uk/pɑːs/us/pæs/passverb(GO PAST)
to go past something or someone ormoveinrelationto it, him, or her:
经过,路过I passed him on thestairsthismorning.今天早上我在楼梯上与他擦肩而过。
You should only pass aslowervehicleif it issafeto do so.只有在安全的情况下,你才应该超越较慢的车辆。
If you pass asupermarket, could you get me somemilk?你若是路过超市的话,帮我买些牛奶好吗?
I was just passingby(= going past theplacewhere you are), so IthoughtI'ddropin for achat.我正好路过,所以想进来聊聊。
to go past aparticularpointintime:
(时间)过去,流逝Don'tbuygoodsthat have passedtheirsell-bydate.不要购买过了销售期限的商品。
to go past something by beinggreaterinamountordegree:
(数量或程度上)大于,超过The company'sturnoverisexpectedto passthe$10 millionmarkby the end of thisyear.公司营业额预计将在今年年底超过一千万美元大关。
If you say astateorfeelingwill pass, youmeanit willdisappear:
(某一状态或感情)消失Don'tworry, hisdepressionis onlytemporary- it'llsoonpass.别担心,他的消沉只是暂时的——很快就会过去。
- Standaside,please, andletthesepeoplepass.
- He took astepbackwardstoallowher to pass.
- Theshippassed Land's End, thensteeredtowardssouthernIreland.
- Sheaffectionatelyruffledhishairwith herhandas she passed.
- After astrongstart, she was passed by severalrunnerson thefinallapandfinishedninth.
General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- movement
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spending time & time passing
Becoming bigger
Appearing & disappearing
to besuccessfulin anexam,course, etc.:
通过(考试、课程等)Guess what? I've passed mydrivingtest!你猜怎么着?我通过驾驶考试了!
Theexamis so hard that only fivepercentof allapplicantspass.考试太难了,所有考生中只有5%通过。
- She's beentryingto pass herdrivingtestfor sixyearsand she'sfinallysucceeded.
- After all his hardwork, hecertainlyought to pass hisexams.
- I passed inhistorybutfailedinchemistry.
- Theteacherexpectedher to pass theexamwithout anydifficulty.
- I took afluteexamlastmonthand I'm stillwaitingtohearwhether I passed.
Exams, tests & exercises
- achievement test
- Advanced Placement
- AP
- aptitude test
- assessment
- can dophrase
- dictation
- external examination
- fail
- moderate
- pop quiz
- practical
- probationary
- proctor
- psychometric
- quiz
- re-mark
- rubric
- sit
- viva
to give something to someone:
传递,传送Could you pass thesaltplease?你能把盐递给我吗?
Iaskedif I couldseetheletter, so she passed ittomereluctantly.我问能不能看看那封信,她很不情愿地递给了我。
[+ two objects]Gerald passed me thenote./Gerald passed thenoteto me.杰拉尔德把便条递给了我。
Genes are themeansby whichparents'characteristicsare passedon totheirchildren.基因是一系列遗传指令,父母的特征通过它们遗传给子女。
to give something to someone
- giveGive me that dirty plate.
- offerYour doctor should be able to offer advice.
- provideThis booklet provides useful information about local services.
- supplyThe lake supplies the whole town with water.
- donateFour hundred dollars has been donated to the school book fund.
Insports, if you pass theball, youkick,throw, orhitit to someone inyourteam.
If you passmoney, you give someonefalseorstolenmoneywithouttellingthem:
使用(假钞或偷来的钱)[+ two objects]I haven'ttrustedhim since he passed me aforged$100bill.自从他给了我一张100美元的假钞后我就不信任他了。
She wasarrestedfor passingstolencheques.她因使用偷窃的支票而被捕。
- Could you pass me thatbook?
- She passed him themug,filledto thebrimwithhotblackcoffee.
- Pass me thecamera, Iwantto take aphoto.
- She passed aplateofbiscuitsaround .
- Minelli passes theballto Hernandez out there on thewing.
