释义 |
goverb(MOVE/TRAVEL)A1[Iusually+ adv/prep]totravelormoveto anotherplace: 去;走 We went into thehouse.我们走进了那座房子。 I wenttoParislastsummer. Have youeverbeen there?去年夏天我去了巴黎,你去过那儿吗? We don't gotothecinemavery often thesedays.近来我们不大常看电影。 Wouldn't it bequickerto gobytrain?坐火车去不是更快一些吗? Does thistraingotoNewcastle?这趟火车去纽卡斯尔吗? Where do youthinkyou're going? Shouldn't you be atschool?这是到哪去啊?你现在应该在学校里,不是吗? Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto take someone somewhere - takeI have to take my mother to the doctor today.
- go withI offered to go with him to the police station.
- come withCan you come to the hospital with me?
- accompanyChildren under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
- driveMy husband usually drives the kids to school.
- give someone a liftCan you give me a lift into town?
See more results » A1[Iusually+ adv/prep]to be in theprocessofmoving: 移动;行走 Can't we go anyfaster?我们能不能走得再快点儿? We were goingalongat about 50milesanhour.我们正在以每小时50英里左右的速度行进。 to godowntheroad沿着这条路走 to goup/downstairs上/下楼梯 to gooverthebridge过桥 to gothroughatunnel穿过隧道 UKfigurativeI've got atunegoingaround/roundin myhead(= I amcontinuallyhearingit)and I just can'trememberthenameof it.一支曲调时时在我脑海萦绕,但我就是想不起它的名字。 A1[I]tomoveortravelsomewhereinorderto do something: 去(做…);去(参加);去(从事) [+ -ing verb]We go shoppingeveryFridaynight.我们每周五晚上去购物。 I've never goneskiing.我从来没去滑过雪。 They've goneforawalk, but they should be backsoon.他们去散步了,但是应该很快就会回来。 [+ to infinitive]She wenttomeetBlake at thestation.她去火车站接布雷克了。 There's a goodfilmon at the Odeon. Shall we go?奥登影院正在放映一部好片子,我们去看吧? where has/havesomethinggone? said when you cannotfindsomething: (用于找不到东西时)…跑哪去了?Where have mykeysgone?我的钥匙跑哪去了? See more- You won't beableto goswimmingtomorrowifyourcoldhasn'tclearedup.
- You shouldchangetrainsat Peterborough if you're going to Newcastle.
- We wentdancingat anightclub.
- I wasthinkingwe might go on ashoppingtriponSaturday.
- Simon and Jo have gone tovisittheirgrandmotherthisweekend.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for movement - betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- movement
- pass
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: goverb(LEAVE)B1[I]toleaveaplace,especiallyinordertotraveltosomewhereelse: (尤指为了去别的地方)离开,离去,出发 Is itmidnightalready? I really must go/must be going.都已经到半夜了?我真的得走了。 She wasn'tfeelingwell, so she wenthomeearly.她感到不舒服,所以提前离开回家了。 mainlyUKWhattimedoes the lasttrainto Bath go?去巴斯的最后一趟火车什么时侯开? I'mafraidhe'll have to go(= bedismissedfrom hisjob)- he'sfartooinefficienttocontinueworkingfor us.恐怕他得走人了——他实在太不称职,没法继续在这儿干下去。 This carpet'sterriblyoldandwornout - it really will have to go(= be gotridof).这张地毯破旧不堪,磨损严重——必须得换了。 to goUS If youaskfor somefoodto go at arestaurant, youwantitwrappedup so that you can take it away with youinsteadofeatingit in therestaurant: (将在饭店所点食物)带走,外带I'd like acheeseburgerandstrawberrymilkshaketo go,please.我要外带一个奶酪汉堡包,一份草莓奶昔。 See more[I]polite wordfortodie: 去世,离开人世 She wentpeacefullyin hersleep.她在睡眠中安详辞世。 - You canstayif youwant, but I'm going to go.
- The nexttrainfor Manchester goes in tenminutes.
- Getyourcoat, we're going.
- He was here aminuteago, but he must have just gone.
- He wasdisappointedtofindthey'd already gone.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDeparting - abandon
- abandonment
- absquatulate
- backward
- be ready to rollidiom
- drive off
- move
- outgoing
- p.o.q.
- peel away/off
- piss off
- pull
- pullsomethingoff
- sea
- strike
- takesomethingoff
- turfsomethingout
- vacate
- vamoose
- walk
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: goverb(LEAD)B1[I+ adv/prep]If aroad,path, etc. goes in aparticulardirection, itleadsthere: 通(向);延伸 ThisroadgoestoBirmingham.这条路通向伯明翰。 Ahugecrackwentfromthetoptothebottomof thewall.墙上裂了一条很大的裂缝,从房顶一直延伸到地面。 [Iusually+ adv/prep]tocontinuefor aparticularlength: 延展,延伸(一段距离) The tree'srootsgodownthreemetres.这棵树的根一直到地下3米。 - Theirfriendshipgoes back to when they were atschooltogether.
- The M4 goes from London to Bristol.
- Thetunnelgoesrightunderneaththecity.
- Thecablewent from thevideointo the back of the TV.
- Thescratchgoes along theentirelengthof thevehicle.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTaking someone somewhere or telling them the way - accompany
- bring
- bringsomeone/somethingalong
- chaperone
- come along
- convoy
- direct
- docent
- drop
- guide
- lead
- march
- referral
- shepherd
- showsomeonearound (something)
- showsomeoneoversomething
- showsomeoneround(something)
- squire
- steer
- walk
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Direction of motion Continue & last goverb(FUTURE TIME)be going todo/be something A2tointendto do or be something in thefuture: 将要做/成为;打算做/成为 Are you going to go to Claire'sparty?你打算去参加克莱尔的聚会吗? A2to becertainorexpectedtohappenin thefuture: 肯定会做/成为;预期会做/成为 They're going to have ababyin thespring.到春天他们就会有孩子了。 See moregoverb(BECOME)B1[L only+ adj]tobecome: 变得,变成,成为 Theideaof goinggreydoesn'tbotherme, but I'dhateto gobald.我不在乎我的头发会变灰白,但是我真的很受不了变成个秃头。 Her father's goingsenile/blind/deaf.她父亲变老了/失明了/变聋了。 If anything goeswrong, you cancallouremergencyhotlinefreeofcharge.如出现任何问题,你可以拨打我们的免费紧急热线。 After twelveyearsofRepublicanpresidents, the US wentDemocraticin 1992.在共和党人做了12年的总统后,美国在1992年进入了民主党执政的时代。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto become - becomeMy arm was becoming more and more painful.
- getIt’s getting dark now.
- growTempers had been growing more and more frayed during the evening.
- goMy hair is going white.
- turnThe sky turned black.
See more results » - Paul will gomadwhen hefindsout you'vebrokenhiswatch.
- Because the book's soold, thepagesare goingyellow.
- Thecarspullaway when thelightsgogreen.
- Manysmallbusinesseswentbrokeduring therecession.
- He goes allmisty-eyedwheneverhehearsthatsong.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStarting and beginning - be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- motion
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor
See more results » goverb(MOVE BODY)C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]tomoveapartof thebodyin aparticularway or the way that isshown: 做特定的动作 Golike thiswithyourhandto show that you'returningleft.这样伸出手,示意你要往左转弯了。 - Can you go like this withyourtongue?
- Theplayerwent like this to show that his wasn'thurt.
- Hisfacewent like this when hetastedthesoup.
- Go like this withyourarmtostretchthemuscle.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for movement - betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- movement
- pass
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
See more results » goverb(OPERATE)C2[I]tooperate(in therightway): (正常地)运转,运行,工作 Have you anyideawhy thiswatchwon't go?你知道为什么这块手表不走了吗? Can youhelpme get mycargoing?你能帮我把车发动起来吗? Ourcompanyhas been going(= has been inbusiness)for 20years.我们公司已经有20年的历史了。 - Mywatchstoppedgoing after Idroppedit.
- Thatradiohas been going allmorning.
- Shereceivedagrantto get herbusinessgoing.
- I can't get thevacuumcleanerto go.
- Thedriverof thegetawaycarkepttheenginegoing.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - Functioning - action
- actuator
- asthmatically
- deactivation
- engaged
- firesomeoneup
- function assomething/someone
- functional
- functionality
- functioning
- in commissionidiom
- light
- operate
- operational
- order
- power
- reset
- self-driving
- start (something) up
- tick over
See more results » goverb(TIME)B2[I]If aperiodoftimegoes, itpasses: (时间)过去,流逝,消逝 I had awonderfulweekendbut it went veryquickly.我周末过得很愉快,可就是时间过得太快了。 Timeseemsto gofasteras you getolder.随着年龄变大,时间也好像过得更快了。 There's only aweektogo before(= until)I get myexamresults.只要再过一个星期我的考试结果就出来了。 - Thefinalhourof theexamwent veryquickly.
- There are only tendaysto go beforeChristmas.
- Twohourswent by before theyreportedthechildmissing.
- Time goesquicklywhen you're havingfun.
- Theafternoonwas going veryslowly.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpending time & time passing - all the time in the worldidiom
- Anno Domini
- elapse
- employ
- fall away
- kill
- kill time, an hour, etc.idiom
- pass
- roll
- roll by
- run out
- serve
- slip
- the sands of time are running outidiom
- time is onsomeone'ssideidiom
- time's a great healeridiom
- timekeeper
- wear
- wear on
- whilesomethingaway
See more results » goverb(BE)[L only+ adj]to be orstayin aparticularcondition,especiallyanunpleasantone : 处于(尤指令人不快的状况) Inspiteof thereliefeffort, thousands ofpeoplecontinueto gohungry.尽管提供了救济,仍有数以千计的人继续处于饥饿状态。 Why do so manyrapesgo unreported?为什么有那么多人被强奸后没有报案呢? as...go incomparisonwith most other things of aparticulartype,especiallywhen you do notthinkthattypeof thing is very good: 就某类…而言,和一般…相比(尤指认为此类事物不太好)It wasquitea goodfilm, ashorrorfilmsgo.就恐怖片而言,这片子还算不错。 See morego to prove/show toprovethat something istrue: 验证,证明,说明Yourdaughter'sattitudeonlygoes toprovehow muchsocietyhaschangedover the last 30years.你女儿的态度恰恰证明了过去30年里社会的变化有多大。 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKeeping and staying the same - anti-progressive
- calcification
- calcify
- consistency
- consistent
- continuum
- insensitivity
- invariant
- inveteracy
- leave well aloneidiom
- left
- peg
- stability
- stabilization
- stabilize
- stably
- stay
- wallow
- wallow insomething
- wouldn't have it any other wayidiom
See more results » goverb(START)[I]tostartdoing or using something: 开始 I'll justconnecttheprinterto thecomputerand then we'll bereadyto go.我只要把打印机和电脑连接上,我们就可以开始了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStarting and beginning - be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- motion
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor
See more results » goverb(PLAY GAME)[I]to useyouropportunitytoplayin agame: (游戏中轮到的时候)去(玩) It'syourturn to go now.轮到你来玩了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMiscellaneous games & activities - air hockey
- beer pong
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- juggling
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- pinball machine
- raffle
- stoop ball
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
See more results » goverb(DIVIDE)[Inot continuous](of anumber) tofitinto anothernumberespeciallyresultingin awholenumber: 除;(尤指)整除 5into11 won't go.5除11除不尽。 3 goesinto15 fivestimes.3除15等于5。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAddition, subtraction, multiplication & division - add
- add (something) up
- addition sign
- additive
- arithmetical
- coefficient
- deduction
- half
- halve
- highest common factor
- long division
- power
- recursion
- roundsomethingdown
- square
- subtraction sign
- subtractive
- table
- takesomethingaway
- treble
See more results » goverb(SAY)[+ speech]informalto say,especiallywhen astoryis being told: (尤指讲故事时)说 "I neverwanttoseeyoueveragain," he goes, andstormsout thehouse.“我一辈子都不想再见到你,”他说着,怒气冲冲地冲出了房子。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSaying & uttering - (your)every wordidiom
- add
- come out withsomething
- every
- fall fromsomething
- findyourvoiceidiom
- get in
- inyourown wordsidiom
- intone
- loud
- mouth
- quoth
- say
- speak
- string
- text
- think
- utterance
- verbalize
- volunteer
