pay verb (BUY )
A1 [I orT ] to givemoneyto someone for something youwanttobuyor forservicesprovided:
付费;付酬 How much did you payfor thetickets? 你买那些票花了多少钱?
I pay mytaxes. 我缴付税款。
[+ two objects ] I'll pay you thefiverbackback tomorrow.
I paid thedriver(in/with) cash. 我付给司机现金。
Would youpreferto paywith/by cash,cheque, orcreditcard? 你喜欢用现金、支票还是信用卡支付?
[+ obj + to infinitive ] Ithinkwe'll need to pay abuilderto take thiswalldown. 我想我们得雇个建筑工人来把这面墙推倒。
Did Linda pay youfor looking after hercatswhile she was away? 琳达出门时让你替她照看她的猫,有没有付钱给你?
I paid(out) a lot ofmoneyto get thewashingmachinefixedand it still doesn'twork! 我花了一大笔钱修洗衣机,结果还是不能用!
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto spend money
spendHow much do you intend to spend on a house? payWhen you bought the tickets, how much did you pay? investShe's invested all her savings in the business. pay outI've just paid out £700 to get the car fixed. splurgeWe've just splurged on new kitchen appliances. blowWe won a £15 million settlement in court and we blew it all in six years. See more results »
pay for itself
If something pays for itself, itworksso well that itsavesthe sameamountofmoneythat itcost:
使损益相当;够本 Theadvertisingshould pay for itself. 这则广告所带来的收益应该能够本。
I pay myelectricitybillbydirectdebit. Very fewpeoplecanaffordto pay thoseprices. How much did you pay foryourglasses? Weagreedto pay for thecarbyinstalments. I've beensavingallyearto pay forourholiday. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPaying money
advance ante up (something ) balance burn a hole insomeone's pocket idiom chargeable co-finance compensate congestion charge cost-cutting cough lash pay top dollar idiom ransom settle up shortchange sink intosomething spender splash out(something) spring forsomething stump See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Buying & selling - general words
Profits & losses
pay verb (WORK )
B1 [I orT ] to givemoneyto someone forworkthat they have done:
付钱(给…),支付(…)报酬 Thecompanypaysitsinterns$4,000 amonth. 这家公司给实习生每个月4千美元的报酬。
We pay €200 adayfor thiskindofwork. 这样的工作我们每天付200欧元。
Accountancy may beboringbut at least it payswell . 当会计可能很乏味,但至少收入可观。
Most of these women are verypoorly paid andworkinterribleconditions. 这些妇女大多工资很低,且工作条件恶劣。
I'll pay youdoubleif you get theworkfinishedbyFriday. Thismagazinehasconsiderablefinancialmuscleand canaffordto paytopjournalists. They pay me next to nothing but I reallyenjoythework. Thelawobligescompaniesto paydecentwagestotheiremployees. You'll be paid oncompletionof theproject. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPaying money
advance ante up (something ) balance burn a hole insomeone's pocket idiom chargeable co-finance compensate congestion charge cost-cutting cough lash pay top dollar idiom ransom settle up shortchange sink intosomething spender splash out(something) spring forsomething stump See more results »
pay verb (PROFIT )
[I ] to give aprofitoradvantageto someone or something:
有收益,有利可图,有好处 It never paysto takeriskswherehumansafetyisconcerned. 凡是涉及人身安全时,冒险决不会有什么好处。
Crime really doesn't pay. It always pays tokeepontopofyourwork. It would pay you to be morecautiousaboutfutureinvestments. It pays to get someprofessionaladvicefirst. It never pays torushinto things. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHelping and co-operating
a good/bad turn idiom abet accommodative aid any port in a storm idiom assist assistance bridge carry facilitation givesomeone a leg up idiom give/lendsomeone a helping hand idiom go a long way toward(s) doingsomething idiom run errands idiom share a platform idiom solid sponsor start(something) off succour supportively See more results »
