theedgeof aroadwhererainflowsaway
anopenpipe, usually at theloweredgeof aroof, thatcollectsandcarriesawayrain
brizmaker/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Parts of buildings: roofs & parts of roofs
- chimney
- chimney pot
- chimney stack
- cupola
- damp-proof
- eave
- fascia
- mansard roof
- onion dome
- pediment
- pinnacle
- rafter
- re-roof
- rib
- roofing
- roofless
- rooftop
- slate
- soffit
- sun deck
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Road surfaces & features
gutternoun(SOCIAL LEVEL)
the gutter[S]
(尤指社会的)最底层,贫民窟Born to apoverty-strickenfamily, shedraggedherself out of the gutter tobecomeasuccessfulbusinessowner.她出生在一个极度贫困的家庭,但是她从社会最底层奋力挣扎出来,成功地拥有了自己的公司。
Class & class-consciousness in general
- anti-bourgeois
- anti-snob
- arriviste
- bougie
- gentrification
- gentrify
- go/come down in the worldidiom
- go/come up in the worldidiom
- pedigreed
- petit bourgeois
- petty bourgeois
- pleb
- social climbing
- social mobility
- the bottom of the heapidiom
- the gentry
- the petite bourgeoisie
- trailer trash
- underclass
- upper class
literaryuk/ˈɡʌt.ər/us/ˈɡʌt̬.ɚ/(of aflameorcandle) toburnunevenlyandweakly,especiallybeforecompletelystoppingburning:
(火焰或蜡烛,尤指在熄灭前)忽明忽暗,摇曳不定a gutteringcandle摇曳不定的烛光
Stopping fires
- beat
- beatsomethingout
- blow
- blow(something)out
- damp
- dampsomethingdown
- douse
- extinguish
- extinguishment
- go
- go out
- quench
- smother
- snuff
- snuffsomethingout
- sprinkler
- sprinkler system