conversationorreportsabout other people'sprivatelivesthat might beunkind,disapproving, or nottrue:
(有关别人隐私的)流言蜚语,闲言碎语,闲聊Herletterwasfullof gossip.她信里讲的都是些闲言碎语。
I don't like all thisidlegossip.我讨厌这些无聊的流言蜚语。
I've got somejuicygossip for you.我有些特别有趣的小道消息告诉你。
Have youheardthe(latest)gossip?你听到(最近流传的)那些闲言碎语了吗?
UKJaneand Lynsatin thekitchenhavinga good gossipabouttheirfriends.简和琳恩坐在厨房里大聊特聊自己的那帮朋友。
someone whoenjoystalkingabout otherpeopleandtheirprivatelives:
爱说长道短的人;喜欢散布流言蜚语的人She's aterriblegossip.她是个很要命的长舌妇。
- I've just beentalkingto thegirlsdownstairsand I've got somedeliciousgossip.
- Somemagazinescontainnothing butscandaland gossip.
- She alwayskeepsme up todatewith thelatestgossip.
- There's a lot of gossip about me going around. What have you been saying?
- Let's go for acoffee- I need tocatchup on all the gossip.
Gossip and rumour
- a little bird told meidiom
- anecdotal
- bird
- bush telegraph
- dirt
- ear
- exposure
- furphy
- hearsay
- lip
- on everyone's lipsidiom
- peddle
- reportedly
- rumoured
- say-so
- scandal
- scaremongering
- scoop
- swirl
- yourears must be burningidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Speakers & talkers
totalkabout other people'sprivatelives:
(对别人的隐私)说长道短,传播流言蜚语Stop gossiping and doyourwork.别再闲扯了,继续干点活去。
People havestartedto gossipaboutus.人们已经开始说我们的闲话了。
- She's been gossiping and hasn't done astrokeofworkallmorning.
- Janetspendshoursgossiping on thephone.
- I wouldn'ttellheryoursecrets- youknowhow shelikesto gossip.
- It's not only the women around here who like to gossip, youknow!
- Theoldfolksitgossiping in thevillagesquarefor most of themorning.
Revealing secrets & becoming known
- (the) word is/gets outidiom
- anti-secrecy
- backchannel
- bare
- blowsomeone'scoveridiom
- blow/take the lid offsomethingidiom
- break
- declassify
- hold
- huddle
- Queen's evidence
- rat
- rat onsomeone/something
- reintroduce
- revealingly
- revelatory
- state's evidence
- tip
- transpire
- unload