See more results » goverb(WEAKEN)[I]tobecomeweakordamaged,especiallyfrom being used (too much), or tostopworking: (尤指因为过度使用)变薄弱,衰退,损坏,垮掉 After agruellingsixmonthssingingon aworldtour, it ishardlysurprisingthat hervoiceisstartingto go.经过6个月紧张劳累的世界巡演,她的音质开始变差,这不足为奇。 I really must get a newjacket- this one'sstartingto go at theelbows.我真的得去买件新外套了——这一件肘部都快磨坏了。 Herhearingis going, butotherwiseshe'sremarkablyfitfor a 95-year-old.她的听力开始下降,但除此以外,对于一个95岁高龄的老人来说,她还是很健康的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDeteriorating and making worse - add
- admin
- aggravate
- backslide
- be (all) downhillidiom
- debase
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- devaluation
- devalue
- disintegrate
- dog
- make matters worseidiom
- one step forward, two steps backidiom
- regress
- regression
- regressive
- wear thinidiom
- worse
- worsen
See more results » goverb(NOISE)C2[IorT]toproduceanoise: 发出(声音);响;鸣 IthinkIheardthedoorbellgo(=ring)just now.我觉得刚才听到门铃响了。 Iwishmycomputerwouldstopgoing "beep"wheneverI do somethingwrong.我希望我的电脑不要我一出错误就“嘟嘟”响。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSounds made by objects, movement or impact - babble
- blaze
- bong
- chuff
- clatter
- click away
- clicker
- clinking
- clunk
- crump
- growl
- gunshot
- hiss
- jangling
- plunk
- scrunch
- sonic boom
- tick
- white noise
- whoosh
See more results » goverb(BE EXPRESSED)B2[Inot continuous]to beexpressed,sung, orplayed: 用某种措词表达;(音乐)有某种调子;(以特定方式)唱 I can neverrememberhowthatsonggoes.我永远也记不住怎么唱那首歌。 "Doesn't it go somethinglikethis?" said Joan, andplayedthe firstcoupleofbarson herguitar.“它是不是这个调子?”琼说着,用吉他奏出开头几个小节。 [+ (that)]Thestorygoes(=peoplesay)(that)he was fireds after he wascaughtstealingcompanyproperty.据说他盗窃公司的财物被抓住后就被开除了。 Aheadlessghostwalksthecastleatnight- orsothestorygoes(= sopeoplesay).一个无头鬼晚上在城堡中游荡——反正人们都是这样说的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlaying music - accompaniment
- accompany
- air guitar
- beatsomethingout
- beatbox
- blow
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- pitch
- play (something) by earidiom
- playability
- playable
- pump
- roof
- tap
- transpose
- transposition
- ultra-smooth
- vibe
- wah-wah
See more results » goverb(HAPPEN)[Iusually+ adv/prep]tohappenor befoundregularlyortypicallywith each other or another: 与(…)同时存在;与(…)相伴而生 Wisdom andmaturitydon'tnecessarilygotogether.智慧不在年高,年成未必有智。 Sheknowsall about thehealthproblemsthat gowithsmoking.抽烟引起的所有健康问题她都很清楚。 Greatwealthoften goeshandinhandwithmeanness.巨富者常悭吝。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOccurring and happening - afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go off
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
See more results » goverb(BE SITUATED)[Iusually+ adv/prep,not continuous]to be put in aparticularplace,especiallyas theusualplace: 被放置,被置于(尤指通常的位置) Thesofawentagainstthatwallbefore we had theradiatorput in.安装暖气片前沙发是靠着那面墙放的。 I'll put it all away if youtellmewhereeverything goes.你告诉我所有这些东西该放哪儿,我会放好的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlacing and positioning an object - -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- spread
- stick
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
See more results » goverb(BE SOLD)[I]to besoldor beavailable: 被卖掉,被出售;现成可用 Theshopis having a closing-downsale- everything must go.那家商店正举行停业甩卖——一切货物都得售完。 Thepaintingwill gotothehighestbidder.这幅油画将会卖给出价最高的人。 Iboughtsomeflowersthat were goingcheap.我买了一些减价出售的花。 "Going... going... gone!(= Sold!)" said theauctioneer,bangingdown thehammer.“要卖出了——要卖出了——成交!”拍卖人边喊边敲下了拍卖槌。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAvailable and accessible - accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- drop
- nothing
- obtainable
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- stream
- unfreeze
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Buying & selling - general words goverb(BE ACCEPTABLE)B1[Inot continuous]tolookor beacceptableorsuitable: 可以接受;匹配;适合;相称 Thatpicturewould gowellon thewallin thelivingroom.那幅画挂在客厅墙上正合适。 The TV would gonicelyinthatcorner, wouldn't it?电视放在那个角落正好,是不是? If Iweartheorangehatwith thebluedress, do youthinkit will go?我穿那件蓝色连衣裙戴这顶橘红色的帽子,你觉得相配吗? Justrememberthat I'm thebossand what I say goes(= you have toacceptwhat I say).请记住我是老板,我说一不二。 Myparentsdon'tworrytoo much about what I am up to, and most of thetimeanythinggoes(= I can do what Iwant).我做什么我父母都不是太担心,所以大多数情况下我都能做自己想做的事。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMatching and co-ordinating - -matched
- coordinate
- coordinated
- coordination
- go withsomething
- incongruence
- marry
- marry up (something)
- match
- match up
- matchy-matchy
- tone
- tone in
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Being suitable or unsuitable goverb(BE KNOWN)[Iusually+ adv/prep]to beknown(by aparticularname): 被叫做,被称为(某个名字或名称);名叫 He had ascruffyoldteddybearthat wentby thenameofAugustus.他有个肮脏破旧的玩具熊,名字叫奥古斯塔斯。 InBritain, thisflourusually goesunder thenameofmaizemeal.在英国,这种面粉一般被称为玉米面。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNames and titles - A.N. Other
- age
- aka
- alias
- appellation
- forename
- form of address
- given name
- good name
- identity
- patronymic
- pen name
- pet name
- place name
- pseudonym
- trade name
- trademark
- under the name ofidiom
- unidentified
- unnamed
See more results » goverb(DEVELOP)B1[Iusually+ adv/prep]todeveloporhappen: 进行,进展;发生 "Howdid theinterviewgo?" "It went very well,thanks."“面试进行得怎么样?”“很好,多谢。” Things have gonebadlyforhim since hisbusinesscollapsed.他的公司倒闭后,他的生活变得一团糟。 - Everything was goingsmoothlyuntilsuddenlydisasterstruck.
- "Ihearthings aren't going too well atwork." "You don'tknowthehalfof it!"
- Everything wentswimminglyuntil Peterstartedtalkingaboutmoney.
- Thepartywent likeclockwork.