pay verb (GIVE )
C2 [T ] to give or do something:
给予,致以;进行 Thecommanderpaidtribute to thecourageof histroops. 司令员高度赞扬了部队官兵的勇敢无畏。
It's alwaysniceto be paidacompliment . 被人赞扬总是件好事。
Acrowdofmournersgatheredto paytheirrespects to thedeadman. 一群哀悼者聚集在一起向死者告别。
pay attention (tosomething )
B1 towatch,listento, orthinkabout somethingcarefully:
(通过仔细看、听或思考)关注(某事) You weren't payingattentionto what I was saying. 你没有注意听我的话。
pay(someone/something) a call/visit
B2 tovisitapersonorplace, usually for ashorttime:
拜访(某人) I'll pay you acallwhen I'm in thearea. 我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。
Wethoughtwe'd pay avisitto themuseumwhile we were in Lisbon. 我以为在里斯本时我们会去参观那家博物馆。
If youleaveyouraddress, I'll pay acallon you when I'm in thearea. 如果你留下地址,我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。
Shecomplainedthat herhusbandnever paid her anycomplimentsany more. He never paidattentioninclassandseemedto be in apermanentdaydream. On thisoccasionwe payhomageto him for hisachievements. Theteachergentlyreprovedtheboysfor not payingattention. You'd do well to payheedto whatyourgrandmothersays. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving, providing and supplying
accommodate accord administer administration assignment award dish hand off handsomething in handsomething out handsomething over handsomething round invest passing reassignment rebid regift reprovision resource spare See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Paying attention and being careful
Idioms he who pays the piper calls the tune.
pay it forward
payyour dues
payyour way
pay dividends
pay the price
pay the ultimate price
pay through the nose
pay top dollar
put paid tosomething
you pays your money and you takes your choice/chance
Phrasal verbs paysomeone/something back
paysomeone back
pay downsomething
pay forsomething
paysomething in
pay off
paysomething off
paysomeone off
pay(something) out
paysomething out
B1 themoneyyoureceivefor doing ajob:
工资,薪金 It's anicejobbut the pay isappalling. 这份工作不错,但工资低得不像话。
Compare earnings
wage noun
remuneration formal
be in the pay ofsomeone
toworkfor someone,especiallysecretly
Theunionsare indisputewithmanagementover pay. Manyemployeeshave had to takedrasticcutsin pay. Management has/haveofferedstaffa 3% payincrease. When youreckonin all myovertime, mytotalpay isquitegood. If it's achoicebetweenhigherpay andjobsecurity, I'dprefertokeepmyjob. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEarning money
(your) (daily) breadidiom assessable bank base pay basic basic income feel the pinch idiom hand over fist idiom in arrears idiom lineyour pocket(s) idiom livelihood pay packet pull pullsomething down raise rakesomething in remonetize remuneration shift sick pay See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
(Definition ofpay from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
pay verb (BUY )
A1 [I orT ] to givemoneyto someone for something youwanttobuyor forservicesprovided
付费;付酬 How much did you payfor thetickets? 你买那些票花了多少钱?
I pay mytaxes. 我缴付税款。
[+ two objects ] I'll pay you thefiverback tomorrow. 我明天还你那5英镑。
I paid thedriver(in/with) cash. 我付给司机现金。
Would youpreferto paywith/by cash,cheque, orcreditcard? 你喜欢用现金、支票还是信用卡支付?
[+ obj + to infinitive ] Ithinkwe'll need to pay abuilderto take thiswalldown. 我想我们得雇个建筑工人来把这面墙推倒。
Did Linda pay youfor looking after hercatswhile she was away? 琳达出门时让你替她照看她的猫,有没有付钱给你?
I paid(out) a lot ofmoneyto get thewashingmachinefixedand it still doesn'twork! 我花了一大笔钱修洗衣机,结果还是不能用!
pay for itself
If something pays for itself, itworksso well that itsavesthe sameamountofmoneythat itcost.
使损益相当;够本 Theadvertisingshould pay for itself. 这则广告所带来的收益应该能够本。
I pay myelectricitybillbydirectdebit. Very fewpeoplecanaffordto pay thoseprices. How much did you pay foryourglasses? Weagreedto pay for thecarbyinstalments. I've beensavingallyearto pay forourholiday.
pay verb (WORK )
B1 [I orT ] to givemoneyto someone forworkthat they have done
付钱(给…),支付(…)报酬 Thecompanypaysitsinterns$4,000 amonth. 这家公司给实习生每个月4千美元的报酬。
We pay €200 adayfor thiskindofwork. 这样的工作我们每天付200欧元。
Accountancy may beboringbut at least it payswell . 当会计可能很乏味,但至少收入可观。
Most of these women are verypoorly paid andworkinterribleconditions. 这些妇女大多工资很低,且工作条件恶劣。
I'll pay youdoubleif you get theworkfinishedbyFriday. Thismagazinehasconsiderablefinancialmuscleand canaffordto paytopjournalists. They pay me next to nothing but I reallyenjoythework. Thelawobligescompaniesto paydecentwagestotheiremployees. You'll be paid oncompletionof theproject.
pay verb (PROFIT )
[I ] to give aprofitoradvantageto someone or something
有收益,有利可图,有好处 It never paysto takeriskswherehumansafetyisconcerned. 凡是涉及人身安全时,冒险决不会有什么好处。
Crime really doesn't pay. It always pays tokeepontopofyourwork. It would pay you to be morecautiousaboutfutureinvestments. It pays to get someprofessionaladvicefirst. It never pays torushinto things.
pay verb (GIVE )
C2 [T ] to give or do something
给予,致以;进行 Thecommanderpaidtribute to thecourageof histroops. 司令员高度赞扬了部队官兵的勇敢无畏。
It's alwaysniceto be paidacompliment . 被人赞扬总是件好事。
Acrowdofmournersgatheredto paytheirrespects to thedeadman. 一群哀悼者聚集在一起向死者告别。
pay attention (tosth )
B1 towatch,listento, orthinkabout somethingcarefully
(通过仔细看、听或思考)关注(某事) You weren't payingattentionto what I was saying. 你没有注意听我的话。
pay(sb/sth) a call/visit
B2 tovisitapersonorplace, usually for ashorttime
拜访(某人) I'll pay you acallwhen I'm in thearea. 我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。
Wethoughtwe'd pay avisitto themuseumwhile we were in Lisbon. 我以为在里斯本时我们会去参观那家博物馆。
If youleaveyouraddress, I'll pay acallon you when I'm in thearea. 如果你留下地址,我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。
Shecomplainedthat herhusbandnever paid her anycomplimentsany more. He never paidattentioninclassandseemedto be in apermanentdaydream. On thisoccasionwe payhomageto him for hisachievements. Theteachergentlyreprovedtheboysfor not payingattention. You'd do well to payheedto whatyourgrandmothersays. Idioms he who pays the piper calls the tune.
payyour dues
payyour way
pay dividends
pay the price
pay the ultimate price
pay through the nose
pay top dollar
put paid tosth
you pays your money and you takes your choice/chance
Phrasal verbs paysb/sth back
paysb back
pay downsth
pay forsth
paysth in
pay off
paysth off
paysb off
pay(sth) out
paysth out
B1 themoneyyoureceivefor doing ajob
工资,薪金 It's anicejobbut the pay isappalling. 这份工作不错,但工资低得不像话。
be in the pay ofsb
toworkfor someone,especiallysecretly
Theunionsare indisputewithmanagementover pay. Manyemployeeshave had to takedrasticcutsin pay. Management has/haveofferedstaffa 3% payincrease. When youreckonin all myovertime, mytotalpay isquitegood. If it's achoicebetweenhigherpay andjobsecurity, I'dprefertokeepmyjob.
pay verb (GIVE MONEY FOR )
[I/T ] to givemoneyto someone forgoodsorservices:
[T ] We paid a lot ofmoneyfor thattable.
