adeviceconsisting of aweighton astickorthreadthatmovesfrom onesideto the other,especiallyone thatformsapartof sometypesofclocks:
摆,摆锤;(尤指)钟摆The pendulum in thegrandfatherclockswungback andforth.落地钟的钟摆来回摆动。
The spaceship'sjetswerefiredperiodicallytodampena side-to-side pendulummotionthat haddeveloped.宇宙飞船的喷射装置周期性地喷射,以减缓飞船出现的左右摇摆现象。

TATSUHIKO SAWADA/amana images/GettyImages
achange,especiallyfrom oneopinionto anoppositeone:
摇摆不定的事态(或局面);(尤指)观点的摇摆不定As so often ineducation,thependulum hasswungbackto the otherextremeandtestingispopularagain.人们的观点又回到了另一个极端,考试又流行起来了,这种摇摆不定的现象在教育领域经常出现。
Watches & clocks
- 24-hour clock
- against the clockidiom
- alarm
- alarm clock
- at/on the stroke ofsomethingidiom
- atomic clock
- clock
- horologist
- horology
- hour hand
- hourglass
- jewel
- military time
- movement
- stroke
- timekeeper
- timepiece
- turn the clocks backphrase
- twenty-four-hour clock
- watchband
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Changing your mind