We use cleft sentences, especially in speaking, to connectwhat is already understood to what is new to the listener. In a cleft sentence, a single message is divided (cleft) into two clauses. This allows us to focus on the new information.
It-cleft sentences
It-clauses are the most common type of cleft clause. The information that comes afteritis emphasised for the listener. The clause which follows theit-clause isconnected usingthatand it contains information that is already understood. We often omitthatin informal situations when it is the object of the verb:
A:Sharon’s car got broken into yesterday, did it?
B:No. It wasNina’s carthat got broken into!
Focus (new information): it was Nina’s car
Understood already (old information): a car got broken into
A:You’ve met my mother, haven’t you?
B:No, it wasyour sister (that) I met!
Focus (new information): it was your sister
Understood already (old information): I met someone in your family
Is itAugustthat you are going on holiday?
Focus (new information): the month August?
Understood already (old information): you are going on holiday
When a personal subject is the focus, we can usewhoinstead ofthat. We often omitwhoin informal situations when it is the object of the verb:
It was myhusband who(or that) you spoke to on the phone.(orIt was my husband you spoke to on the phone.)
When a plural subject is the focus, we use a plural verb butIt+beremains singular:
It’stheparentswhowereprotesting most.
We can use negative structures in theit-clause:
It wasn’tthe Greek student who phoned.
Wh-cleft sentences (What I need is a holiday)
Wh-cleft sentences are most often introduced bywhat, but we can also usewhy, where, how, etc. The information in thewh-clause is typically old or understoodinformation, while the information in the following clause is new and in focus:
A:I don’t know what to cook for them? I don’t know what they like.
B:Whatthey like issmoked salmon.
Understood already (old information): we are talking about what they like to eat
Focus (new information): they like smoked salmon
A:This remote control isn’t working.
B:Whatwe need to do isget new batteries for it.
Understood already (old information): there is something that we need to do to fix the remote control.
Focus (new information): we need to buy new batteries