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单词 party


asocialeventat which agroupofpeoplemeettotalk,eat,drink,dance, etc., often inordertocelebrateaspecialoccasion
adinnerparty(= asmall, sometimesformalparty where amealiseaten)晚宴
UKafancy-dress(UScostume) party(= a party wherepeoplewearclothesthat make themlooklike someone or somethingelse)(美国)化装舞会
More examples
  • He said he had to be at his cousin'sengagementparty thatevening.
  • Who was shedancingwith at the party lastnight?
  • Theydecoratedtheroomwithballoonsandstreamersreadyfor the party.
  • We're having asmalldrinksparty for one ofourcolleagueswho'sleavingnextweek.
  • I reallyenjoyedyourparty - it was such goodfun.


B1[C,+ sing/pl verb]
the Democratic Party民主党
The party has/have justelecteda newleader.该党刚选出了一名新领袖。
He waselectedas partyleaderin 2011.他于2011年当选为该党的领导人。
More examples
  • There aresignsofdissensionwithin therulingpoliticalparty.
  • Apubliclydisunitedpartystandslittlechanceofwinningtheelection.
  • The party that waselectedtopowerhas noexperienceofgovernment.
  • There are twopoliticalparties in the US - the Democratic Party and theRepublicanParty.
  • The committee'sjobis toensurefairplaybetween all thepoliticalparties andcandidatesduring theelection.


[C,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupofpeoplewho areinvolvedin anactivitytogether,especiallyavisit
a party oftourists一批游客
Mostmuseumsgive adiscounttoschoolparties.大多数博物馆对学校的团体参观者打折。
More examples
  • Themuseumwasalmostemptyapartfrom a party ofschoolchildren.
  • We're taking a party ofJapanesevisitorson atourof thecity.
  • A party oftouristswereapproachingthewarmemorial.
  • There's aspecialeducationroomsetasideforschoolparties.
  • Everydaythisoncepeacefulvillageisinvadedbycoachparties.


one of thepeopleorgroupsofpeopleinvolvedin anofficialargument,arrangement, orsimilarsituation
The UN called on all partiesintheconflictto take apositivestancetowards the newpeaceinitiative.联合国呼吁冲突各方对新的和平倡议采取积极姿态。
It's oftendifficulttoestablishwho theguiltyparty isfollowingatrafficaccident.发生交通意外后常常很难确定谁是有错的一方。
More examples
  • Paula really is theinnocentparty in all this, it was John that had theaffair.
  • Aninformationmeetingfor allinterestedparties will beheldon 10November.
  • Thecontractcould beterminatedby either party at anytime.
  • Mr Jackson wasconsideredtheinjuredparty andawardeddamagesof over £5000.
  • The court'sdecisiondid notsatisfyeither party.


be (a) party tosth
bringsthto the party
toenjoyyourself bydrinkinganddancing,especiallyat a party
Let's party!我们尽情玩吧!
They partied tilldawn.他们一直玩到天亮。


The nature and magnitude of the problem-determined through a systematic risk assessment process-needs to be determined and openly communicated to all relevant parties.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There were certain reform policies that all progressive parties could agree upon.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Only interested parties who have a large material stake in it need to pretend that it is one indivisible entity.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Both the problems and the proposed solutions of the parties were addressed to specific, practical needs of the moment.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Attached parties are joined at particular points, which include the face and voice.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The review should be conducted fairly for all relevant parties.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The basic assumption being made in this study is that parties have a major rôle to play in democratic governance.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The process is, however, self-destructive to the parties locked in dispute.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To some degree the impartiality has depended on there being a large measure of policy agreement and continuity between the parties in government.
From theCambridge English Corpus
With 36 per cent of the manual workers' vote in 1987 the party's share of the working-class vote was the highest for any post-war election.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In addition to generating a mistrust of politics and political parties, this had another effect- the rise of the bureaucrat.
From theCambridge English Corpus
What to do with parties once they have lost their principles and therefore their respectability?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Political parties and democracy: the core of the political problem is always the same.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Competition between the parties was, however, somewhat less than in previous years.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Have both the parties acted in good faith?
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withparty.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

affected party
However halting, the emergence of politically powerful unions dramaticallyaffectedpartypolitics and generated new questions about political finance.
From theCambridge English Corpus
aggrieved party
The aggrieved party subsequently filed the case twice more at the high court.
From theCambridge English Corpus
all-night party
When my constituents complain about an all-night party, it is perceived as a complaint on racial grounds rather than on noise grounds, and frequently it is not.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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