Nearandneartoareprepositions.Nearis also an adjective.
Nearandneartoas prepositions
The prepositionnear(to) means ‘not far away in distance’.Nearandnear tomean the same, butnearis more common:
She comes from a small place on the coastnearBarcelona.
My mother loves to sitnearthe fire at night.
She reached out her hand and drew himnear toher.
We can usenear (to)to talk about time:
My boss isnearretirement.(He will retire soon.)
Call me backnearthe end of September.
We can usenear(to) to talk about being almost in a particular state or condition:
It was full of soldiers and of military police, and I wasneardespair.
Nearas an adjective
In formal contexts, we can usenearas an adjective to refer to time with the phrasein the near futuremeaning ‘soon’. It is usually in end position:
Bank interest rates are expected to risein the near future.
We don’t usenearas an adjective modifying a noun when it refers to distance:
We went to anearbyrestaurant in the evening.
Not: …a near restaurant…
See also: