plural noun
us/ɡrɑʊndz/thesmallpiecesofsolidmaterialthatsinkto thebottomof aliquid,
groundsplural noun(LAND)
Westrolledaround thehospitalgrounds.
单词 | grounds |
释义 | groundsC2 thegardensandlandthatsurroundabuildingand often have awallorfencearound them: We went for awalkaround thehospitalgrounds. Thegolfcourseis set in theformergrounds of the 14thcenturycastle. He isburiedin the grounds of the 20-acreproperty. Wewalkedaround the grounds of the Naval Observatory. Thehotelgrounds areopento everyone. Theschoolsitsin twoacresofbeautifulgrounds. See also groundnoun(LAND) groundsthesmallgrainsofcoffeeleftat thebottomof acupor othercontainerthat has hadcoffeein it: A lot ofcoffeeshopsgive away grounds for use incompost. What do you do withcoffeegrounds? She had tocleanout the grounds from thebasketof thecoffeemaker. Hespilledgrounds all over thecounterwhile he was making a newpotofcoffee. Mysistermakes ascrubfor herskinwithcoffeegrounds. See also grindverb(MAKE SMALLER) groundnoun(COFFEE) victorass88/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages grounds| American Dictionarygrounds plural noun us/ɡrɑʊndz/thesmallpiecesofsolidmaterialthatsinkto thebottomof aliquid, groundsplural noun(LAND)landthatsurroundsabuilding: Westrolledaround thehospitalgrounds. |
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