uk/pɑːˈteər/us/pɑːrˈter/parterrenoun[C](IN GARDEN)
aflatareain agarden, with aformalarrangementofplantsorflowers:
花坛,花圃The parterre wasplantedwithherbs.花坛里种了芳草。
Thegardenfeaturesaduckpond,Frenchparterres and aVictoriangreenhouse.花园里有一个小池塘、法式花坛和一个维多利亚时代的温室。
- The firstgrovesand parterres wereplantedbeforeworkbeganon thepalace.
- Thecentralstructuralfeatureof the parterre is a St Andrew'scross.
- Theterraceparterre is to berestoredtomatchitsappearancebefore the FirstWorldWar.
Parts of gardens
- arbour
- bed
- border
- bower
- flower bed
- green wall
- hedging
- herbaceous border
- kitchen garden
- lawn
- living wall
- patio
- perennial border
- raised bed
- rock garden
- rockery
- seedbed
- shrubbery
- terrace
- vertical garden
parterrenoun[C](THEATRE SEATS)
theareaofseatsin atheatrethat is on thelowerlevel, usually at the back andsides, below thebalcony(= anareaofseatsat anupperlevel):
(剧场的)正厅后排座位(区)How is theviewof thestagefrom the parterre?从正厅后排看舞台视线如何?
Themaximumnumberofticketsthat can beboughtby onepersonis 6 in the parterre or 2 in thegalleries.一人最多可购买六张正厅后排票或两张楼座票。

duncan1890/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Whichseatsarebest- parterre ordresscircle?
- Myfavoriteseatsare in thecenterparterre'sfrontrow.
- I don'twanttositin the parterrerowsin the back.
Theatres, cinemas & their parts
- art house
- arthouse
- backstage
- billboard
- bioscope
- fleapit
- footlights
- green room
- onstage
- orchestra pit
- setting
- spotlight
- stage
- stage right
- stagy
- theater
- theatre
- upstage
- wardrobe
- wing