- Did it all goaccordingtoplan?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOccurring and happening - afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go off
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
See more results » GrammarBeenorgone? We often use been to, instead of gone to, when we refer to completed visits to a place:… Comeorgo? We use come to describe movement between the speaker and listener, and movement from another place to the place where the speaker or listener is. We usually use go to talk about movement from where the speaker or listener is to another place.… Go We use go to refer to movement, most commonly away from the speaker or listener to another place. We normally use go without an object:… Go+ -ing We use go + -ing form when we speak about general activities that involve movement:… Go+ complement We use go + an adjective (complement) to describe changes to the state of things:… Go and,come and… In speaking, we often use and after go and come before the base form of verbs like ask, buy, check, collect, do, find, get:… Going to We use the present continuous form of the verb go + preposition to + noun phrase to talk about movement in relation to a place or a person in the present:… Going to: present continuous We use the present continuous form of the verb go + preposition to + noun phrase to talk about movement in relation to a place or a person in the present:… Going to: future We can use a present form of be + going to + the base form of a main verb to talk about the future. We use it for plans and intentions, predictions and commands:… Was going to We use a past form of be + going to when we talk about a plan we had that may have changed.… Getorgo? Get and go have similar meanings, when talking about travel or motion. When we use get, we emphasise arrival:… Future:be going to(I am going to work) We use be going to + the base form of the verb:… Be going to: form We use be going to + the base form of the verb:… Be going to: uses Be going to is commonly used in informal styles.… Gonna(informal contexts) We use gonna /gənə/ instead of going to in informal contexts, especially in speaking and in song lyrics. We write gonna to show how to pronounce it:… Be going toorwill? Will is often used in a similar way to be going to. Will is used when we are talking about something with absolute certainty. Be going to is used when we want to emphasise our decision or the evidence in the present:… Idiomsgo aboutyourbusiness go and... go down swinging/fighting go for it go it alone havesomethinggoing foryou not go there the same/that goes forsomeone/something what are you going to do? Phrasal verbsgo aboutsomething go aftersomeone go aftersomething go againstsomeone go againstsomething/someone go ahead go along go along withsomething/someone go around go around(somewhere) go aroundsomething go atsomeone go atsomething go away go back go back onsomething go back tosomeone go back tosomething go by go bysomething go down go down go down onsomeone go down withsomething go forsomeone go forsomething go in go in forsomething go in onsomething go intosomething go off go offsomeone/something go off withsomeone go off withsomething go on go onsomething go out go out forsomething go out tosomeone go over go oversomething go over tosomething go round go round(somewhere) go roundsomething go through go throughsomething go through withsomething go tosomeone go together go under go up go up tosomething go withsomething go withsomeone go withsomeone/something go without(something) gonoun(ATTEMPT)B2[C](USalsotry)anattemptto do something: 尝试 I've never done this before but I'll give it a go.我以前从来没有做过,但是我会尝试一下。 "Thisjarisimpossibletoopen." "Here,letmehavea go."“这个罐子没法打开。”“来,让我试一试。” Iwanttohave agoatfinishingmyessaytonight.我想试试看今晚能不能把论文写完。 We can't do theworkall in onego(= all at the sametime).我们不可能一蹴而就,一下子完成工作。 make a go ofsomethingmainlyUK C2to try to make somethingsucceed, usually byworkinghard: (通常指通过努力工作)使成功 She's really making a go of her newantiqueshop.她新开的古玩店经营得还真挺不错。 See more- I can't do thecrossword. Do youwantto have a go?
- After several goes at thepuzzle, sheeventuallygave up.
- They each had a go atliftingthebox, but neither of them couldmoveit.
- If youfailthetestthistime, you can have another go at it inAugust.
- I don'tknowif I canfixthetapsbut I'll have a go.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTrying and making an effort - A game
- all-out
- assault
- attempt
- attempted
- commitment
- crack
- go down swinging/fightingidiom
- go for itidiom
- go forsomeone
- go out ofyourwayidiom
- go the extra mileidiom
- nose
- seek
- smarten upyouractidiom
- spare
- square the circleidiom
- step on the gasidiom
- stick atsomething
- stick tosomething
See more results » gonoun(OPPORTUNITY)B1[C](USusuallyturn)anopportunitytoplayin agame, or to do or use something: (游戏等中)轮到的机会 Hey, it's Ken's go now! You've just hadyourgo.嗨,现在轮到肯了!你刚玩过。 Please can Ihave ago(= can Iride)onyourbike?我能骑骑你的自行车吗? I'llhave agoatdrivingfor a while if you'retired.你要是累了,我来替你开会儿车。 - Is it my goyet?
- May I have a go onyourcomputer?
- We can have two goes each.
- You have tomissa go if youlandon thatsquare.
- Whose go is it?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMiscellaneous games & activities - air hockey
- beer pong
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- juggling
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- pinball machine
- raffle
- stoop ball
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
See more results » gonoun(CRITICIZE)have a go atsomeoneUK My Dad's always having a go at me about getting aproperjob.我爸爸总是指责我不找个正儿八经的工作干。 See moregonoun(ENERGY)[U]UKtheconditionof beingenergeticandactive: 劲头;精力;活力 You'refullof go thismorning.今天早晨你精力充沛。 He doesn't have much go about him, does he?他无精打采的,不是吗? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesExcitement, interest, energy and enthusiasm - alacrity
- animation
- ardour
- avidity
- boosterism
- commotion
- fever pitch
- flirtation
- frenzy
- friskiness
- frisson
- frolic
- hubbub
- pep
- perkiness
- physicality
- piquancy
- pizzazz
- zeal
- zealousness
See more results » gonoun(GAME)[U](alsoGo)aChinesegameplayedon asquareboardin which twoplayerstry tosurroundeachothers'stones(=pieces): Around 50mpeopleineastAsiaplaygo. Go was all therageinJapanesecourtlycirclesby the 11thcentury.  Gannet77/E+/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoard games - backgammon
- bishop
- blitz
- board game
- castle
- Chinese chequers
- Chutes and Ladders
- counterplay
- defence
- draught
- endgame
- forfeit
- gambit
- pawn
- pin
- queen
- queenside
- re-roll
- resign
- square
See more results » (Definition ofgofrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)goverb(MOVE/TRAVEL)A1[Iusually+ adv/prep]totravelormoveto anotherplace 去;走We went into thehouse.我们走进了那座房子。 I wenttoParislastsummer. Have youeverbeen there?去年夏天我去了巴黎,你去过那儿吗? We don't gotothecinemavery often thesedays.近来我们不大常看电影。 Wouldn't it bequickerto gobytrain?坐火车去不是更快一些吗? Does thistraingotoNewcastle?这趟火车去纽卡斯尔吗? Where do youthinkyou're going? Shouldn't you be atschool?这是到哪去啊?你现在应该在学校里,不是吗? A1[Iusually+ adv/prep]to be in theprocessofmoving 移动;行走Can't we go anyfaster?我们能不能走得再快点儿? We were goingalongat about 50milesanhour.我们正在以每小时50英里左右的速度行进。 to godowntheroad沿着这条路走 to goup/downstairs上/下楼梯 to gooverthebridge过桥 to gothroughatunnel穿过隧道 UKfigurativeI've got atunegoingaround/roundin myhead(= I amcontinuallyhearingit)and I just can'trememberthenameof it.一支曲调时时在我脑海萦绕,但我就是想不起它的名字。 A1[I]tomoveortravelsomewhereinorderto do something 去(做…);去(参加);去(从事)[+ -ing verb]We go shoppingeveryFridaynight.我们每周五晚上去购物。 I've never goneskiing.我从来没去滑过雪。 They've goneforawalk, but they should be backsoon.他们去散步了,但是应该很快就会回来。 [+ to infinitive]She wenttomeetBlake at thestation.她去火车站接布雷克了。 There's a goodfilmon at the Odeon. Shall we go?奥登影院正在放映一部好片子,我们去看吧? where has/havesthgone? said when you cannotfindsomething (用于找不到东西时)…跑哪去了?Where have mykeysgone?我的钥匙跑哪去了? - You won't beableto goswimmingtomorrowifyourcoldhasn'tclearedup.
