go down
—phrasal verbwithgoverbuk/ɡəʊ/us/ɡoʊ/present participlegoing|past tensewent|past participlegone
(UKalsogo downsth)
tomovedown to alowerlevelorplace
He went down on hiskneesandbeggedforforgiveness.他双膝跪倒请求原谅。
He first went down themineswhen he was 17.他第一次下矿井的时候是17岁。
Theplanewent down(=fellto thegroundbecause of anaccident,bomb, etc.)tenminutesaftertake-off.飞机在起飞10分钟后就坠落了。
Everyone took to thelifeboatswhen theshipstartedto go down(=sink).轮船开始下沉时,所有人都上了救生艇。
Could I have aglassofwatertohelpthesepillsgo down(= tohelpmeswallowthem)?你能给我杯水让我把药丸吞服下去吗?
- Would you go down to thebasementandfetchme abookplease?
- Thesubmarinewent down all the way to theseafloor.
- Theelevatorwas going down when thefirealarmsounded.
- It'squickerto go down using theescalator.
- Thatjokewent down like aleadballoon.
toreachor go asfaras
Itsrootscan go down threemetres.它的根可以扎到地下3米。
Thispathgoes downtotheriver.这条路一直通到河边。
Go down to(=readasfaras)thebottomof thepage.一直读到这一页的最后一行。
- Thatliftdoesn't go down to thebasement.
- Thestepsgo all the way down to thebottom.
- Theropegoes down to thebottomof thecliff.
- Ithinktheelectionwill gorightdown to thewire.
- They took theroadthat went down to thedock.