[I ] Would youpreferto pay bycreditcard?
[I ] fig. We alleventuallypay forourmistakes(=sufferor arepunishedbecause ofourmistakes) .
[I/T ] To pay is also to give someone or somethingmoneyfor anamountyouowe:
[T ] We’ve got to pay therent.
[T ] We have so manybillsto pay.
pay verb (GIVE EARNINGS )
[I/T ] to givemoneyto someone that thepersonhasearnedforworkdone:
[T ] We payoursalespeopleasalaryplusabonusbasedontheirsales.
[I ] Constructionjobsgenerallypay well.
pay verb (PROFIT )
[I ] to give aprofit,advantage, orbenefit:
[+ to infinitive ] It never pays to takeriskswherehumansafetyisconcerned.
Themoralis, "Crime doesn’t pay."
pay verb (PROVIDE )
[T ] toprovideor do something:
Please payattention.
It’s alwaysniceto be paid acompliment.
Iaskedthebossfor araisein pay.
Please makeyourcheckpayable to Broadway Antiques.
Idioms paysomeone a visit
payyour dues
pay through the nose (forsomething )
Phrasal verbs pay backsomething
pay downsomething
pay off
pay offsomething
pay offsomeone
pay out(something)
pay up
(Definition ofpay from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[I orT ] to givemoneyto someone for aproductorservice:
pay for sth Who paid for themeal?
pay sb to do sth We'll need to pay abuilderto take thiswalldown.
pay sb for sth How much did they pay you for thecomputer?
pay sb for doing sth Did thecompanypay you for doing thequote?
pay in/with sth They paid for thecarincash.
pay to do sth I paid a lot ofmoneyto get thewashingmachinefixedand it still doesn'twork!
pay a deposit You will need to pay asmalldepositif youwantus tokeeptheradiofor you.
pay bycash/cheque/creditcard
pay for itself
if something pays for itself, itworksso well that itsavesthe sameamountofmoneythat itcost:
Therenewableenergysystemwill have paid for itself within tenyears.
[I orT ] to givemoneyto someone forworkthat they have done:
Hehateshisjob, but at least itpays well .
Most of these women are verypoorlypaid andworkinterribleconditions.
pay $20/€50/£5, etc. for sth They pay $30 anhourforeditingwork.
I don'tget paid until the end of themonth.
[T ] to give someonemoneythat youowethem:
pay bills/rent I haven't got enoughmoneyto pay therentthismonth.
pay a debt/fine He wasorderedby thecourtto pay a $100,000fine.
Will I have topay incometax on anymoniesIreceive?
pay sb sth We haven'tyetpaid thecontractorwhat weowehim for thework.
[I ] COMMERCE if abusinesspays, itproducesaprofit:
make sth pay Thecinemawill becloseddown at the end ofOctober, as it hasfailedtoattractenoughpatronsto make it pay.
[I ] to give anadvantageto someone or something:
pay to do sth When it comes toyourretirement, it doesn't pay to take too manyrisks.
[T ] FINANCE if abankaccountor aninvestmentpays aparticularamountofmoneyorinterest, thepersonwhoownsit willreceivethatamountofmoneyorinterest:
Theaccountwill pay 4%grossoncreditbalances.
pay interest/a return Thebankwill payinterestifyouraccountis incredit.
pay dividends
if something you do paysdividends, it has goodresultsat atimein thefuture:
Thecompanyfoundthat theextratrainingreally did paydividends.
pay its way
if abusinesspaysitsway, it makes at least the sameamountofmoneyas itcoststooperate:
When Swan LakereachedtheWestEnd, there had to be eightperformancesaweekfor theproductionto payitsway.
