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passagenoun(CONNECTING WAY)B2[C](alsopassageway)a usuallylongandnarrowpartof abuildingwithroomson one or bothsides, or acoveredpaththatconnectsplaces: 过道,走廊 Anarrowpassageleddirectlythrough thehouseinto thegarden.一条狭窄的过道直接从房子通向花园。 The bathroom's on therightat the end of the passage.浴室在走廊尽头的右边。  Cimmerian/E+/GettyImages [C]ahollowpartof thebodythrough which something goes: (体内的)道,通道 thenasalpassages鼻腔 theanalpassage肛道 - subterraneanpassages
- anundergroundpassage
- Thetombwashoneycombedwith passages andchambers.
- Anarrowpassageleadsfrom onebuildingto the other.
- Thepresidentescapedthrough asecretpassageunderneaththeparliamentbuilding.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of buildings: passages & entrance areas - arcade
- archway
- breezeway
- concourse
- desk
- entryway
- gangway
- gateway
- hall
- hallway
- lobby
- marquee
- patio
- portal
- portico
- reception
- side entrance
- side return
- terrace
- vestibule
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Substances & structures in the body passagenoun(PART)B2[C]ashortpieceof writing ormusicthat ispartof alargerpieceofwork: (文章的)段落;(音乐的)乐段 Several passagesfromthebookwereprintedin anationalnewspaperbefore it waspublished.该书出版前,书中有几段文章被登载在一份全国性的报纸上。 - This passage oftexthas been excerpted from herlatestnovel.
- It is adifficultpassage, but justtranslateit asbestyou can.
- This passage doesn't make anysense.
- Thebookcontainsnumerousplagiarizedpassages.
- Kathyreadashortpassage from theBible.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMusical pieces - arrangement
- ballade
- bolero
- bossa nova
- Britannia
- chorus
- fantasia
- hook
- melody
- multi-part
- nocturne
- octet
- opus
- reel
- signature tune
- solo
- song form
- streetscape
- string quartet
- trio
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: passagenoun(TRAVEL)[U]formaltravel,especiallyas a way ofescape: 旅行;(尤指)转移 Thegunmandemandedaplaneandsafepassagetoanunspecifieddestination.持枪歹徒要求派飞机把他安全送到某个未指明的目的地。 [S]old-fashionedajourney,especiallyover thesea: (尤指海上的)旅行,航行 He hadbookedhis passagetoRio de Janeiro.他订了去里约热内卢的船票。 workyourpassageold-fashioned to doworkon ashipduringyourtripinsteadofpayingfor aticket 在船上做工以抵偿船费SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNavigation & shipwrecks - astrolabe
- buoy
- chart
- circumnavigation
- foghorn
- lane
- narrows
- navigability
- navigable
- navigate
- navigational
- pilot
- quadrant
- refloat
- sextant
- sonar
- submersible
- the doldrums
- the Pole Star
- yaw
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Travelling Journeys Sailing & boating passagenoun(MOVEMENT)C2[U]anactofmovingthroughsomewhere: 通过,穿过 Manymeteorsdisintegrateduringtheirpassagethroughtheatmosphere.许多陨星在穿过大气层时会四分五裂。 Thegovernmentprohibitsthe passage offoreigntroopsandplanesacrossitsterritory.该政府禁止外国军队和飞机穿越其领土和领空。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMovement - ambulatory
- be treading wateridiom
- biodynamics
- comings
- get
- get around
- gracefully
- gravitation
- mobile
- mobility
- motile
- motility
- motion
- movable
- moving
- pullsomeoneup shortidiom
- rooted to the spotidiom
- steadiness
- stillness
- unmoving
See more results » passagenoun(TIME)the passage of timeliterary theprocessoftimegoing past: 时间的流逝Memoriesfadewiththe passage oftime.随着时间的流逝,记忆会慢慢褪去。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpending time & time passing - all the time in the worldidiom
- Anno Domini
- elapse
- employ
- fall
- fall away
- kill time, an hour, etc.idiom
- pass
- roll
- roll by
- run out
- serve
- slip
- the sands of time are running outidiom
- time is onsomeone'ssideidiom
- time's a great healeridiom
- timekeeper
- wear
- wear on
- whilesomethingaway
See more results » passagenoun(LAW)[U]formaltheofficialapprovalof something,especiallya newlaw: (尤指新法律的)通过 He againurgedpassageofaconstitutionalamendmentoutlawingabortion.他再一次敦促通过一项宪法修正案,把人工流产定为非法。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUK politics: legislation & law-making - abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
