支付的金额Usually weaskfor payment onreceiptof thegoods.我们通常要求对方货到付款。
We need adepositof £165followedby twelvemonthlypayments of £60.你需要先付165英镑的订金,之后12个月内每月支付60英镑。
When is the first paymentdue?第一期付款什么时候应该支付?
报偿,报答Verbalabusewashardlythe payment Iexpectedformytroubles.我花了那么多力气,没料到换来的是一顿辱骂。
back payment
anamountofmoneyreceivedby anemployeebecause of apayriseat anearliertime
(因早些时候涨工资而得到的)补发工资- Ordinarily, wesendareminderabout amonthbefore payment isrequired.
- Mymonthlymortgagepayment isdebitedfrom mybankaccounton the 2nd of eachmonth.
- If you're infinancialdifficulty, we'rehappytoletyouspaceoutyourpayments over twoyears.
- I've had aletterfrom thetaxauthoritiesconcerningmytaxpayments.
- Goods will bedeliveredonreceiptof payment.
Earning money
- (your)(daily) breadidiom
- assessable
- bank
- base pay
- basic
- basic income
- feel the pinchidiom
- hand over fistidiom
- in arrearsidiom
- lineyourpocket(s)idiom
- livelihood
- pay packet
- pull
- pullsomethingdown
- raise
- rakesomethingin
- remonetize
- remuneration
- shift
- sick pay
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Prizes, rewards and medals
Payment methods