disapprovinguk/ˈɡrænˌstæn.dər/us/ˈɡrænˌstæn.dɚ/someone whoactsorspeaksin a way that isintendedtoattractattentionandimpresspeoplewatching:
热衷于表现自己的人;哗众取宠的人He wasseenas a self-promoter and grandstander.他被看作是一个热衷于自我推销和哗众取宠的人。
- Walker was never a grandstander or acomfortablepublicspeaker.
- Although she is aclassicallytrainedpianist, Spektor is neither a grandstandernora showoff.
- Not that he's a grandstander; he uses littlegesturestotellthestory.
- If thesepoliticalgrandstandersactuallywantto do somethingsignificantforpublicsafety,letthemchangethelaw.
Attention-seeking, distracting and showing off
- conspicuous consumption
- dressed
- flamboyance
- flamboyantly
- flashsomethingaround
- flashily
- flashy
- flaunt
- gimmick
- grandstanding
- hotdog
- ostentatious
- posture
- push(something)forward
- razzmatazz
- self-conscious
- self-consciously
- self-consciousness
- showboat
- tarty