toacceptsomething to betruewithoutquestionorproof:
假定,假设;臆断,想当然地认为[+ (that)]I assumed(that)youkneweach other because you went to the sameschool.你们不是上的同一所学校嘛?我还以为你们两个认识呢。
Let'sassume(that)they're coming and makeplanson thatbasis.我们还是假定他们会来,并以此来作出计划。
[+ to infinitive]We can't assume thesuspectstobeguiltysimplybecause they'vedecidedtoremainsilent.我们不能仅仅因为疑犯选择保持沉默就断定他们有罪。
We mustn't assume thesuspects'guilt.我们千万不能臆断犯罪嫌疑人有罪。
to believe someone or something
- believeCan we believe a word of what this man says?
- acceptMost people accept what the newspapers say as being correct.
- creditUKIt’s hard to credit that she’s 87.
- swallowI personally find it hard to swallow the official narrative.
- buyWhen it comes to global warming, he doesn't buy it, and is out to discredit the whole theory.
- If you haven'theardbyFriday, assume I'm not coming.
- She wasyoungand she waswearingstudent-typeclothesso I assumed she wasstudyinghere.
- There was aknockat thedoor. NowJanknewhermotherhadpromisedtovisit, so she assumed it was her.
- They werechattingquiteamiablyon thephonelastnightso I assumed everything wasokay.
- I assumed things had gone well for him as he had abiggrinon hisface.
Imagining and conceiving
- beyondyourwildest dreamsidiom
- blue-sky
- conceivable
- conceivably
- conceptualization
- guess
- imagine
- inyourmind's eyeidiom
- inconceivably
- lay the foundation(s) of/foridiom
- look on/uponsomeone/somethingassomething
- mental image
- reach
- regard
- revisualization
- riot
- run riotidiom
- theorize
- think ofsomething
- throw
assumeverb[T](PRETEND TO HAVE)
topretendto have a differentnameor be someone you are not, or toexpressafeelingfalsely:
冒充,冒称;假装,装出Moving to a differenttown, he assumed afalsename.搬家到了另外一个城镇后,他用了个假名字。
During theinvestigation, twodetectivesassumed theidentitiesofantiquesdealers.在案件调查中,两名侦探假装成古董商。
He assumed alookofindifferencebut Iknewhow hefelt.他装出一副无所谓的样子,但我明白他的内心感受。
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- come thesomethingidiom
- cry
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- fraud
- mountebank
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- play-act
- professed
- purport
- quack
assumeverb[T](TAKE CONTROL)
to take orbeginto haveresponsibilityorcontrol, sometimes without therightto do so, or tobeginto have acharacteristic:
承担,担任;僭取,夺取;呈现,具有The newpresidentassumesofficeatmidnighttonight.新总统在今晚午夜就职。
Theterroristsassumedcontrolof theplaneandforcedit tolandin thedesert.恐怖分子控制了飞机,并使其迫降在沙漠中。
Theissuehas assumedconsiderablepoliticalproportions(= hasbecomeabigpoliticalproblem).这已经成为一个很大的政治问题。
Controlling and being in charge
- aggrandize
- assumption
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- autocratically
- commanding
- dictate
- harness
- have (got)someoneby the short and curliesidiom
- havesomeoneby the ballsidiom
- havesomeoneeating out ofyourhandidiom
- have/hold the whip handidiom
- helm
- override
- police
- policing
- possess
- power play
- predominate
- skipper