grade boundary
educationUKspecializeduk/ˈɡreɪd ˌbaʊn.dər.i/us/ˈɡreɪd ˌbaʊn.dər.i/thescorein anexamination, etc. thatrepresentsthechangefrom onegradeto another, forexamplefrom A to B or B to C:
分数线,成绩等级分界线Thepapersaredistributedto bemarked, then thechiefexaminerscollectall themarksand setgradeboundaries.分发试卷进行评分,然后由主考官收集所有分数并确定等级界限。
Results had to be rechecked whenexamboardsadjustedgradeboundariesby sixmarks.当考试委员会对成绩分界线的调整达到六分时,成绩必须重新检查。
- Heclaimedthecommitteeinstructedexaminerstolowergradeboundariesas thepaperswere toodifficult.
- Theyfearthatexamboardscould betemptedto setgradeboundariesmuch high orlowerthan inpreviousyearsin abidtokeepresultsinlinewithpreviousyears.
- Iworkedhard and if a lot ofpeoplehavecheated, thegradeboundarieswill go up and I will get alowergradebecause of it.
- Someteachershavefeltpressuredtoconcentrateonpupilsjust below the C/Dgradeboundary.
Marks & results
- 2:1
- 2:2
- A, a
- B, b
- C, c
- class
- formative
- grade-point average
- honor student
- honours student
- mark
- pass rate
- passing grade
- positivity
- second
- second class
- straight-A
- summative
- third