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单词 pause
ashortperiodin which something such as asoundor anactivityisstoppedbeforestartingagain
There will be abriefpauseintheproceedingswhile thepianoismovedintoplace.在将钢琴搬过去放好之前,活动将暂停一会儿。
After along,awkwardpause, someonefinallyaskedaquestion.在长得令人尴尬的停顿过后,有人问了个问题。
Shespokefor threequartersof anhourwithout so much as a pause.她一连说了45分钟,连停都没停一下。
Therefollowedapregnant(=filledwithmeaning)pause in which neither of themknewwhat to say.接下来是意味深长的停顿,两人谁也不知道说什么好。
(alsopause button[C])
abuttonorcontrolthatallowsyou tostoparecordingfor ashorttime
Ipressedpause/the pausebuttonso I could go make acupoftea.我按下了暂停键,这样我可以去泡杯茶。
aperiodofsilencebetweenmusicalnotes, or asymbolthatrepresentsthis
asymbolinmusicmeaningthat anoteorrestshould beheldforlongerthannormal
More examples
  • After a pause, he gave acarefulanswer.
  • There was alongpause and Iwonderedwhat to say next.
  • Iwaitedfor a pause in theconversationand thenaskedmyquestion.
  • There'll be abriefpause while wechangethetapesover.
  • After abriefpause forlunch, theycontinuedclimbing.


tostopdoing something for ashorttime
He paused andthoughtfor amoment.他停下来想了一会儿。
She paused tocatchherbreath, and thenkeptonjogging.她停下来喘了口气,接着继续慢跑。
to make arecordingstopfor ashorttimebypressingabutton
Can you pause themoviethere,please?能请你把电影暂停一下吗?
It is nowpossibleto pause andrewindlivetelevision.让实况转播节目暂停或是倒回去重放现在都是可能的了。
She paused atkeymomentsin thescene.在这个场景的关键时刻,她暂停了一下。
More examples
  • He paused for amomenttolistenand thencontinuedeating.
  • He paused at thetopof thehillandmoppedhisbrow.
  • She paused tolightanothercigaretteand then went on with heraccountof theaccident.
  • Without pausing todrawbreathshe told me everything.
  • Pausingbrieflyto put on herjumper, Beckycarriedon along thepath.


Here he paused, but he wanted to go on.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He stopped walking and the creature paused and turned.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, the rate measure encompasses the duration of the prime word, the duration of the target word, and the duration of any pauses between them.
From theCambridge English Corpus
An utterance was defined as a statement bound by pauses containing one verb.
From theCambridge English Corpus
While they were singing, she occasionally walked around the room, pausing to listen to individual singers and to check their accuracy of pitch and tuning.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Perceptible pauses were marked in the transciptions, but were not measured individually in milliseconds.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In particular, word boundaries do not correspond at all consistently to pauses in production.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The words were read by a speech synthesizer in random order in immediate succession, without pauses or any other prosodic cues.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, only writing fluency and total number of pauses were affected by domain-specific processing loads.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Nonwords were presented individually, pausing the tape in between each nonword to allow the participant unlimited time to attempt to repeat the item.
From theCambridge English Corpus
After each target word was presented in the story, the examiner paused the tape and administered the two comprehension probes for that item.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Makes long pauses, often repeats the other person's words.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The presence of the light was sufficient to reduce the number of long pauses by 35 per cent.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In addition, there was a strong tendency for the remaining pauses to occur in the first half of a clause rather than the second half.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Again, eight measures later, the piano pauses the action at a fermata, while the tape grows busy until 89270.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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