uk/pæks/us/pæks/aperiodofpeacethat has beenforcedon alargearea, such as anempireoreventhewholeworld, by the mostpowerfulnationof thattime:
强权统制的和平(在一个广大区域,如一个帝国乃至整个世界,由当时最强大的国家强制实行的一段和平时期)Pax Romana(= thepeaceforcedby Rome onitsempire)罗马帝国统治下的和平
Thevicepresidentpromisedthat there would be noattempttoimposea PaxAmericanaon theregion.副总统承诺不会企图在该地区实行“美国强权统制的和平”。
- anti-war
- dove
- dovish
- hold out/offer an olive branchidiom
- non-aggression
- non-defence
- non-violence
- non-violent
- non-war
- olive
- pacific
- pacifism
- peace
- peace offering
- peaceable
- peacefully
- peacefulness
- peacekeeper
- peacekeeping
- truce
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
International relations: diplomacy & mediation