past simple and past participle ofpass
单词 | passed |
释义 | passed past simple and past participle ofpass pass verb uk/pɑːs/us/pæs/passverb(GO PAST)B1[IorT] to go past something or someone ormoveinrelationto it, him, or her: I passed him on thestairsthismorning. You should only pass aslowervehicleif it issafeto do so. If you pass asupermarket, could you get me somemilk? I was just passingby(= going past theplacewhere you are), so IthoughtI'ddropin for achat. Amomentarylookofanxietypassedacrosshisface. Acloudpassedoverthesun. [T] to go past aparticularpointintime: Don'tbuygoodsthat have passedtheirsell-bydate. C2[T] to go past something by beinggreaterinamountordegree: The company'sturnoverisexpectedto passthe$10 millionmarkby the end of thisyear. C2[I] If you say astateorfeelingwill pass, youmeanit willdisappear: Don'tworry, hisdepressionis onlytemporary- it'llsoonpass.
General words for movement
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Spending time & time passing Becoming bigger Appearing & disappearing passverb(SUCCEED)A2[IorT] to besuccessfulin anexam,course, etc.: Guess what? I've passed mydrivingtest! Theexamis so hard that only fivepercentof allapplicantspass.
Exams, tests & exercises
passverb(GIVE)B1[T] to give something to someone: Could you pass thesaltplease? Iaskedif I couldseetheletter, so she passed ittomereluctantly. [+ two objects]Gerald passed me thenote./Gerald passed thenoteto me. Genes are themeansby whichparents'characteristicsare passedon totheirchildren. to give something to someone
C2[IorT] Insports, if you pass theball, youkick,throw, orhitit to someone inyourteam. [T] If you passmoney, you give someonefalseorstolenmoneywithouttellingthem: [+ two objects]I haven'ttrustedhim since he passed me aforged$100bill. She wasarrestedfor passingstolencheques.
Giving, providing and supplying
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: General terms used in ball sports Trafficking & racketeering passverb(TIME)B1[I] Whentimepasses, it goes past: Timeseemsto pass(by)soslowlywhen you'rebored. I was a littleworriedabout theparty, but theeveningpassed without anygreatdisasters. B2[T] If you pass aperiodoftime, you do something tostopyourself beingboredduring thatperiod: Thevisitorspasstheirdaysswimming,windsurfing, andplayingvolleyball.
Spending time & time passing
passverb(APPROVE)B2[T] (of anofficialgroupofpeople) to giveapprovalto something,especiallybyvotingto make itlaw: Thegovernmentpassed alawtorestrictthesaleofguns. Thefoodsupplementhad been passedassafeforhumanconsumption.
UK politics: legislation & law-making
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Elections passverb(JUDGE)pass judgment, comment, etc. toexpressajudgmentoropinionabout something,especiallysomeone else'sbehaviour: As aconvictedcriminal, he's in nopositionto passjudgment(ontherestof us). pass sentence to sayofficially, as ajudge, what a criminal'sofficialpunishmentwill be Expressing and asking opinions
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Court cases, orders & decisions passverb(DIE)mainlyUS(UKusuallypass away) todie: After she passed, thedoctorswantedto do anautopsy. Hiswifewas at hissidewhen he passedpeacefullythismorning. to stop living
Death and dying
passverb(EXCRETE)[T]formal toremovewastefrom thebody: to passurine pass bloodformal to havebloodinyoururineorfaeces(=solidwaste): If you passblood, you should go andseeyourdoctor. Animal physiology: excrement & its excretion
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Animal physiology: urine & urinating passverb(NOT PLAY)[I] tochoosenot toplayin apartof agameor not toansweraquestionin aquiz Card games
passverb(CHANGE)[Iusually+ adv/prep] tochangefrom onestateto another: Wax passesfromsolidtoliquidwhen youheatit. Changing
Idiomspass (all) belief pass muster pass the hat around/round pass the time of day pass water Phrasal verbspasssomethingaround pass assomeone/something pass away passsomeoneby passsomethingdown pass for sb/sth pass off passsomethingoff assomething pass on pass onsomething passsomethingon pass out passsomethingout passsomeone/somethingover passsomethinground passsomethingup Examplesofpassedpassed In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives. Some of these examples may show the adjective use. Various representations thus coexisted in the early modern period, only to expand as timepassed. From theCambridge English Corpus Most of the major structural reforms have beenpassedwith the non-socialist opposition. From theCambridge English Corpus All childrenpassedan oral motor screening and a hearing screening. From theCambridge English Corpus All childrenpassedscreenings of oral-motor structure and function. From theCambridge English Corpus If these had been debated,passedand implemented - a very big ' if ' - the battles of the following four years might just have been obviated. From theCambridge English Corpus Each time the rollerpassedover the flax stem some of the shive separated from the fibre. From theCambridge English Corpus Washings from the lumen of the gut werepassedthrough a sieve (154 mm mesh size) to recover even the smallest parasites. From theCambridge English Corpus Once a node is chosen, the destination information ispassedonto the chosen node and the process continues until the destination node is reached. From theCambridge English Corpus Here, macrophages incorporate iron, which is then released from haemoglobin andpassedto transferrin. From theCambridge English Corpus In 1869 and 1870 mine safety laws were indeedpassed. From theCambridge English Corpus The major bills regulating mine safety before 1969 werepassedin 1941, 1952, and 1966. 89. From theCambridge English Corpus Schooled language is what'spassedon in economically or socially recognized situations9 as best practice. From theCambridge English Corpus We have chosen to call them token-passing nets, because a particular agent ispassedaround and enables certain reductions. From theCambridge English Corpus Here, path-dependence is based on switching between multiple equilibria when extreme trigger values arepassed. From theCambridge English Corpus Hence, this enabled the risk factor previously ascribed to the seller-colono to bepassedon to the purchaser. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. |
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