atypeofcloththat islooselywoven(= thethreadsare notpulledtightlytogether):
稀松棉布;稀松麻布A loose-weavelinen, scrim isbrilliantat giving afinalshinetowindowsandglassware.松散编织亚麻布,也叫做“scrim”,非常适合用来给窗户和玻璃器皿增光添彩。
![picture of scrim picture of scrim](
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in atheatre, alargepieceof thistypeofcloththat ishungon thestageand oftenpaintedtocreateaspecialeffectorlitfrom behind so that you canseethrough it :
(舞台的)纱幕,透明幕Aseriesofpaintedscrims and setsslideacrossthelargestage,allowingthechildrentoseemtoflyagainst abackdropofstarstwinklingin thesky.一系列彩绘的纱幕和布景在大舞台上滑过,让孩子们仿佛在天空中闪烁的星星背景中飞翔。
[Cusually singular]
something thathidessomethingelse, makes it lessclear, orinfluencesthe way that youseeit:
(隐藏或掩盖其他事物的)薄纱;(展示其他事物的一个)角度This is agrippingstoryabout a psychiatrist'spatientwho isobsessedwith theideathat what wecallrealityis only athinscrim over a muchdarkerworld.这是一个扣人心弦的故事,故事里一个精神病医生的病人固执的认为我们所说的现实只不过是一张覆盖在黑暗世界上的一层薄纱。
ThemovieSavingPrivateRyanshowedthe secondworldwarthrough a scrim of Vietnammovies.《拯救大兵瑞恩》从越战电影的角度展示了二战。
- The mostcommontypeofclothencounteredin thefoodindustryis 100percentcottonin anoff-whitelooseweavefabricknownvariouslyas stockinette,muttonclothor scrim.
- Vastsurgingwavesarecrashingover thestageof the Haymarket -projectedon agiantscrim - in theopeningstormsceneof The Sea.
- Jay-Z took thestagebehind a scrim,castinga larger-than-lifesilhouette.
Textiles made from natural fibres
- bamboo
- bombazine
- burlap
- calico
- cambric
- distaff
- faille
- felt
- fishnet
- flannelette
- nankeen
- needlecord
- netting
- oilskin
- organdie
- towelling
- tulle
- tweed
- twill
- velvet
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