uk/ˈʃɑː.pən/us/ˈʃɑːr.pən/sharpenverb[T](ABLE TO CUT)
to make somethingsharporsharper:
使变尖;使锋利Mypencilisblunt- I'll have to sharpen it.我的铅笔钝了——我得削一下。
figurativeThecompanyiscuttingproductioncostsin anattemptto sharpenitscompetitiveedge(= inordertoimprovehowcompetitiveit is).这家公司正降低生产成本,以增强竞争力。
- I need to sharpen thatknife.
- She sharpened theblade.
- He sharpened theedgeof thestickto apoint.
- Thesurgeonsharpened hisscalpel.
- He used to sharpen hisrazoron aleatherstrap.
Sharp and blunt
- angularity
- blunt
- dull
- hone
- jag
- jaggy
- keen
- point
- pointed
- prickly
- razor-sharp
- sharp
- sharply
- sharpness
- spiked
- spiky
- spiny
- super-sharp
- ultra-sharp
sharpenverb[T](MAKE STRONG)
to make somethingstronger:
加强;加剧Recentchangeshave sharpenedcompetitionbetween theairlines.近来的种种变化加剧了航空公司之间的竞争。
Theprisonriotshave sharpened thedebateabout howprisonsshould berun.监狱暴动加剧了有关监狱该如何管理的争论。
改善;提高Ihopethiscoursewillhelpme sharpen mycomputerskills.我希望这门课程能帮助我提高电脑操作技能。
I went touniversityto sharpen mymind.我上大学是为了让自己的头脑更加敏锐。
We'll need to sharpenourwitsif we're going todefeatJack'steam.要击败杰克的队,我们需要更加聪明一些。
Becoming and making stronger
- aggrandize
- boil up
- bolster
- cement
- character-building
- deepen
- fortify
- harden
- hardening
- invigoration
- jell
- reinforcement
- restoke
- restrengthen
- solidification
- solidify
- soup
- soupsomethingup
- undulled
- wired
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Becoming better
Making things better
to make somethingclearer:
使清晰;使清楚How do you sharpen thefocuson thiscamera?这台相机的焦距怎么调清楚呢?
Defining & explaining
- account (tosomeone) forsomething
- accountability
- adduce
- adumbration
- annotation
- annotator
- demystify
- explicable
- explicate
- expound
- lay
- misdescribe
- miswrite
- nail
- nailsomeonedown
- non-defining
- non-descriptive
- outline
- rough
- trace
to make somethingplayahighermusicalnote:
使提高音调;使提高半音You need to sharpen the Astringonyourviolin.你小提琴上的 A 弦应升半音。
Making things better
- add salt tosomethingidiom
- allay
- alleviate
- alleviation
- ameliorate
- cultivate
- leavening
- liven(something)up
- lubricate
- make a differenceidiom
- make a world of differenceidiom
- relieve
- remedial
- revamp
- revitalize
- revivify
- revolutionize
- salvage
- salve
- tonic
Phrasal verb