uk/ˈsiː.sɔː/us/ˈsiː.sɑː/(USalsoteeter-totter)alongboardthatchildrenplayon. Theboardisbalancedon acentralpointso that when achildsitson each end they can make theboardgo up and down bypushingoff thegroundwiththeirfeet.
Benjamin Egerland/EyeEm/GettyImages
Play areas for children
- amusement arcade
- ball pool
- climbing frame
- jungle gym
- paddling pool
- play park
- playground
- playpen
- playroom
- rec
- recreation ground
- roundabout
- sandbox
- sandlot
- sandpit
- schoolyard
- slide
- swing
- teeter-totter
- Wendy house
uk/ˈsiː.sɔː/us/ˈsiː.sɑː/tochangerepeatedlyfrom oneemotion,situation, etc. to another and then back again:
(情绪、局势等)摇摆不定,不断反复,交替Hismindseesawed betweenhopeanddespairall through thoseweeks.那几个星期里,他一会儿心怀希望,一会儿又感到绝望,心情变来变去。
Changing your mind
- 180
- about-face
- about-turn
- back away
- back out
- cave in
- cold
- come round
- have another think comingidiom
- move
- oscillate
- oscillation
- pendulum
- pull
- pull out
- think againidiom
- think better ofsomethingidiom
- time-server
- time-serving
- volte-face
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈsiː.sɔː/us/ˈsiː.sɑː/changingrepeatedlyfrom oneemotion,situation, etc. to another and then back again:
Thestockmarket'srecentseesawmovementshave made manyinvestorsnervous.
The twosidesfoughtseesawbattlesforcontrolof thispartof thecountrylastyear.
- This beauty-spot wasoncethesiteof atragicseesawstrugglebetweennations.
- The 19-year-oldbattledthe Czechveteranin a seesawmatchthatlastedmore than twohours.
- Thedealfollowedmonthsof seesawnegotiations.
Changing your mind
- 180
- about-face
- about-turn
- back away
- back out
- cave in
- cold
- come round
- have another think comingidiom
- move
- oscillate
- oscillation
- pendulum
- pull
- pull out
- think againidiom
- think better ofsomethingidiom
- time-server
- time-serving
- volte-face