uk/ˈpɑː.sɪŋ/us/ˈpæs.ɪŋ/passingnoun(MOVING BALL)
insports, theactofkicking,throwing, orhittingtheballto someone inyourownteam:
Accurate passing iskeyinnetball.
There was someslickpassing inmidfield.
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
[Cusually singular]
theactof giving something to someone:
To me, it's like the passing of abaton.
Hismethodis toorganisethe passing of abribeat the official'shome.
There weremultiplepassings of thecollectionplatearound thecongregation.
[Cusually singular]
theactof sayingofficially, as ajudge, what a criminal'sofficialpunishmentwill be:
TheCourthas thepowertosuspendthe passing ofsentence.
Thiskindofbehaviourwill not betoleratedand the only way that can be madeplainis by the passing of acustodialsentence.
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- lay
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Court cases, orders & decisions
[Cusually singular]
theactof givingapprovalto something,especiallybyvotingto make itlaw:
The Financial Timesreportedthe passing of abankingactintendedtospeedtheprivatizationof Hungary'sbanks.
Foxhunters' Chase willcontinueto be sonameddespitethe passing of abilltooutlawfoxhunting.
There have been enough passings ofstupidlaws.
UK politics: legislation & law-making
- abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
[Cusually singular]
theactof beingsuccessfulin anexam, acourse, etc.:
Academiccreditsrefer tocreditsearnedupon thesuccessfulpassing of acourse.
Thenewsthat acertainamountoflegalknowledgewould berequired, andeventhe passing of a fewexams,killedtheirinterest.
Exams, tests & exercises
- achievement test
- Advanced Placement
- AP
- aptitude test
- assessment
- can dophrase
- dictation
- external examination
- fail
- moderate
- oral
- pop quiz
- practical
- probationary
- proctor
- psychometric
- quiz
- re-mark
- rubric
- sit
passingnoun(GOING PAST)
theactof going past apersonor thing:
Ahead, aclosedlevel-crossinggatepromisedtheimminentpassing of atrain.
Theleaveson atreetrembleat the passing of abreathofwind.
He mustdepartfrom theslightpaththat his passings havewornin therocksurface.
theactof going past aparticularpointintime:
Themovesfollowthe passing of yesterday's 5pmdeadlineforbids.
Thesafehomecomingrepresentedthe passing of acriticalmilestonefor Nasa.
in passing
If something is said in passing, it is said whiletalkingabout somethingelseand is not themainsubjectof aconversation:
顺便,附带地Whenaskedif he had told thepoliceabout theincident, Mr Banks said he hadmentionedit in passing to adetective.被问及是否已将此告诉了警察时,班克斯先生说他曾向一位侦探顺便提过。
General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- pass
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spending time & time passing
Quoting & making references
the passing of time/the years
(时间的)流逝,过去Myparentsseemto havemellowedwiththe passing of theyears.随着岁月的流逝,我父母似乎变得心气平和了。
thedeathor end of someone or something:
逝世,去世;流逝,消失Tenyearsafter herdeath, thepublicstillmournsher passing.她死去10年后,人们仍在为她的去世感到悲痛。
the passing of theoldyear旧的一年的流逝
There have been a fewtragicpassings thisyearinourfamily.
Spending time & time passing
- all the time in the worldidiom
- Anno Domini
- elapse
- employ
- fall
- fall away
- kill time, an hour, etc.idiom
- pass
- roll
- roll by
- run out
- serve
- slip
- the sands of time are running outidiom
- time is onsomeone'ssideidiom
- time's a great healeridiom
- timekeeper
- wear
- wear on
- whilesomethingaway
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Ends and endings
Death and dying
passingnoun(DIFFERENT GROUP)
asituationin which apersonwhobelongsto aparticulargroupisbelievedby otherpeopleto be amemberof a differentgroup, forexamplea differentrace:
Reasons for passing aredeeplyindividual.
Most often,racialpassingmeansblackpassing forwhite, usually out ofeconomicorsocialnecessity.
Passing asstraightis not something Ichoose.
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈpɑː.sɪŋ/us/ˈpæs.ɪŋ/passingadjective[before noun](GOING PAST)
路过的,经过的A passingmotoriststoppedand gave her aliftto thenearbytown.一名路过的汽车司机停下来,把她捎到了附近的镇上。
General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- pass
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
passingadjective[before noun](TIME)
lastingonly for ashorttimeand notimportantorcomplete:
短暂的,一时的I gave therestauranta passingglanceas Iwalkedby, but I didn'tnoticewho was in there.走过这家餐馆时我瞟了一眼,但没有注意到谁在里面。
Thematteris only of passingscientificinterest.这东西的科学意义只是暂时的。
used to refer to aperiodoftimethat is going past:
General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- pass
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
a passing resemblance