torubfoodagainst agraterinordertocutit into a lot ofsmallpieces:
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- ingredient
- jerk
- julienne
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- rice
- toss
- whip
- zap
grateverb(RUB TOGETHER)
When two hardobjectsgrate, theyrubtogether, sometimes making asharpunpleasantsound.
摩擦;发出刺耳的摩擦声Scratching and rubbing
- abrade
- abrasion
- buff
- chafe
- erode
- graze
- grind
- massage
- rasp
- rubsomethingdown
- rubdown
- scour
- scoursomethingout
- scratch
- scratching
- smooth
- tickle
- towel
- wear
- wear(something)away
When anoiseorbehaviourgrates, itannoysyou:
使烦恼,使烦躁,使难受After a while hervoicereallystartedto grateonme.过了一会儿,她的聒噪声的确开始让我心烦了。
It's the way she's alwaystalkingabout herself - it just gratesonme.她总是喋喋不休地说她自己的事情——简直烦死我了。
to annoy someone
- annoyIt annoys me that you're always late.
- botherIt bothers me that you don't help with the washing up.
- irritateAfter a while her behaviour really began to irritate me.
- peeveWhat peeved her most was that he hadn't even called her.
- bugHe's been bugging me all morning.
- aggravateIt really aggravates me the way he never thanks me for what I've done.
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure
- aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- get upsomeone'snoseidiom
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- hacksomeoneoff
- joke
- nark
- nose
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- step/tread onsomeone'stoesidiom
- tit
uk/ɡreɪt/us/ɡreɪt/ametalstructurethatholdscoalorwoodin afireplace
Parts of buildings: the fireplace & parts of the fireplace
- andiron
- chimney breast
- coal scuttle
- damper
- fender
- fire dog
- firebrick
- fireguard
- fireplace
- firescreen
- fireside
- flue
- hearth
- inglenook
- mantelpiece
- open fire
- open fireplace
- poker
- scuttle