verb[I+ adv/prep,L]
to give theeffectof being; to bejudgedto be:
似乎;仿佛He's 16, but he often seems(to be)younger.他16岁了,但往往看起来要小些。
Thechildrenseemed (as if/as though/likethey were)tired.孩子们好像累了。
Isuspecthisclaimsarenot allthey seem - hetendstoexaggerate.我怀疑他的断言并不都属实——他往往夸大其词。
Things areseldomas/how/whatthey seem.事情很少表里一致。
[+ to infinitive]I seemtoknowmore about him than anyoneelse.我似乎比其他人更了解他。
They seemtobe takingalongtimetodecide.他们好像需要很长的时间才能作出决定。
[+ (that)]Itseems(that)she can't come.她好像来不了了。
Itseemstome(that)(= Ithinkthat)he isn't therightpersonfor thejob.在我看来,他不是这项工作的合适人选。
formalIt wouldseem(that)noactionneed be taken.似乎不需要采取任何行动。
Thereseemstohave been amistake- mynameisn't on thelist.似乎出现了错误——我的名字不在名单上。
[after so]"There's noreply- they've all gonehome." "Soit seems."“没有答复——他们都已经回家了。”“好象是这样。”
"Was adecisionmade?" "It seemsnot/so."“作出决定了吗?”“好象没作/作了。”
- She seemedhappyenough thismorning.
- Theplanseemedquitesimple.
- He seemed abitdepressedabout hisworksituation.
- She seemed abitdetached, as if hermindwere on other things.
- She seemedslightlyembarrassedtoseeus there.
Seeming and purporting to be
- apparent
- appear
- as if/thoughidiom
- by the look(s) of thingsidiom
- come across
- come off
- outward
- outwardly
- parallax
- pass
- pass for sb/sth
- persona
- semblance
- so-called
- sound
- superficial
- superficiality
- superficially
- supposed
- surface
We mostly use appear to talk about facts and events. We use seem to talk about facts, but also to talk about personal feelings and ideas. Seem is often used with a noun:…Seem+to-infinitive
We can use seem with a to-infinitive:…Seem
Seem means ‘appear in a particular way’. We can use it as a linking verb (like be) or with a to-infinitive. We do not normally use seem in the continuous form:…Seemas a linking verb
Seem as a linking verb is followed by an adjective or, less commonly, a noun:…