golden handshake
noun[Cusually singular]
informaluk/ˌɡəʊl.dən ˈhænd.ʃeɪk/us/ˌɡoʊl.dən ˈhænd.ʃeɪk/a usuallylargepaymentmade topeoplewhen theyleavetheirjob, either whentheiremployerhasaskedthem toleaveor when they areleavingat the end oftheirworkinglife, as arewardfor verylongor goodserviceintheirjob
(被解雇或者退休时雇主为了嘉奖其出色工作而提供的一大笔)退职金,解雇费Retiring & resigning
- abdicate
- abdication
- attrition
- bow
- bow out
- chuck
- chucksomethingin
- get off
- golden handcuffs
- golden parachute
- leave the field open forsomeoneidiom
- natural wastage
- pension
- retire
- retiree
- retirement
- retiring
- serve out
- stand aside
- throw