thequalityof having athinedgeorpointthat cancutsomething or make aholein something:
锐度Thewarriorsadmiredthe sharpness of the sword'sblade.战士们对剑刃的锋利感到钦佩。
thequalityof being said or done in asevereandangryway that canhurtotherpeople:
严厉;尖刻;尖锐I was takenabackby the sharpness of herreply.她的回答很尖锐,让我大吃一惊。
thequalityof beingunpleasantlycold:
(令人不舒服的)冷,寒冷There was awintrysharpness in theair.空气中弥漫着冬的寒意。
- Abrasivessharpentheedgetorazorsharpness.
- Hewincedslightlyat the sharpness in hervoice.
Sharp and blunt
- angularity
- blunt
- dull
- hone
- jag
- jaggy
- keen
- point
- pointed
- prickly
- razor-sharp
- sharp
- sharpen
- sharply
- spiked
- spiky
- super-sharp
- ultra-sharp
- whet
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Becoming angry and expressing anger
thequalityof beingclear:
the sharpnessofaphotograph/image
- How does the sharpness ofimagesvarywith thesizeof thetelescope?
- You canadjustthedegreeof sharpness,contrast,saturation, andcolorusing the Custom My Colorsfunction.
Sound and image recordings
- audiobook
- autotune
- Blu-ray
- box set
- compact disc
- concept album
- jewel case
- MD
- MiniDisc
- mix
- multitrack
- pressing
- record
- reissue
- sample
- shuffle
- tagging
- talking head
- tapescript
- track
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Easy to understand
sharpnessnoun[U](QUICKNESS OF PERSON)
thequalityof beingintelligentorquicktonoticethings:
敏锐She has aremarkablesharpnessofmind.她的头脑异常敏锐。
Theconditioncancausepatientstolosesome oftheirmentalsharpness.这种情况会导致患者失去部分精神敏锐度。
thequalityof beingphysicallyquickandskilful:
锋利,尖锐Theplayerstill has some way to go before heregainshis sharpness.这名球员还要经过一段时间才能恢复锋芒。
- Onalmosteverypagethere is somereminderof the sharpness ofobservationthatwonhim theNobelPrize.
- Theplayeris stillstrivingforfullsharpness after hiskneeproblemin thesummer.
- acuity
- acumen
- agility
- apt
- aptness
- grey matter
- gumption
- highbrow
- horse sense
- imaginative
- penetrating
- perceptive
- percipient
- perspicacious
- perspicacity
- presence of mind
- profundity
- quick-witted
- ready
- subtlety
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal physiology: fit & healthy
sharpnessnoun[U](OF TASTE)
thequalityof having astrongorsourtaste:
有强烈气味的;味道酸的Thesweetnessof thepumpkinis wellcomplementedby the sharpness of thecheese.南瓜的甜味与奶酪的刺激鲜味相得益彰。
Flavours & tastes
- -flavoured
- acidic
- acidulous
- aftertaste
- ageusia
- astringency
- dishwater
- flavourful
- flavourless
- flavoursome
- fruitiness
- fullness
- plummy
- pungent
- saltiness
- salty
- savory
- savoury
- seasoned
- watery
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Various qualities of food
thequalityof beingsuddenand verystrongornoticeable:
快速;强烈;引人注目They could noteasilyexplainthe sharpness of thefallinearnings.他们无法轻易解释收益大幅下降的原因。
He wasunpreparedfor the sharpness of thebendin theroad.他对道路的急转弯毫无准备。
The sharpness of thepainwas enough tosendme to thedoctor.疼痛的剧烈程度足以让我去看医生。
Not expected or planned
- abruptly
- abruptness
- ad hoc
- ad hocism
- ad hockery
- extemporize
- hoof
- inconceivably
- innocent
- innocently
- instinctive
- instinctively
- spirit
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- spontaneously
- steepness
- unannounced
- unwitting
- unwittingly
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Pain & painful