golden hour
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˈɡəʊl.dən ˌaʊər/us/ˈɡoʊl.dən ˌaʊr/theperiodof thedayjust before thesunsets or after itrises, when thelightisredderandsofterthanusualso thatphotographstaken in it have apleasingquality:
(摄影的)黄金时段(即日落之前或日出之后的一段时间,这段时间里的光线较其他时候温暖柔和,拍摄的照片会有一种令人愉快的质感)Thegoldenhouris whenphotographersoften dotheirbestwork.黄金时段往往是摄影师能拍出最佳效果的时段。
I like toshootwhen thesunisalmostgone - it's like thegoldenhour.我喜欢在太阳快消失的时候拍照——也就是黄金时段。
the firsthourafter aseriousmedicaleventorinjuryduring whichtreatmentislikelyto be the mosteffective:
最佳治疗时间,黄金时间(即严重疾病或身体伤害发生后的第一个小时)Thegoldenhourmakes the mostdifferenceinstrokesurvivalrates.黄金时间对中风生存率的影响最大。
Gettingcriticallyinjuredpeopleto thecentreswithin thegoldenhour- the first 60minutesafter acrash- iscrucial.在黄金时间(即车祸发生后的头60分钟)内将重伤者送往急救中心是至关重要的。
- Professionalphotographerssay that thegoldenhouris thetimeofdaywith thebestlighting.
- The firststepto making the most of thegoldenhoursisknowingexactlywhattimeit is going tohappen.
- The firsthourafter asevereinternalinjuryhas beendubbedthe "goldenhour" bysurgeons.
- Emergencyroommedicalpersonneloftentalkabout agoldenhour- if you don't get apersonintotreatmentwithin the firsthouror so after aninjury, a lot ofdamagehas been done.
- airbrush
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- grain
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- lantern slide
- pap
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- pix
- projection