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- passing
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General terms used in ball sports
Trafficking & racketeering
Whentimepasses, it goes past:
(时间)推移,流逝Timeseemsto pass(by)soslowlywhen you'rebored.百无聊赖时,时间似乎过得很慢。
I was a littleworriedabout theparty, but theeveningpassed without anygreatdisasters.我有点为晚会担心,但是一晚上过去了,并没出什么大纰漏。
If you pass aperiodoftime, you do something tostopyourself beingboredduring thatperiod:
消磨,打发(时间)Thevisitorspasstheirdaysswimming,windsurfing, andplayingvolleyball.游客们通过游泳、冲浪和打排球来消磨时间。
- Hardly had amomentpassed before thedoorcreakedopen.
- Janet wassurprisedhowquicklythetimepassed.
- The next twodayspassed in awhirlofactivity.
- Time passes soquicklywhen you'reenjoyingyourself.
- While we werewaitingwe did thecrosswordto pass thetime.
Spending time & time passing
- all the time in the worldidiom
- Anno Domini
- elapse
- employ
- fall
- fall away
- kill
- kill time, an hour, etc.idiom
- roll
- roll by
- run out
- serve
- slip
- the sands of time are running outidiom
- time is onsomeone'ssideidiom
- time's a great healeridiom
- timekeeper
- wear
- wear on
- whilesomethingaway
(of anofficialgroupofpeople) to giveapprovalto something,especiallybyvotingto make itlaw:
通过,批准Thegovernmentpassed alawtorestrictthesaleofguns.政府通过了一项限制枪支买卖的法律。
Thefoodsupplementhad been passedassafeforhumanconsumption.这种食品添加剂通过了检测,适合食用。
- Thejurypassed averdictofguilty, with anappealto thejudgeforclemency.
- Thislegislationwon't be passed during thelifeof thepresentparliament.
- Themotionwas passed.
- It's one of the mostridiculouslawsthat haseverbeen passed.
- The twocountriesareresumingnegotiationsafter a newresolutionwas passed by theSecurityCouncil.
UK politics: legislation & law-making
- abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
pass judgment, comment, etc.
toexpressajudgmentoropinionabout something,especiallysomeone else'sbehaviour:
作出评判/评论等As aconvictedcriminal, he's in nopositionto passjudgment(ontherestof us).他是已定罪的罪犯,没资格(对我们其他人)品头论足。
pass sentence
to sayofficially, as ajudge, what a criminal'sofficialpunishmentwill be
宣判Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- put
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound off
- talk
- vociferous
- vociferously
- would
- wouldn't
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Court cases, orders & decisions
mainlyUS(UKusuallypass away)
After she passed, thedoctorswantedto do anautopsy.
Hiswifewas at hissidewhen he passedpeacefullythismorning.
to stop living
- dieMy dog died last week.
- die a natural/violent deathShe dies a natural death at home, surrounded by loved ones.
- pass awayHe passed away peacefully in hospital.
- pass onI'm sorry to hear that your grandfather has passed on.
- passUSMy father passed last year.
Death and dying
- be as dead as a doornailidiom
- bereave
- bite
- bleed out
- buy the farmidiom
- cadaveric
- death toll
- depart this lifeidiom
- fatality
- ghost
- morbid
- necrophiliac
- perch
- predecease
- push
- remains
- shuffle off this mortal coilidiom
- starvation
- toll
- watery
toremovewastefrom thebody:
排泄,分泌to passurine排尿
pass bloodformal
to havebloodinyoururineorfaeces(=solidwaste):
便血If you passblood, you should go andseeyourdoctor.如果你便血的话应该去看医生。
Animal physiology: excrement & its excretion
- accident
- anal fissure
- bathroom
- bowel
- crap
- defecate
- doo-doo
- dung
- excrement
- excreta
- excrete
- excretion
- faeces
- go to the bathroomidiom
- motion
- movement
- poo
- poop
- shit
- stool
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal physiology: urine & urinating
passverb(NOT PLAY)
tochoosenot toplayin apartof agameor not toansweraquestionin aquiz
(牌戏中不出牌或竞赛中不回答问题时的用语)过Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- bridge
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tochangefrom onestateto another:
(状态)变化,转化Wax passesfromsolidtoliquidwhen youheatit.蜡受热后会从固体变成液体。
- about-face
- about-turn
- alterable
- altered
- alternate
- disturb
- drip
- modulate
- modulation
- move on
- move the goalpostsidiom
- move with the timesidiom
- pivot
- rewrite
- sanitization
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- stead
- steepness
- sway
pass (all) belief
pass muster
pass the hat around/round
pass the time of day
pass water
Phrasal verbs
pass assomeone/something
pass away
pass for sb/sth
pass off
passsomethingoff assomething
pass on
pass onsomething
pass out
uk/pɑːs/us/pæs/passnoun(EXAM RESULT)
asuccessfulresultin anexam:
(考试)及格,通过JonHillachievedtwogradeA passes at A-level.乔‧希尔在高级证书考试中取得了 A 等成绩。
asuccessfulresultin acourseorexamfor which thestudentwill not be given amark:
及格分数;考试及格I got a pass in my Literaturecourse.我修习的文学课程考试及格了。
Success and achievements
- a feather inyourcapidiom
- a roaring successidiom
- accomplishment
- achievement
- achievement test
- ascension
- ascent
- belt
- boom
- every dog has its dayidiom
- feat
- fruition
- havesomethingunderyourbeltidiom
- laugh
- prospect
- quantum leap
- secret sauce
- sellout
- stratosphere
- tear
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Marks & results
amovementof theballfrom oneplayerto anothermemberof the sameteamin ateamsport
传球(动作)- Petersreceivedadiagonalpass andheadedtheballinto thenet.
