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growverb(INCREASE)A2[IorLorT]toincreaseinsizeoramount, or tobecomemoreadvancedordeveloped: 增多;增大;增强;增长;成长;长大 Children grow soquickly.孩子们长得很快。 Thisplantgrowsbestin theshade.这种植物在背阴处长得最好。 She's grown threecentimetresthisyear.她今年长高了3厘米。 Football'spopularitycontinuesto grow.足球运动越来越受欢迎。 Thelabourforceisexpectedto grow by twopercentnextyear.劳动力人口明年预计会增长2%。 Themaledeergrowslarge,branchinghornscalledantlers.雄鹿头上长着分岔的大角,即鹿角。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto increase - increaseWe need to increase production to meet demand.
- growThe number of people living alone grows each year.
- risePrices rose by 10 per cent.
- go upHouse prices keep going up.
- escalateCrime in the city has escalated in recent weeks.
See more results » B1[IorT]Ifyourhairornailsgrow, or if you grow them, theybecomelonger: (头发或指甲)长长,留长,蓄长 Lottiewantsto grow herhairlong.洛蒂想留长头发。 Are you growing abeard?你在留胡子吗? Wow,yourhair's grown!天哪,你的头发长起来了! A2[I]If aplantgrows in aparticularplace, itexistsanddevelopsthere: (植物)(自然)生长 There wererosesgrowing up against thewall.墙边长着很多蔷薇,攀爬到了墙上。 A2[T]If you grow aplant, you put it in thegroundand takecareof it, usually inordertosellit: (通常指为了出售而)栽培,种植 Thevillagersgrowcoffeeandmaizetosellin themarket.村民们种植咖啡和玉米到市场上卖钱。 [T]to make abusinessbiggerbyincreasingsales,employingmorepeople, etc.: 增长(商业业务) Weaimto grow thecompanyby giving thecustomerabetterdeal.我们致力于通过给顾客提供更好的服务来让我们的公司实现增长。 - Fewplantsgrow intundraregions.
- Indiagrowsteaforexport.
- Complaints to the Banking Ombudsman grew by 50percentlastyear.
- Thethicknessof themulchwillpreventweedsgrowing around theshrubs.
- Most of theproducesoldin themarketis grown bypeasantfarmers.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIncreasing and intensifying - -ify
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fireidiom
- additive
- blaze
- crank
- explosive
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- increment
- mushroom
- re-escalation
- redouble
- resurge
- rocket
- saturation
- stake
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Making progress and advancing Becoming bigger Enlarging and inflating Flowers - general words Gardening - general words Business - general words growverb(BECOME)grow tired, old, calm, etc. B2tograduallybecometired,old,calm, etc.: 变得疲劳/老迈/安静(等等) He grewboredof thecountryside.他厌倦了乡村生活。 See moregrow to dosomething tograduallystartto do something: 逐渐开始I've grown to like her over themonths.几个月来我已经慢慢开始喜欢她了。 See morePhrasal verbsgrow apart grow intosomeone/something grow intosomething grow onsomeone grow out ofsomething grow up (Definition ofgrowfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)grow| American Dictionarygrowverb(INCREASE)[I/T]toincreaseinsizeoramount, or toalloworencouragesomething toincreaseinsizeor tobecomemoreadvancedordeveloped: [I]Thepopulationis growingrapidly. [I]She’s grown a lot since we lastsawher. [T]Hebeganto grow abeard. [I]Theeconomyisexpectedto grow by 2% nextyear. growverb(DEVELOP)[I/T]toprovideaplantwith theconditionsitneedstodevelop, or todevelopfrom aseedorsmallplant: [I]Thisplantgrowsbestin theshade. [T]We’re growing someherbson thewindowsill. growverb(BECOME)todevelopgradually, or tostartto do somethinggradually: [L]I grew toooldto beinterested. [+ to infinitive]She has grown to like him. Phrasal verbsgrow intosomething grow onsomeone grow out ofsomething grow up (Definition ofgrowfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[I]toincreaseinsizeoramount, or tobecomemoreadvancedordeveloped: Thecompanyisexploringtheideaof acquisitions as a way to grow. grow by sthThelabourforceisexpectedtogrow by2% nextyear. grow from sth to sthThenumberofstoresin thetownhas grown from 80 to over 150. grow at a rate of sthSales have grown at arateof 16.2%annuallysince 2008. to growrapidly/steadily/significantly [T]todevelopsomething, so thatitsamount,size, orlevelofsuccessincreases: grow a company/businessTheloanwill be used tobuythemachinerywe need to grow thecompany. grow revenue/market share/salesTheChinesecompaniesgrewtheirrevenueby 53% lastyear. Thismoneyis going toprojectsthat willcreatejobsandhelpgrow theeconomy. [T]PRODUCTIONif you grow aparticularplantorcrop, youplantit and takecareof it, usually inordertosellit: We groworganicfruitandvegetables. Phrasal verbsgrow into sth grow out of sth (Definition ofgrowfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofgrowgrow The speed at which the programme has grown is remarkable : from 32,046 farmers in 1995, to 600,632 in 1997, and 2.5 million in 1998.From theCambridge English Corpus Consistent with the early papers, we assume that the money supply grows at a constant rate > 1 (or falls, if < 1).From theCambridge English Corpus As a consequence, the literature on alternative bounded rationality models for expectation formation and learning processes in economic modeling is growing rapidly.From theCambridge English Corpus In recent years each of these groups has been growing numerically and as a social or economic force.From theCambridge English Corpus Few people work on the theory, even though the number of users is large and growing.From theCambridge English Corpus On a more general level our results contribute to the rapidly growing literature on the effects of political institutions on policy making.From theCambridge English Corpus Similarly, in the right-hand plot we show the solution at t = 0.056, where the circular interface has grown from 0.6 to 0.875.From theCambridge English Corpus Figure 1(a) shows the population growing linearly through time.From theCambridge English Corpus The scale effect entails that in a growing economy emissions tend to increase (at given emission intensities and a given industrial structure).From theCambridge English Corpus An important factor in the discussions was the researchers' growing awareness of the importance of the historical context of protohistoric settlement systems.From theCambridge English Corpus A growing body of evidence suggests that temporal information processing controls many aspects of human behaviour, including language.From theCambridge English Corpus Coming here, my children are growing in a dini [religious] mahol [environment].From theCambridge English Corpus Although all draft animals can obtain nourishment from grass growing on the sides of roads, horses and mules must receive supplemental grain when working.From theCambridge English Corpus If these inferences from theory are correct, then we would expect that family solidarity should not decline in response to a growing welfare state.From theCambridge English Corpus If the motivation to help parents is love, why should a growing level of welfare state spending crowd out family solidarity ?From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/grow## |