pay over the odds (for sth) UK informal
to pay more for something than it is reallyworth:
Smallbusinesseshave always paid over theoddsforofficesupplies.
pay the price
toexperiencethebadresultof something you have done or that someoneelsehas done:
It isinexcusableforstudentsto be paying thepriceforbackroomdealsin thestudentloanindustry.
pay through the nose (for sth) informal
to pay too muchmoneyfor something:
There's nopointin getting abargainflightonly to pay through thenoseforcarhire.
pay top dollar (for sth) US
to pay a lot ofmoneyfor something:
Manywealthybusinessmenarepreparedto paytopdollarfor anexclusivepropertyin thisarea.
pay your way
to pay for yourselfratherthanallowingsomeoneelseto pay:
I got apart-timejobtohelppay my way throughuniversity.
Phrasal verbs pay sb/sth back
pay down sth
pay sth down
pay sth in/pay sth into sth
pay into sth
pay off
pay sb off
pay sth off
pay out
pay sth out
themoneyyoureceivefor doing ajob:
There has been along-runningdisputeover pay andworkingconditions.
Workersthreatenedtostrikeover thelowpay of thesupportstaff.
Theyagreedto give sixmonthsoffworkwithfullpay forstaffwhosejobsare to beoutsourced.
Thecurrentstartingpay is about $500 aweek.
a pay award/deal/settlement Councils will have tofundtheteachers' payawardfrom withintheirownresources.
a pay cut Employees have achoicebetween taking a paycutorworkingmore.
a pay hike/increase Pilots havereceivedannualpayincreasesof only 1.5% since theruling.
be in the pay of sb
toworkfor someone,especiallysecretly:
Doctors in the pay ofdrugcompanieswereaccusedyesterdayofexaggeratingthebenefitsofantidepressantdrugsforchildren.
See also at-risk
back pay
base pay
basic pay
callback pay
call-in pay
differential pay
double pay
equal pay
guaranteed pay
hazard pay
maternity pay
paternity pay
premium pay
reporting pay
sick pay
strike pay
take-home pay
variable pay
(Definition ofpay from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof pay pay
It holds that it is never permitted topay for an object x, if x could have been obtained for free. From theCambridge English Corpus
Have consumerspay the difference for costlier plans, if they think they provide better value. From theCambridge English Corpus
Suddenly, organic farming was seen by both growers and retailers as a lucrative market, with consumers willing topay a premium. From theCambridge English Corpus
To this end it is disappointing that the book has paid only scant attention to the psychological processes in the disorder. From theCambridge English Corpus
More recently however, increasing attention has been paid to the psychological aspects of space. From theCambridge English Corpus
The remaining parties agreed topay their own costs. From theCambridge English Corpus
Class, paid employment and family roles : making sense of structural disadvantage, gender and health status. From theCambridge English Corpus
In any case, now that the big cosmetics companies were paying for research into alternatives, they were no longer available as targets. From theCambridge English Corpus
Willingness topay for ultrasound in normal pregnancy. From theCambridge English Corpus
One possibility is that these words were truly ignored-learners paid no attention to them whatsoever. From theCambridge English Corpus
Further justification was found in the number of leaders who paid the ultimate price. From theCambridge English Corpus
It also remains unclear who paid for them. From theCambridge English Corpus
Thepay -off for keeping the children truthful was that their utterances could be interpreted seriously. From theCambridge English Corpus
Second, there has been increased attention paid to the rate of permanent injury. From theCambridge English Corpus
Work on the project paid poorly and involved high risks : permanent disability and death were a constant specter. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith pay pay These are words often used in combination withpay .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
annual pay
That provision excluded the actualannual pay .
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
executive pay
Last week saw our proposals on hedge funds and private equity, as well as onexecutive pay .
FromEuroparl Parallel Corpus - English
gender pay gap
The causes of the gender pay gap are complex.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.