- You shouldchangetrainsat Peterborough if you're going to Newcastle.
- We wentdancingat anightclub.
- I wasthinkingwe might go on ashoppingtriponSaturday.
- Simon and Jo have gone tovisittheirgrandmotherthisweekend.
goverb(LEAVE)B1[I]toleaveaplace,especiallyinordertotraveltosomewhereelse (尤指为了去别的地方)离开,离去,出发Is itmidnightalready? I really must go/must be going.都已经到半夜了?我真的得走了。 She wasn'tfeelingwell, so she wenthomeearly.她感到不舒服,所以提前离开回家了。 mainlyUKWhattimedoes the lasttrainto Bath go?去巴斯的最后一趟火车什么时侯开? I'mafraidhe'll have to go(= bedismissedfrom hisjob)- he'sfartooinefficienttocontinueworkingfor us.恐怕他得走人了——他实在太不称职,没法继续在这儿干下去。 This carpet'sterriblyoldandwornout - it really will have to go(= be gotridof).这张地毯破旧不堪,磨损严重——必须得换了。 to goUS If youaskfor somefoodto go at arestaurant, youwantitwrappedup so that you can take it away with youinsteadofeatingit in therestaurant. (将在饭店所点食物)带走,外带I'd like acheeseburgerandstrawberrymilkshaketo go,please.我要外带一个奶酪汉堡包,一份草莓奶昔。 去世,离开人世She wentpeacefullyin hersleep.她在睡眠中安详辞世。 - You canstayif youwant, but I'm going to go.
- The nexttrainfor Manchester goes in tenminutes.
- Getyourcoat, we're going.
- He was here aminuteago, but he must have just gone.
- He wasdisappointedtofindthey'd already gone.
goverb(LEAD)B1[I+ adv/prep]If aroad,path, etc. goes in aparticulardirection, itleadsthere. 通(向);延伸ThisroadgoestoBirmingham.这条路通向伯明翰。 Ahugecrackwentfromthetoptothebottomof thewall.墙上裂了一条很大的裂缝,从房顶一直延伸到地面。 [Iusually+ adv/prep]tocontinuefor aparticularlength 延展,延伸(一段距离)The tree'srootsgodownthreemetres.这棵树的根一直到地下3米。 - Theirfriendshipgoes back to when they were atschooltogether.
- The M4 goes from London to Bristol.
- Thetunnelgoesrightunderneaththecity.
- Thecablewent from thevideointo the back of the TV.
- Thescratchgoes along theentirelengthof thevehicle.
goverb(FUTURE TIME)be going todo/be sth A2tointendto do or be something in thefuture 将要做/成为;打算做/成为Are you going to go to Claire'sparty?你打算去参加克莱尔的聚会吗? Hewantsme tomendhisshirtfor him, but I'm not going to!他想让我给他补衬衫,我才不干呢! I'm going to be afamouspopstarwhen I'molder.我长大了想做一个有名的流行歌星。 A2to becertainorexpectedtohappenin thefuture 肯定会做/成为;预期会做/成为They're going to have ababyin thespring.到春天他们就会有孩子了。 There's going to betroublewhen Paulfindsout about this.要是保罗发觉了这事儿,那就麻烦了。 Theforecastsaid it was going to behotandsunnytomorrow.天气预报说,明天天气晴朗炎热。 - I'm going tocheckout that newclub.
- Come on - we're going to be late if you don'thurry!
- Mylawyeris going tocomposealetterofcomplaint.
- Have youconsideredyourmotherand how she's going tofeelabout youleaving?
- There's aslightcoolnessin theair- do youthinkit's going torain?
goverb(BECOME)变得,变成,成为Theideaof goinggreydoesn'tbotherme, but I'dhateto gobald.我不在乎我的头发会变灰白,但是我真的很受不了变成个秃头。 Her father's goingsenile/blind/deaf.她父亲变老了/失明了/变聋了。 If anything goeswrong, you cancallouremergencyhotlinefreeofcharge.如出现任何问题,你可以拨打我们的免费紧急热线。 After twelveyearsofRepublicanpresidents, the US went Democratic in 1992.在共和党人做了12年的总统后,美国在1992年进入了民主党执政的时代。 - Paul will gomadwhen hefindsout you'vebrokenhiswatch.
- Because the book's soold, thepagesare goingyellow.
- Thecarspullaway when thelightsgogreen.
- Manysmallbusinesseswentbrokeduring therecession.
- He goes allmisty-eyedwheneverhehearsthatsong.
goverb(MOVE BODY)C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]tomoveapartof thebodyin aparticularway or the way that isshown 做特定的动作Golike thiswithyourhandto show that you'returningleft.这样伸出手,示意你要往左转弯了。 - Can you go like this withyourtongue?
- Theplayerwent like this to show that his wasn'thurt.
- Hisfacewent like this when hetastedthesoup.
- Go like this withyourarmtostretchthemuscle.
goverb(OPERATE)C2[I]tooperate(in therightway) (正常地)运转,运行,工作Have you anyideawhy thiswatchwon't go?你知道为什么这块手表不走了吗? Can youhelpme get mycargoing?你能帮我把车发动起来吗? Ourcompanyhas been going(= has been inbusiness)for 20years.我们公司已经有20年的历史了。 - Mywatchstoppedgoing after Idroppedit.
- Thatradiohas been going allmorning.
- Shereceivedagrantto get herbusinessgoing.
- I can't get thevacuumcleanerto go.
- Thedriverof thegetawaycarkepttheenginegoing.
goverb(TIME)B2[I]If aperiodoftimegoes, itpasses. (时间)过去,流逝,消逝I had awonderfulweekendbut it went veryquickly.我周末过得很愉快,可就是时间过得太快了。 Timeseemsto gofasteras you getolder.随着年龄变大,时间也好像过得更快了。 There's only aweektogo before(= until)I get myexamresults.只要再过一个星期我的考试结果就出来了。 - Thefinalhourof theexamwent veryquickly.
