(alsogouda)uk/ˈɡaʊ.də/us/ˈɡuː.də/a hard,yellowcheesefrom the Netherlands with amild(= notstrong)flavour:
I made twoversionsof thequiche, one with Gouda and the other withGruyère.
Most goudas can bekeptfor up to ayearaslongas they are stillencasedinwax.
Remove thecauliflowerfrom theoven, andlayerwithslicedGoudacheese.
- Californianproducersmakespecialtycheesessuch asBrie, Gouda, andblue.
- Some Goudas are socreamythat theyalmosttastelikebutter.
- American cheese
- Asiago
- blue cheese
- Brie
- burrata
- Cheshire cheese
- chevre
- club cheese
- Colby
- cotija
- feta
- fontina
- fromage frais
- goat cheese
- Gorgonzola
- Muenster
- Neufchatel
- paneer
- panir
- Parmesan