See more results » (Definition ofpassagefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)passage| American Dictionarypassagenoun(CONNECTING WAY)[C](alsopassageway,us/ˈpæs·ɪdʒˌweɪ/)a usuallylongandnarrowpartof abuildingwithroomson one or bothsides, or anenclosedpaththatconnectsplaces: Anarrowpassageledthrough thehouseto theyard. [C](alsopassageway,us/ˈpæs·ɪdʒˌweɪ/)A passage is also anentranceoropening: passagenoun(PART)[C]ashortpieceof writing ormusicthat ispartof alargerpiece: ashortpassage for atrumpetsolo passagenoun(TRAVEL)[U]therighttotravelor toleaveaplace: Webookedpassage on acruiseship. He wasguaranteedsafepassage to theborder. (Definition ofpassagefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)passage| Business English[C](alsopassageway,/ˈpæsɪdzweɪ/)a usuallylongandnarrowpartof abuildingwithroomson one or bothsides, or acoveredpathwhichconnectsplaces: There's a passage on thesideof thebuilding– themaintenancedepartmentis along there. [C]ashortpieceof writing that ispartof alargerpieceofwork: There's one passage in thereportwhichseemsincorrect. [U]anactofmovingthrough aplace: Despitesecuritychecks,ourpassage through theairportwasfairlyquick. [UorS]the way thattimepasses: Thedirectorsarehopefulthat,with the passage oftime,tradingconditionswillimprove. [U]officialapprovalof something,especiallya newlaw: passage of sthProtesters areopposingpassage of the newenergybillthroughparliament. (Definition ofpassagefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpassagepassage Thepassagecould have been excised, which seems unlikely; it could also antedate the sources that include it.From theCambridge English Corpus Now, thispassageconcerns not light, but the visual ray.From theCambridge English Corpus Among the few extended orchestral passages in the opera, perhaps the most substantial is the journey at the beginning of the second act.From theCambridge English Corpus Theoretical considerations on the momentum and energy transfer to small particles of different material duringpassageof the measuring volume were discussed.From theCambridge English Corpus The multiple-choice questions were contextualized from thepassageand had limited options to select from so that the question itself was a memory aid.From theCambridge English Corpus The passages might even be seen - despite their preservation as written texts - to provide a unique witness to the improvisatory practices of oral poets.From theCambridge English Corpus Thepassageevokes a gendered division between author and reader, differentiating the "real man" author from the woman that he addresses.From theCambridge English Corpus As thispassagedemonstrates, the position of the teacher vis-à-vis the student not only equals but exceeds that of his parents.From theCambridge English Corpus However, the time to peak parasitaemias was significantly reduced when the number of prior passages was increased.From theCambridge English Corpus Thispassageis somewhat confusing because it is not clear how one should understand the expression "altruistic act" appearing within it.From theCambridge English Corpus It is, however, the two central sections that are perhaps the most remarkable passages in the piece, particularly in the writing for the solo bassoon.From theCambridge English Corpus In some sonatas the texture is varied by woodwind doublings of strings with flute or oboe, alternating with solo passages for different groups.From theCambridge English Corpus To avoidpassagein cell culture and the possible selection of atypical populations, the virus isolates were not plaque purified in cell culture.From theCambridge English Corpus In this test, the administrator reads apassagealoud to the participant.From theCambridge English Corpus Temporal aspects of dying as a non-scheduled statuspassage.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithpassagepassageThese are words often used in combination withpassage. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. final passage Thus, in the counterfactual analysis we do not find many instances of thefinalpassageof a bill being changed. From theCambridge English Corpus following passage Thefollowingpassageis an example. From theCambridge English Corpus instrumental passage Clearly this instrumental passage conveys the alluring vagrancy captured in the poetic image of the wild seed on the wind. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/passage## |