- There are only tendaysto go beforeChristmas.
- Twohourswent by before theyreportedthechildmissing.
- Time goesquicklywhen you're havingfun.
- Theafternoonwas going veryslowly.
goverb(BE)[L only+ adj]to be orstayin aparticularcondition,especiallyanunpleasantone 处于(尤指令人不快的状况)Inspiteof thereliefeffort, thousands ofpeoplecontinueto gohungry.尽管提供了救济,仍有数以千计的人继续处于饥饿状态。 Why do so manyrapesgo unreported?为什么有那么多人被强奸后没有报案呢? as...go incomparisonwith most other things of aparticulartype,especiallywhen you do notthinkthattypeof thing is very good 就某类…而言,和一般…相比(尤指认为此类事物不太好)It wasquitea goodfilm, ashorrorfilmsgo.就恐怖片而言,这片子还算不错。 Isupposetheconcertwas OK, asthese thingsgo.就此类演出而言,我想这次音乐会还可以。 go to prove/show toprovethat something istrue 验证,证明,说明Your daughter'sattitudeonlygoes toprovehow muchsocietyhaschangedover the last 30years.你女儿的态度恰恰证明了过去30年里社会的变化有多大。 goverb(START)[I]tostartdoing or using something 开始I'll justconnecttheprinterto thecomputerand then we'll bereadyto go.我只要把打印机和电脑连接上,我们就可以开始了。 goverb(PLAY GAME)[I]to useyouropportunitytoplayin agame (游戏中轮到的时候)去(玩)It'syourturn to go now.轮到你来玩了。 goverb(DIVIDE)[Inot continuous](of anumber) tofitinto anothernumberespeciallyresultingin awholenumber 除;(尤指)整除5into11 won't go.5除11除不尽。 3 goesinto15 fivestimes.3除15等于5。 goverb(SAY)[+ speech]informalto say,especiallywhen astoryis being told (尤指讲故事时)说"I neverwanttoseeyoueveragain," he goes, andstormsout thehouse.“我一辈子都不想再见到你,”他说着,怒气冲冲地冲出了房子。 goverb(WEAKEN)[I]tobecomeweakordamaged,especiallyfrom being used (too much), or tostopworking (尤指因为过度使用)变薄弱,衰退,损坏,垮掉After agruellingsixmonthssingingon aworldtour, it ishardlysurprisingthat hervoiceisstartingto go.经过6个月紧张劳累的世界巡演,她的音质开始变差,这不足为奇。 I really must get a newjacket- this one'sstartingto go at theelbows.我真的得去买件新外套了——这一件肘部都快磨坏了。 Herhearingis going, butotherwiseshe'sremarkablyfitfor a 95-year-old.她的听力开始下降,但除此以外,对于一个95岁高龄的老人来说,她还是很健康的。 goverb(NOISE)发出(声音);响;鸣IthinkIheardthedoorbellgo(=ring)just now.我觉得刚才听到门铃响了。 Iwishmycomputerwouldstopgoing "beep"wheneverI do somethingwrong.我希望我的电脑不要我一出错误就“嘟嘟”响。 goverb(BE EXPRESSED)B2[Inot continuous]to beexpressed,sung, orplayed 用某种措词表达;(音乐)有某种调子;(以特定方式)唱I can neverrememberhowthatsonggoes.我永远也记不住怎么唱那首歌。 "Doesn't it go somethinglikethis?" said Joan, andplayedthe firstcoupleofbarson herguitar.“它是不是这个调子?”琼说着,用吉他奏出开头几个小节。 [+ (that)]Thestorygoes(=peoplesay)(that)he was fireds after he wascaughtstealingcompanyproperty.据说他盗窃公司的财物被抓住后就被开除了。 Aheadlessghostwalksthecastleatnight- orsothestorygoes(= sopeoplesay).一个无头鬼晚上在城堡中游荡——反正人们都是这样说的。 goverb(HAPPEN)[Iusually+ adv/prep]tohappenor befoundregularlyortypicallywith each other or another 与(…)同时存在;与(…)相伴而生Wisdom andmaturitydon'tnecessarilygotogether.智慧不在年高,年成未必有智。 Sheknowsall about thehealthproblemsthat gowithsmoking.抽烟引起的所有健康问题她都很清楚。 Greatwealthoften goeshandinhandwithmeanness.巨富者常悭吝。 goverb(BE SITUATED)[Iusually+ adv/prep,not continuous]to be put in aparticularplace,especiallyas theusualplace 被放置,被置于(尤指通常的位置)Thesofawentagainstthatwallbefore we had theradiatorput in.安装暖气片前沙发是靠着那面墙放的。 I'll put it all away if youtellmewhereeverything goes.你告诉我所有这些东西该放哪儿,我会放好的。 goverb(BE SOLD)[I]to besoldor beavailable 被卖掉,被出售;现成可用Theshopis having a closing-downsale- everything must go.那家商店正举行停业甩卖——一切货物都得售完。 Thepaintingwill gotothehighestbidder.这幅油画将会卖给出价最高的人。 Iboughtsomeflowersthat were goingcheap.我买了一些减价出售的花。 "Going... going... gone!(= Sold!)" said theauctioneer,bangingdown thehammer.“要卖出了——要卖出了——成交!”拍卖人边喊边敲下了拍卖槌。 goverb(BE ACCEPTABLE)B1[Inot continuous]tolookor beacceptableorsuitable 可以接受;匹配;适合;相称Thatpicturewould gowellon thewallin thelivingroom.那幅画挂在客厅墙上正合适。 The TV would gonicelyinthatcorner, wouldn't it?电视放在那个角落正好,是不是? If Iweartheorangehatwith thebluedress, do youthinkit will go?我穿那件蓝色连衣裙戴这顶橘红色的帽子,你觉得相配吗? Justrememberthat I'm thebossand what I say goes(= you have toacceptwhat I say).请记住我是老板,我说一不二。 Myparentsdon'tworrytoo much about what I am up to, and most of thetimeanythinggoes(= I can do what Iwant).我做什么我父母都不是太担心,所以大多数情况下我都能做自己想做的事。 goverb(BE KNOWN)[Iusually+ adv/prep]to beknown(by aparticularname) 被叫做,被称为(某个名字或名称);名叫He had ascruffyoldteddybearthat wentby thenameofAugustus.他有个肮脏破旧的玩具熊,名字叫奥古斯塔斯。 InBritain, thisflourusually goesunder thenameofmaizemeal.在英国,这种面粉一般被称为玉米面。 goverb(DEVELOP)B1[Iusually+ adv/prep]todeveloporhappen 进行,进展;发生"Howdid theinterviewgo?" "It went very well,thanks."“面试进行得怎么样?”“很好,多谢。” Things have gonebadlyforhim since hisbusinesscollapsed.他的公司倒闭后,他的生活变得一团糟。 - Everything was goingsmoothlyuntilsuddenlydisasterstruck.