- BatistutainterceptedNeville's pass andscoredthe thirdgoal.
- That was aperfectpass from Rooney to Owen.
- Yet anotherbrilliantpass by Anderson!
- Anothersloppypass like that mightlosethem thewholematch.
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
anofficialdocumentorticketshowingthat you have therightto gosomewhereor use aparticularformoftransport:
Myguestpassallowsme to use the club'sfacilitiesfreeofcharge.我有贵宾证,可以免费使用该俱乐部的设施。
adocumentthatallowsastudenttoleaveaclassfor aparticularreason:
免课证(允许某一学生因为特殊原因离开课堂)She had a pass to go to thelibrary.她得到许可离开课堂去图书馆。
- Annie's thefilmcriticfor thelocalradiostation, so she's got afreepass for all thecinemasin thearea.
- Theofficialat thegatecheckedourpasses.
- You need asecuritypass toenterthebuilding.
- Allpassengerswillrequireaboardingpass and avalidpassport.
- They gave me abackstagepass and Imetsome of theactors.
- accommodation
- apex
- boarding pass
- coach class
- e-ticket
- half
- hall pass
- rain check
- return fare
- return ticket
- round fare
- round-trip ticket
- season ticket
- single
- standby
- supersaver
- ticketing
- ticketless
- timed ticket
- transfer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Schools in general
apathorroadbetween or overmountains:
Roads & routes in general
- adopt
- adopted
- ascent
- bicycle lane/path
- bike lane
- detour
- exit
- impassable
- lane
- milk round
- multi-lane
- one-way
- roadway
- roadworks
- route
- RR
- shortcut
- skid marks
- switchback
- toll road
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Geography: hills & mountains
anoccasionwhen someonereadsthrough atext,especiallyinordertoeditit(= makechangesto it):
I'm now doing myeditingpass on thedocument.
Don'ttrytomemorizeeverything. Don'ttryto get everydetailon the first pass.
Editing & compiling
- abridged
- anthologist
- blue pencil
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerize
- bowdlerized
- co-edit
- compile
- dub
- excerpt
- fact-checking
- lexicographer
- non-editorial
- over-edit
- post-editing
- proofreading
- revise
- subedit
- undubbed
- unfiltered
困境,令人不快的境遇If I'd beenawarethings hadreachedsuchapass, I'd have told thepolice.我要是知道事情已到了这步田地,早就报警了。
UKIt'scome to aprettypass(= it's abadsituation)when you can'tevenhave a fewquietdrinkswith somefriends.当你连和几个朋友安静地喝几杯也不行时,处境真是糟透了。
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
- a hard/tough row to hoeidiom
- abyss
- adversity
- atyourworstidiom
- Augean
- bad hair day
- emergence
- epidemic
- genie
- half nelson
- hardness
- have a bumpy rideidiom
- quicksand
- rabbit hole
- reversal
- rigour
- rollercoaster
- strait
- the Augean Stablesidiom
- the hard wayidiom
make a pass atsomeoneinformal
tospeakto ortouchsomeone in a way thatshowsyou would like tostartasexualrelationshipwith them