grappling iron
UKuk/ˈɡræp.əl.ɪŋ ˌaɪən/us/ˈɡræp.əl.ɪŋ ˌaɪrn/(alsograppling hook,uk/ˈɡræp.əl.ɪŋ ˌhʊk/us/ˈɡræp.əl.ɪŋ ˌhʊk/)agrapnel:
(同 grapnel)As thegrapplingironwashauledback, itcaughton themastandheld.当爪钩被拖回来时,它被桅杆挡住而且卡在上面了。

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- Grapplingironswerethrownout but these, too,provedineffective.
- Tossing agrapplinghookover themetalrailingson thedeck, adozenmenwearingbalaclavashoistedthemselvesaboard.
- Encouraged by thedevicesthat areworkingandsendingalocatingsignal, the researchersplantoreturnwith agrapplinghooktodragthewaterfortheirquarry.
- Thensuspicionwasshiftedtofishermen, who were said to havebeatenthedolphinswithgrapplingironsafter theybecameentangledinfishingnets.
- -pronged
- adjustable spanner
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- excavator
- gimlet
- gouge
- grapnel
- grindstone
- guillotine
- hacksaw
- plunger
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- sandpaper
- trowel