- "Ihearthings aren't going too well atwork." "You don'tknowthehalfof it!"
- Everything wentswimminglyuntil Peterstartedtalkingaboutmoney.
- Thepartywent likeclockwork.
- Did it all goaccordingtoplan?
GrammarBeenorgone? We often use been to, instead of gone to, when we refer to completed visits to a place:… Comeorgo? We use come to describe movement between the speaker and listener, and movement from another place to the place where the speaker or listener is. We usually use go to talk about movement from where the speaker or listener is to another place.… Go We use go to refer to movement, most commonly away from the speaker or listener to another place. We normally use go without an object:… Go+ -ing We use go + -ing form when we speak about general activities that involve movement:… Go+ complement We use go + an adjective (complement) to describe changes to the state of things:… Go and,come and… In speaking, we often use and after go and come before the base form of verbs like ask, buy, check, collect, do, find, get:… Going to We use the present continuous form of the verb go + preposition to + noun phrase to talk about movement in relation to a place or a person in the present:… Going to: present continuous We use the present continuous form of the verb go + preposition to + noun phrase to talk about movement in relation to a place or a person in the present:… Going to: future We can use a present form of be + going to + the base form of a main verb to talk about the future. We use it for plans and intentions, predictions and commands:… Was going to We use a past form of be + going to when we talk about a plan we had that may have changed.… Getorgo? Get and go have similar meanings, when talking about travel or motion. When we use get, we emphasise arrival:… Future:be going to(I am going to work) We use be going to + the base form of the verb:… Be going to: form We use be going to + the base form of the verb:… Be going to: uses Be going to is commonly used in informal styles.… Gonna(informal contexts) We use gonna /gənə/ instead of going to in informal contexts, especially in speaking and in song lyrics. We write gonna to show how to pronounce it:… Be going toorwill? Will is often used in a similar way to be going to. Will is used when we are talking about something with absolute certainty. Be going to is used when we want to emphasise our decision or the evidence in the present:… Idiomsgo aboutyourbusiness go and... go for it go it alone havesthgoing foryou not go there the same/that goes forsb/sth what are you going to do? Phrasal verbsgo aboutsth go aftersb go aftersth go againstsb go againststh/sb go ahead go along go along withsth/sb go around go atsb go atsth go away go back go back onsth go back tosb go back tosth go by go bysth go down go down go down onsb go down withsth go forsb go forsth go in go in forsth go in onsth go intosth go off go offsb/sth go off withsb go off withsth go on go onsth go out go out forsth go out tosb go over go oversth go over tosth go round go round(somewhere) go roundsth go through go throughsth go through withsth go tosb go together go under go up go up tosth go withsth go withsb go withsb/sth go without(sth) gonoun(ATTEMPT)B2[C](USalsotry)anattemptto do something 尝试I've never done this before but I'll give it a go.我以前从来没有做过,但是我会尝试一下。 "Thisjarisimpossibletoopen." "Here,letmehavea go."“这个罐子没法打开。”“来,让我试一试。” Iwanttohave agoatfinishingmyessaytonight.我想试试看今晚能不能把论文写完。 We can't do theworkall in onego(= all at the sametime).我们不可能一蹴而就,一下子完成工作。 make a go ofsthUK(USusuallytry) C2to try to make somethingsucceed, usually byworkinghard (通常指通过努力工作)使成功She's really making a go of her newantiqueshop.她新开的古玩店经营得还真挺不错。 I can'tseehimevermaking a go ofaccountancy.我觉得会计这工作他永远也做不好。 - I can't do thecrossword. Do youwantto have a go?
- After several goes at thepuzzle, sheeventuallygave up.
- They each had a go atliftingthebox, but neither of them couldmoveit.
- If youfailthetestthistime, you can have another go at it inAugust.
- I don'tknowif I canfixthetapsbut I'll have a go.
gonoun(OPPORTUNITY)B1[C](USusuallyturn)anopportunitytoplayin agame, or to do or use something (游戏等中)轮到的机会Hey, it's Ken's go now! You've just hadyourgo.嗨,现在轮到肯了!你刚玩过。 Please can Ihave ago(= can Iride)onyourbike?我能骑骑你的自行车吗? I'llhave agoatdrivingfor a while if you'retired.你要是累了,我来替你开会儿车。 - Is it my goyet?
- May I have a go onyourcomputer?
- We can have two goes each.
- You have tomissa go if youlandon thatsquare.
- Whose go is it?
gonoun(CRITICIZE)have a go atsbUK 指责,数落My Dad's always having a go at me about getting aproperjob.我爸爸总是指责我不找个正儿八经的工作干。 gonoun(ENERGY)[U]UKtheconditionof beingenergeticandactive 劲头;精力;活力You'refullof go thismorning.今天早晨你精力充沛。 He doesn't have much go about him, does he?他无精打采的,不是吗? goverb(TRAVEL)[I]tomoveortravelto anotherplace: Let’s gohomenow. Are you going away foryourvacation? He’s going to hiscountryhousefor theweekend. We don’t go to themoviesmuch. You go on (ahead) and I’ll be along in aminute. Are youplanningto go bycaror are youflying? Thepayrollcheckswent out(= weresent)aweeklaterthanusual. I’m just going over(= making avisit)to Pete’s forhalfanhour. Mysonisplanningto go into(= get ajobin)journalism. Where did mykeysgo(= I can’tfindthem)? Aconsiderableamountofmoneyandefforthas gone into(= been used inpreparing)thisexhibition. go back When do you go back toschool? go back To go back is also to haveexistedsince sometimein the past: Theirfriendshipgoes back to when they were incollegetogether. go up(alsogo down) To go up or go down is toincreaseor bereduced: Myrentis going up 6% thisyear. go for To be going or to go for aparticularactivityis tomoveto theplaceof theactivityor tobeginto do it: to go for awalk/swim Why don’t we go for adrive(= have aridein acar)? We’re goingshoppingat themall. [I]To have gone to do aparticularactivityis to haveleftto do it and notyetreturned: They’ve gonesailingon thelake. goverb(MOVE TOWARD)[I]to be orcontinuemoving,esp. in aparticularway ordirection: We were going (at) about 65milesanhour. I had awonderfulweekendbut it wentawfullyquickly. If you take thebus, you go over thebridge, but thetraingoes through thetunnel. There’s still threemonthsto go before he hassurgery, but he’s alreadynervousabout it. Thefluis going aroundrightnow(= It’smovingfrompersontoperson). I was going up/down thestairswhen thephonerang. He went up to her(=approachedher)andaskedfor herautograph. Onsummereveningswe oftensaton theporchandwatchedthesungo down. go by To go by is tomovepast or beyond: Wesaton theshoreandwatchedthesailboatsgo by. Severalmonthswent by, and still he had no word from her. goverb(LEAVE)[I]toleaveaplace,esp. inordertotraveltosomewhereelse: It’stimeto go. Pleaseclosethedoorwhen you go. She wasn’tfeelingwell, so she wenthomeearly(=leftearly to gohome). She’s gone off with myumbrella(= She took it byaccident). I always go out(=leavemyhomeandtravelto anotherplace,esp. forentertainment)onSaturdaynight. [I]If something is gone, none of it isleft: I can’tbelievethemilkis gone already. goverb(LEAD)[Ialways+ adv/prep](of aroad,path, etc.) toleadin aparticulardirection: [Ialways+ adv/prep]If something goes aparticularlength, it is thatlong: The well goes down at least 30feet. goverb(BECOME)tobecomeor be in acertaincondition: [L]Herfatheris goingblind. [L]If anything goeswrong, you cancallouremergencyhotline. [L]Because oflackofevidence, thepolicewereforcedtolethim gofree. [I]If youkeepapplyingice, theswellingwill go down(=becomesmaller). [I]Thecomputerwent down(=stoppedoperating)twicelastweek. [I]Theelectricitysuddenlywent off(=stoppedoperating). [I]One of thesedaysI’ll have to go on adiet(=startto be on one). [I]I was soexhaustedI went tosleep(=startedsleeping)immediately. [I]It wasfearedfor a while that the twocountrieswould go towar(=starttofightawar)over thisdispute. [I]It wasn’t abadhospital, ashospitalsgo(=comparedwith theusualstandardofhospitals), but I stillhatedbeing there. goverb(CHANGE)[Ialways+ adv/prep]to do something tocauseachangeorcreatea newcondition: I’dloveto come todinner, but I don’twantyou to go to anytrouble(= do a lot ofwork). goverb(WEAKEN)[I]tobecomeweakordamaged,esp. from use, or tostopworking: Herhearingisstartingto go, butotherwiseshe’s in goodshape. goverb(START)[I]tostartdoing or using something: I’ll justconnecttheprinterto thecomputerand we’ll bereadyto go. goverb(OPERATE)Mywatchwas goingfineup until a fewminutesago, but then itstoppedrunning. goverb(MAKE SOUND)[I]Somebody’scaralarmwent off at 3 in themorningandwokeme up. goverb(MOVE BODY)[Ialways+ adv/prep]tomoveapartof thebodyin aparticularway or in the way that isshown: Try makingyourfootgobackwardsandforwards. goverb(DIVIDE)[I](of anumber) tofitinto anothernumber,esp.resultingin awholenumber: Three goes into 12 fourtimes. goverb(BE SITUATED)[Ialways+ adv/prep]tobelongin aparticularplace,esp. as theusualplace: Tell themovingmen that thesofagoes against thatwall. goverb(HAPPEN)[Ialways+ adv/prep]tohappenordevelop: Thedoctorsaid theoperationwent well. What’s going on here(= Explain what ishappening)? [Ialways+ adv/prep]Ifpeoplehave something going for them, that thingcausesthem to have a lot ofadvantagesand to besuccessful: They’ve got ahappymarriage,greatcareers, andwonderfulchildren– infactthey’ve got everything going for them. goverb(BE SOLD)[I]to besoldor beavailable: Thepaintingisexpectedto go for at least a milliondollars. goverb(BE EXPRESSED)[I]to beexpressed,sung, orplayed: I can neverrememberhow thatsonggoes. goverb(BE SUITABLE)[I]to beacceptableorsuitable: Do youthinkmy newbrownscarfgoes with myblackcoat? goverb(BE KNOWN)[Ialways+ adv/prep]to beknownby aparticularname: He went under thenameof Platt, but that was not hisrealname. goverb(DEPEND ON)[Ialways+ adv/prep]to have anopinion,decision, orjudgmentdependon something: There were nowitnessesto thecrime, and sofarthepolicedon’t have much to go on. goverb(BE FINAL)[I]to befinal; not to bequestioned: In myparents’day, nobodyeverarguedwiththeirfather– whatever he said went. goverb(PLAY)[I]to do something at aparticulartimeor in aparticularorder, before or after otherpeople; have aturn: going
It wasslowgoing because oficeon theroads. going
There were a lot ofcomingsand goings at theapartmentnextdoor. Idiomsgo easy onsomeone go easy onsomething go from bad to worse go for it go haywire go in one ear and out the other go it alone go out ofyourway go overboard go public go public (withsomething) go through the motions go to bat forsomeone go to great lengths go tosomeone’shead go to pot go to the bathroom go to the dogs go to town (onsomething) go up in smoke go with the flow go wrong somethinggoes forsomeone/something else somethinggoes without saying (still) going strong on the go someoneis going places (something) to go Phrasal verbsgo aboutsomething go againstsomething/someone go ahead go along go around go atsomeone/something go back onsomething go bysomething/someone go down as/insomething go forsomething/someone go forsomething/someone go forsomething go in forsomething go in onsomething go intosomething go off go on go out go out go out forsomething go over go oversomething go oversomething go through go throughsomething go throughsomething go throughsomething go throughsomething go through withsomething go together go under go up go without(something) gonoun[U](ENERGY)theconditionof beingenergeticandactive (Definition ofgofrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Theshopis having a closing-downsale- everything must go. [I]todeveloporhappenin aparticularway: Things havegonebadlyforhim since hisbusinesscollapsed. 650jobswill go at theshipyard. [I]ifmoneygoes on something, it isspenton that thing: go on sthMost of thatmoneygoes on thepurchaseofequipment. go for it informalto do anything you have to inorderto get something: If wewantsomething, then we go for it in thebestpossibleway weknow. go it alone to do something without otherpeople: Questions are beingaskedwhether therecordlabelhas thestaminato go italone. have sth going for you to have aqualitythat gives you a lot ofadvantagesor makes itlikelyyou will besuccessful: It has everything going for it: aprimecitycentresite, asuccessfulfundingstrategy, and acharismaticleader. Phrasal verbsgo after sth go ahead go along with sth/sb go back on sth go down go for sth go into sth go over sth go over to sth go through go through with sth go to sb/sth go under go up go with sb/sth (Definition ofgofrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/go## |