uk/ˈber.ɪk.ʃər/us/ˈber.ɪk.ʃɚ/anareaofsouthernScotlandthat was acounty(= anareawithitsownlocalgovernment)until 1975:
贝里克郡(位于苏格兰南部,1975年撤郡)Significantfallsofsnowin Berwickshire and inWestLothian were makingdrivinghazardouson the M8.因为贝里克郡和西洛锡安区的大面积降雪,在M8公路上行车十分危险。
- He wasborn7September1805 in Eccles, Berwickshire.
- She isreturningto therollinghillsofScotlandand the 300-acrefamilyfarmin Duns, Berwickshire.
- A manfell150ft to hisdeathyesterdayfrom acliffon the Berwickshirecoast.
- Councillor Nairnbeganhisworkinglifeon a Berwickshiredairyfarmandendedit as apostman.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- French Canadian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montanan
- Montgomeryshire
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt