old-fashionedorhumorousuk/ˈpɑː.li/us/ˈpɑː twogroupsofpeople,especiallyone that isintendedto end anargument
(尤指欲结束争论的)和谈,会谈,谈判Debate & discussion
- agent provocateur
- bargainer
- bat
- bat around
- broker
- closure
- cloture
- consult
- dialogue
- discursive
- polarized
- polemic
- polemical
- post-debate
- powwow
- provocateur
- re-explore
- sophistry
- special pleading
- talk turkeyidiom
old-fashionedorhumorousuk/ˈpɑː.li/us/ˈpɑː,especiallyhow to end anargumentor awar:
After someseriousparleying, bothsidesagreedtosettletheirdifferences.
He hasleddisarmamenttalksand parleyed withNATO.
- They parleyed inprivateforhourswhileaidesanxiouslywaitedoutsidethedoor.
- He parleyed with theenemywhentruceswere made.
- Theclerksparleyed with thecustomerthroughsmallpigeonholesthat could bepromptlyclosed.
Debate & discussion
- agent provocateur
- bargainer
- bat
- bat around
- broker
- closure
- cloture
- consult
- dialogue
- discursive
- polarized
- polemic
- polemical
- post-debate
- powwow
- provocateur
- re-explore
- sophistry
- special pleading
- talk turkeyidiom