking
- thrashing
- thumbscrew
- waterboard
- waterboarding
- whip
- whipping
have a screw loose
put/tighten the screws onsomeone
uk/skruː/us/skruː/screwverb(METAL OBJECT)
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tofastensomething using a screw:
用螺丝固定(或拧紧)Screw thispieceofwoodtothewall.用螺丝把这块木头固定在墙上。
Screw these twopiecestogether.把这两块用螺丝拧在一起。
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tofastensomething using anobjectsimilarto a screw:
(用类似螺丝的东西)固定,拧紧We'll have to screw ahookintothewall.我们得把一个钩子拧到墙里去。
screw in/together
If something screws in/together, itfitsorfastenstogether by beingturned:
旋上,拧合Thislightbulbscrews in.这个灯泡是螺口的。
Thesteelrodsscrew together.这些钢条是拧在一起的。
Fastening and tying
- anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- boardsomethingup
- bolt
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
- tiesomeonedown
screwverb(TIGHT SHAPE)
[T+ adv/prep]
totightenthemusclesofyourfaceorpartofyourfaceinto aparticularexpression,especiallyone ofdisapprovalorpain:
(尤指出于不赞同或疼痛)扭曲(面部)He screwed hiseyestightshutagainst thebrightlight.在强光的照射下,他眯紧了眼睛。
The woman at thebreakfasttablescrewed hermouthintoagrimace.吃早饭时,那个女人抿着嘴,一脸痛苦的样子。
[T+ adv/prep]
将(尤指纸或布)揉成团She screwed thebagupandthrewit in thebin.她把包揉成一团,扔进了垃圾筒。
He screwed theletterintoaballandflungit away.他把信揉成一团扔了。
Grimacing and frowning
- bitchy resting face
- cloud
- curl
- death stare
- evil
- eye
- frown
- furrow
- if looks could kill...idiom
- knit
- knityourbrow/browsidiom
- look daggers atsomeoneidiom
- pout
- purse
- roll
- scowl
- scrunch
- sneer
- someone'sface fallsidiom
- withering
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making things more or less smooth or straight
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tofastensomething byturningit ortwistingit:
拧牢,旋紧Screw thelidfirmlyonto thejarandshakewell.把瓶盖旋紧,然后摇匀。
Fastening and tying
- anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- boardsomethingup
- bolt
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
- tiesomeonedown
骗,欺骗It was only after we'd had thecarfor a fewdaysthat werealizedwe'd been screwed by thedealer.车子到手几天后,我们才明白自己被经销商骗了。
Cheating & tricking
- anti-fraud
- bad faith
- bamboozle
- bilk
- blackmail
- deceive
- fiddle
- flannel
- gull
- have an eye to/for the main chanceidiom
- havesomeoneon
- hoax
- hocus-pocus
- hustle
- pull
- pull a fast oneidiom
- pull the wool oversomeone'seyesidiom
- punk
- putsomethingacross/oversomeone
- racket
screwverb(HAVE SEX)
to havesexwith someone:
(与…)发生性关系They say he's screwing the boss'swife.他们说他和老板的妻子有不正当关系。
screw it/you/them!
screw upyourcourage
Phrasal verbs
screw around
screwsomethingout ofsomeone